Sentences with phrase «weighted object»

Stand tall, core engaged holding weighted objects in each hand.
If you're using weights or weighted objects at home, hold them on your shoulders or at your sides, keeping your shoulders back and chest open.
Add in extra resistance by holding your water bottle or a light weighted object in your hands as you squat down and extend your hands above your head.
Then, pick up a dumbbell, kettlebell or other weighted object.
Stand holding weights or weighted objects in both hands in front of you.
To add additional resistance, grab weighted objects (such as water bottles or dumbells) and place them on your shoulders.
No equipment is needed to get the full effect of this awesome circuit that you can do absolutely anywhere, but if you have an elevated surface or weighted objects nearby, they could come in handy.
If you are doing rows, use a sandbag, or similar weighted object.
The HIIT workouts are full circuit workouts while the yoga is done using a traditional yoga flow format with a modern twist - like the option to use some dumbbells or weighted objects for additional resistance and strength training.
Hinge forward at the hips, pushing your booty back, engaging your core, and keeping your hands / weighted objects close to your shins
Deep squats, balance work, and maybe some carrying of weighted objects would be a good way to get this individual integrated into more strength training.
The Jade Egg is a small weighted object that women can insert vaginally to help improve pelvic floor health.
Simply place cloth on top of tote and secure it by setting a cinder block or other weighted object on top of the tote.
Lie on the ground with your legs bent, wide apart and with your feet on the ground, hold a medicine ball, dumbbell or other weighted object at ground behind head.
Sitting on mat with legs extended and knees slightly bent and holding medicine ball, or other weighted object, close to one hip, raise legs up off ground and hold them a few inches off ground throughout movements.
No equipment is needed to get the full effect of this awesome circuit that you can do absolutely anywhere, but if you have an elevated surface or weighted objects nearby, they -LSB-...]
Today's workout requires a sandbag, or similar weighted object you can find around the house.
I only have 24 square inches of prep space in my kitchen so setting up a rig with a plate, weighted objects, etc., to press tofu takes up valuable counter space.
Hold a weighted object overhead and stand, feet about hip distance, core engaged.
Lay on your back, holding your weights or some weighted objects directly above your chest.
Hold your weighted objects at your sides and step forward into a lunge, keeping your core engaged, shoulders back and chest up.
As you continue alternating, focusing on each lift over the weighted object, feeling the squeeze.
Bicep Curls: Hold your weighted object with both hands, as you step back with your right foot into the reverse curtsy raise and lower the weights, bringing your palms to face your shoulders as you lift.
the object to the floor and as you come up from squat position shoot your elbows up towards the sky with your weighted object stopping at your chest.
Hold your weighted objects and stand with feet hip distance apart, palms facing down.
Stand with your core engaged, chest up holding your weighted objects at your sides.
Grab your weighted objects, put them up on your shoulders.Feet are hip distance apart, chest up, core engaged.
As you step back, do a biceps curl with your weighted objects.
Stand with feet at hip distance, holding your weighted objects at your sides.
Lift the chest and press down through your heels to lift your weighted objects up, squeezing your glutes.
Holding your weighted objects, stand in front of your box, feet positioned hip - width distance apart like you were going to do a regular box squat.
Holding your weighted objects.
Your right hand is up straight, holding a weight or weighted object.
Hold your weighted objects and hinge forward to 45 degrees, and engage between your shoulders so they're not rounding forward.
Place your feet hip - distance apart, keeping a soft bend in the knees and grab your weighted objects in each hand.
Push your booty back as you bend your knees and squat allowing your weighted objects to come between your shins.
Start at standing with feet shoulder width apart and holding a weighted object such as a medicine ball, dumbbell or other in both hands, squat down and bring weight down towards ground and then come up and do a woodchop bringing the weight high overhead to one side.
Sit up and bring weight up and overhead and then down towards ground between legs, then bring arms parallel to ground and swing the weighted object to the left.
Using a weighted object (or dumbbells if you have them) in each hand, stand with your abs tucked tightly.
Try to lightly touch the watermelon or weighted object to the floor, then use your leg strength to lift you back up into one legged standing position.
Stand on one leg and while you hold the watermelon or weighted object (tight!)
After you jump rope for 1 minute, grab a weighted object (watermelons work great) and begin your single leg dead lift.
Whilst I'm waiting for the maps to adhere to the table mats I usually place them under a weighted object such as a heavy book.
A mobile is a type of kinetic (moving) sculpture made with rods and weighted objects that hang from the rods and balance each other.
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