Sentences with phrase «weight stack»

A "weight stack" refers to a collection of weights that can be attached or adjusted on exercise machines. This allows individuals to choose the amount of resistance or load they want to lift or pull during their workout. Full definition
They were originally made for weight stacks for cable machines but a little creativity can go a long way with strength training.
It also offers weight stack (optional) for increased safety and sleek looks.
Use a fairly heavy weight for this exercise (the whole weight stack may be necessary).
The 160 - pound weight stack comes with advanced plates for accurate measurements and nylon bushings cover it for quiet and smooth operation.
The Powerline BSG10X, Short Assembly with a 160 - lb adjustable weight stack is perfect for challenging workouts in a small space.
Most have bars for loading barbell plates but a couple have selectorized weight stacks for ease of changing the weight.
The MTS Iso - Lateral Biceps Curl features separate weight stacks that provide independent diverging a..
Functional selectorized machines have the same weight stack - with - pin system.
With five stations and manual weight stacks for resistance, this sleek home gym is apt for basic moves like upright rows, bent rows, seated rows, bench presses, leg extensions standing curls, leg curls, military presses, etc..
You can also do some weight training with weight stacks like plates with cables and pulleys with flexible bands or rods.
Although weight stack machines are safe with respect to the fact that you can't drop a barbell on your head, they're ultimately NOT as safe as free weights because they don't develop the stabilizing muscles and functional strength that protect you from injury.
So you joined the gym and you hit the circuit you know, that section in the gym with all those fancy, chrome - plated, technologically advanced weight stack - pulley, hydraulic or computerized machines all lined up in neat rows far, far away from the barbells and squat racks (which you never touch), and which is designed to give you an easy, safe, injury - free, effective full - body workout.
If you buy certain power rack models, there is an option to purchase the pulley system / weight stack add - on.
If you net out the 3.6 % allocation to Canada, here's how the regional market weightings stack up (as of Feb. 28, 2010):
Although he's 75 years old and working around old injuries, Zane frequently attaches a rubber cable to the weight stacks in order to increase his TUT.
Straighten your legs, in a steady and controlled motion, to lift the weight stack.
Do not let the weight touch the weight stack.
steel alloy weight stacks and a fourth weight stack comes with the Leg Press Station.
Set the weight stack with a light to moderate weight the first time you do this.
You should be perpendicular to the weight stack with your arms completely extended.
Grab both ends of the rope and stand away from the weight stack so when you hold the rope at arms» length, the weight with the pin is not touching the rest of the stack.
There is the more upright variation that usually has a weight stack and you press the weight straight out and back.
Its plates are not just simply increasing weight by stacking up more plates to a barbell, but weight of plates are increased by adding weight to weight stack.
The key difference is that there is no weight stack attached to the machine.
It uses the force of gravity in the form of weighted bars, dumbbells or weight stacks to oppose the force generated by muscles.
You insert a pin into the desired weight plate so that you will lift only the weights stacked above that pin.
Do not let the weight touch the rest of the weight stack until all repetitions are complete.
Cables are simple yet versatile including the weight stacks.
It comes with a 160 - lb adjustable weight stack for users willing to increase their capacity of workouts can purchase and additional weight stack of 50 - pound.
It turns out to be «smooth and quite» without having to crank the weights of the weight stack.
Using a wide, overhand - grip, pull the bar down 4 inches (Tip: look at the weight stack to measure the distance.)
weight stacks,» said Bose.
With the hinges, levels and weight stacks, they provide a safe environment for lifters starting off with a new routine or trying to add some volume to their workout without compromising form.
Tagged as: Ab Coaster, bamboo bar, Bench Presses, Brad Bose, fire hose, functional training, Iron Man 2, obstacle course, Robert Downey Jr., rope, sand, Sherlock Holmes, Shoulder Muscles, sledgehammer, Tony Stark, unconventional workout, Vortex Perfect Storm, war machine, Weight Stacks, weight training, wheelbarrow
Stand about 2 feet from the weight stack and bend over about 45 - degrees at the hips, keeping your lower back slightly arched and your knees bent.
STARTING POSITION (SETUP): Sit facing the weight stack of the machine with your chest and abdomen against the chest pad.
Your grip on the lat bar can range from narrow to wide in order to maximize muscle development When you are shopping for a lat machine, consider the range of exercises you want, the ease of moving from exercise type to type, the capacity of the weight bars or size of the weight stack, ease of pull - pin adjustments and the quality of the materials.
Face the weight stack and grab the bar either with an underhand or overhand grip (it's up to you to choose).
STARTING POSITION (SETUP): Sit facing the weight stack with your knees under the thigh pads and your feet flat on the floor.
Do not let the weight touch the rest of the weight stack until you are done.
On some machines such as the pec deck, for example, it is better to spot by lifting the weight stack itself (watch your hands!).
Grab both ends of the rope attachment and take two to three steps back while facing the weight stack.
Make sure the weight stacks are the same on both sides.
Resistance is provided by a weight stack which enables the workload to be adjusted to suit each type of user.
They may vary in appearance, but they provide the same basic lifting motion, using a weight stack for resistance.
As you're holding that static contraction, have a partner push down on the weight stack (if you're on a pec deck).
If you can only train your lower body, machines that have a weight stack and pins are a lot safer than trying to load a squat bar.
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