Sentences with phrase «weighted average differences»

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Adjusted return on capital spread is calculated as the difference of the adjusted return on capital and the weighted average cost of capital.
We notice that the equal - weighted portfolio averages a 3.98 % return in January across the 30 years, 3.11 % above the value - weighted portfolio, while there is no dramatic difference for the rest of the year.
Figure 1 shows that the difference between return on invested capital (ROIC) and weighted average cost of capital (WACC), also known as the economic earnings margin, explains 67 % of the changes in valuations between stocks in the S&P 500 [1].
In the March 2016 quarter the overall weighted average sale price was $ 595,664 but in the latest quarter the price came in at $ 670,861 — a difference of almost 13 per cent and the second highest weighted average sale price ever recorded.
Calculate gross trend momentum factor return as the difference in average (equal - weighted) actual returns between quintiles / deciles with the highest and lowest expected returns.
Two experimenters, the late Lord Rayleigh and the late Sir William Ramsay, found that if they obtained nitrogen by two different methods, each equally effective for that purpose, they always observed a persistent slight difference between the average weights of the atoms in the two cases.
The women in the study gained 4.2 pounds on average between their baseline weight and one year after giving birth, suggesting that even small differences in BMI can lead to pelvic floor laxity in normal - weight women, says Yale researcher Marsha K. Guess, M.D., lead author on the study.
The mothers of included children were on average 1.3 cm taller than those not included, whereas there were no differences in prepregnancy weight, age, level of education, and number of cigarettes smoked at conception (data not shown).
The different arms of the trial were very well - matched as regards age (average age ≈ 55 y, ± 5 - 7 y depending on subgroup), education, time from onset of disease, and MDS - UPDRS scores at onset; the only evident differences were a higher number of males and higher body weight in the low - dose treatment group.
Recent research suggests that women on average will lose muscle mass twice as fast as men the same age, which can make a huge difference in their ability to maintain an ideal weight
A similar study that inspected the differences between an average weight training program and a high - intensity resistance training program, found that the subjects who performed the latter had a 450 % greater fat loss in the 24 - hour post-workout window, even though their session was shorter and included less volume than the traditional program.
why is there a difference between the average weights of flexitarians and vegetarians?
However, in view of the uncertain significance of the difference between the genders, the same protein EAR [i.e., Estimated Average Requirement, a foundation for the RDA] on a body weight basis for both men and women is chosen.
Average long - term weight gain in nonobese populations is gradual — in the cohorts we studied, about 0.8 lb per year — but accumulated over time, even modest increases in weight have implications for long - term adiposity - related metabolic dysfunction, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.21 - 24 Whereas weight changes associated with any single lifestyle factor were relatively modest in our three cohorts, in the aggregate, changes in diet and physical activity accounted for large differences in weight gain.
The next time you hear media coverage of Illinois» or Detroit's or California's «average» teacher pension, take a step back and remember that you're likely seeing the weighted average, and the weighted average hides meaningful differences.
Then we take the difference between the two amounts at the weighted average rate of the previous contributions and Ratchet Base and add that to the Guaranteed Annual Withdrawal Amount.
One strategy dynamically weights positions in a stock index and cash (the risk - free asset) depending on the prior - month difference between actual and past average unexpected index volatility.
Executive Summary The authors examine the difference between mutual funds» buy - and - hold, or time - weighted, returns and the average dollar - weighted returns, or IRRs, that are earned by end investors over the January 1991 — June 2013 period.
The gap — the difference between the fund's total time - weighted return and the average investor's money - weighted return — reflects the value added (or subtracted) by investors» decisions to move cash into and out of funds.
One of the ways this investing shortfall gets expressed is looking at the difference between time - weighted (buy - and - hold) and dollar - weighted (weighted geometric average / IRR) returns.
The high beta and low beta portfolios are weighted by the difference between beta ranks and average rank, and rebalanced monthly.
When the difference between the weighted average growth rate of free cash flow and the discount rate is small, the terminal value gets really big relative to the value of the cash lows prior to the terminal value.
However, when the weight of the average — 170 - 180 pound rider is taken into account — the overall difference negligible.
One estimate of that error for the MSU 2 product (a weighted average of tropospheric + lower stratospheric trends) is that two different groups (UAH and RSS) come up with a range of tropical trends of 0.048 to 0.133 °C / decade — a much larger difference than the simple uncertainty in the trend.
Here the adjustment is determined by (1) calculating the collocated ship - buoy SST difference over the global ocean from 1982 - 2012, (2) calculating the global areal weighted average of ship - buoy SST difference, (3) applying a 12 - month running filter to the global averaged ship - buoy SST difference, and (4) evaluating the mean difference and its STD of ship - buoy SSTs based on the data from 1990 to 2012 (the data are noisy before 1990 due to sparse buoy observations).
There's a fundamental difference in the facts that — the instrumental records are formed from numbers that represent directly temperatures — there are very many time series of that type — it's possible to calculate (weighted) averages and apply many tools of statistical analysis to them.
Pekka: «The difference between the full F3 (AGW) and truncated F3 (AGW) is, however, barely visible, when the weighted average is used for both time and anomaly, because the AGW is close enough to linear over the period of 22 years»
The difference between the full F3 (AGW) and truncated F3 (AGW) is, however, barely visible, when the weighted average is used for both time and anomaly, because the AGW is close enough to linear over the period of 22 years which is the full width at half maximum of the impulse response and thus a reasonable measure of the effective period for calculating the weighted average.
If I take a general average, and it gets the same results as you doing some sort of fancy running mean, with a weighted, binned average method to back up your results, it doesn't make a lick of difference.
Emailed UK Met Office last July, suggested to implement monthly weighting (instead of 12 month average) in their CET annual data as more accurate calculation (only minor differences < 0.07 C), they just implemented it.
By cotemporary observations of between five and six weeks, the averaged and almost unvaried difference of the height of mercury in the barometer, at those two places, was.784 of an inch, the atmosphere at Monticello being so much the lightest, that is to say, about 1/37 of its whole weight.
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