Sentences with phrase «weight someone carry»

It weighs 34 pounds and has a maximum weight carrying capacity of 90 pounds.
Your lean body mass is the amount of weight you carry on your body that isn't fat.
Take note however that weight should only start at 10 - 12 % and weight carried by dogs should not exceed 25 % of their natural weight.
It is true that more weight you carry more it difficult to move.
Does the carrier give the parent lumbar support around the waist or is the baby's weight carried on the shoulders?
To gain more testosterone, women should have to reach a certain amount of volume and weight carried for long training periods.
To escape though, we must drop the heavy weight we carry.
The more excess weight you carry, the more of an imbalance happens to your body chemistry as it fights to maintain the right levels.
Luckily, the older negative marks on your credit are, the less weight they carry.
It has weight carrying capacity of 50 pounds which is not bad.
The device fit easily in my purse, dramatically reducing the amount of weight I carried.
Connected to the question of how many stocks to own is how much weight each carries in your portfolio.
«Android fat distribution», on the other hand, is characterized by weight carried around the abdomen and midriff, higher on the skeletal structure, and is commonly associated with men's bodies.
«If the purpose is to create hip extension power, then exercises such as weighted carries and sled drags have to be considered.»
A large enough portfolio may need only fixed income if 2 % of it a year meets your needs (along with employer and government pensions), while a small portfolio shooting for 8 % returns via a heavy stock weighting carries with it the danger of falling short (as well as of overshooting in strong markets.)
«Most satisfied people are those who orient their pursuits toward all three, with the greatest weight carried by engagement and meaning», Seligman says.
That suggests that the lower metabolic rate and extra weight carried by the mice lacking the SNRK gene was due in part to reduced brown fat metabolism.
Generally, the longer any marriage has lasted, the more weight it carries when judges are determining how to award a lower - earning or no - earning spouse a percentage of assets and / or alimony.
They consider equally weighted carry trade strategies that each month buy (sell) one - month forward contracts for the one, two or three currencies with the highest (lowest) beginning - of - month interest rates and hold to maturity.
BOB strollers have a higher weight carrying capacity as compared to other strollers.
I am registered at the London assay office, all items above the required legal weight carry a full hallmark.
Using maximal weights carries a greater risk of injury.
Exercises like ab wheel rollouts, hanging leg raises and weighted carries nail the abs and are essential to creating a strong core and a solid looking midsection.
Rumored to get a new name, CLE, the third - gen four - door coupe is now said to keep its original moniker, due to the historical weight it carries.
The range of perks available to an archer also help to make this a deadly skill, as does the simple fact that arrows don't weight anything in your inventory, which, in a game where inventory weight carries great importance, makes bows a valuable asset.
All round improvements to tyre and suspension modelling are evident: you feel the car leaning on the tyres while exiting corners, while the feeling of weight carried through the car gives ample opportunity for naturally correcting power or steering.
The researchers found that the suits of armor doubled volunteers» metabolic requirements, compared with an increase of only about 70 percent for the same amount of weight carried in a backpack.
In terms of weight carrying capacity, this is much better than Britax.
The amount of weight carried on the feet (the size of the cat) is the biggest factor in post-operative pain.
The extra weight carried by these dogs translates into extra force being applied to the already diseased joints resulting in further discomfort.
Melee is simply great, with slow - motion decapitations / mutilations and a great sense of weight carried with every move, while ranged weapons (including the new crossbow) are less satisfying to handle.
And more weight you carry in the stroller maneuverability becomes difficult.
Corner balancing is the shifting of weight carried by each wheel.
According to the study's results, people live an average of two months less for every two extra pounds of weight they carried.
I can only imagine the weight he carries everyday and I know his spirit needs all the support it can get.
The book is significant for understanding the papal perspectives on the world for the last two hundred years and the weight they carry.
It's not only about my weight and how it makes me feel, its not just about my feet aching some days from the weight they carry, its not just about the size of my clothes, its... about the other serious health concerns that come with it.
The truth that childhood is such a brief season of life and if we blink too long we'll miss this precious time with our children just adds to the weight we carry, making playing with them seem like just another burden, another demand on our already stretched - too - thin time, attention, and patience.
The weight carrying capacity too is less at only 35 pounds.
Each seat has a weight carrying capacity of 50 pounds.
The stroller has a weight carrying capacity of 50 pounds.
The weight carrying capacity is so much more than other strollers.
It has a weight carrying capacity of 40 pounds per seat which is actually quite good.
It has a weight carrying capacity of 55 pounds for 6 months and above children.
The stroller has a weight carrying capacity of 55 pound and the stroller itself is light.
It has a weight carrying capacity of 55 pounds which is more than most strollers.
BOB 2016 Revolution Pro Stroller weighs 28 pound and has a weight carrying capacity of 70 pounds.
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