Sentences with phrase «well as air pollution»

This has done enormous harm through climate change and ocean acidification as well as air pollution that kills millions of people world wide each year so we must kick the fossil fuel addiction as quickly as possible.
«The changing economics of renewables, as well as air pollution policy and rising carbon prices, has put EU coal power in a death spiral.
The stress of the oil spill — as well as the air pollution — has not been good for people either.

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Horace Luke hopes the electric Smartscooters from his Taipei - based company, Gogoro, will help snuff out some of Taiwan's air pollution, as well as provide a fun and efficient ride for consumers.
The analyses show that coal combustion is the single largest source of air pollution - related health impact, contributing to some 366,000 premature deaths in China in 2013, with industry and household combustion as major contributors as well.
«We'll partner with anyone in the world as long they're about making transportation in cities better, creating job opportunities, making it easier to get around, getting pollution out of the air and traffic off the streets,» Kalanick told employees.
The South End of Albany, as well as neighborhoods in Cohoes located near the «bomb» trains carrying Bakken crude oil still suffer from asthma, bronchitis and multiple cases of cancer that residents attribute to the air pollution.
It wants Gloucestershire County Council to put air pollution at the centre of its construction, planning and transport policy decisions, as well as reducing congestion in key areas.
Biello: So, since Monday we've had a suite of articles up online Mind from my brief time in China, and some other research I've been able to do in the U.S. covering everything from renewables in China to kind of, the state of the environment as well as some of these issues like indoor air pollution and the carbon neutral city and the rest of it.
The researchers estimated the link between road traffic noise on these deaths and admissions, taking into account other factors such as individuals» age and sex, as well as neighbourhood characteristics like ethnicity, smoking rate, air pollution, and socioeconomic deprivation.
If the process could be applied to other common industrial metals such as copper, it would have the potential to significantly lower prices as well as reduce the air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions associated with traditional production.
This is why we need to protect buildings as well as humans in cities in future urban planning, so the strategic placing of hedges, trees and other green infrastructure can have a direct benefit as an air pollution control measure in cities.»
Our energy systems are the source of the vast majority of our greenhouse gas emissions as well as a great deal of our air and water pollution.
Another Clean Air Act provision requires large new stationary sources of pollution, such as power plants and factories, to meet pollution limits based on what can be achieved by the «best available control technology,» which ensures continuous improvement over time.
Building cities in a way that slows vehicle demand while delivering high accessibility could prove to be a low - cost option for curbing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as a solution to pressing problems for policymakers like local air pollution and poor public health.
Still missing from consideration are the cost differences between electric vehicles and those with internal combustion engines, as well as other possible environmental effects of biofuel technology such as increased air pollution and water use.
It enables us to estimate the impact on regional air pollution emissions, as well as how much land area and water consumption would be needed for each scenario.
Mexico suffers from general land degradation as well as from urban congestion and air pollution.
Individuals in poor rural areas, as well as in low - income urban communities such as Richmond, Calif., suffer disproportionately from childhood asthma, in part because of inadequate housing, deficient medical care and proximity to multiple sources of air pollution.
Indeed, studies show that air pollution is more likely to cause respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, as well as premature deaths, among people in lower socioeconomic groups.
Here are some other top successes: destroying stockpiles of chemical weapons globally as well as local stores of DDT in Tanzania; new cooking stoves to eliminate indoor air pollution in Ghana; separating copper mine tailings from the local water supply in Chile; alternative fuels to reduce air pollution in New Delhi as well as treating arsenic in well water in West Bengal; removing lead - contaminated soil in the Dominican Republic and Russia; reducing mercury vapors from artisanal gold mining in Indonesia; and new sewage systems to clean up contaminated Suzhou Creek in Shanghai.
An agency of the World Health Organization announced last fall that it now considers outdoor air pollution, especially particulate matter, to be carcinogenic, and cause other health problems as well.
«There's roughly seven million people who die globally from air pollution every year, so getting rid of coal could take a big chunk out of that number as well,» Pearce says, adding that another goal of future research is to dig deeper into the life cycles of coal production as this study only looked at air pollution - related deaths.
«My personal hesitation did not apply solely to the climate change entry but to several other entries, as well,» for example, air pollution and possibly even tobacco deaths, he says, «and I espoused the general principle that we should list only discrete events with identifiable, individual deaths in order to have a fair comparison.
The current bill also revises earlier provisions that critics worried would have made it tougher for EPA to regulate products (or «articles») that contain a known toxic chemical, as well as murky language that might have inadvertently required EPA to keep considering costs in chemical assessments and blocked certain state air and water pollution laws.
The authors acknowledge, however, that these strategies would not be a unilateral win for health: less livestock could lead to poor nutrition in low - income countries, and better housing insulation could lead to health risks from factors such as more indoor air pollution.
The experiment will include an intervention component, as well: For half of each study week, participants will wear high - quality, particle - filtering face masks that greatly reduce air pollution exposure.
Scientists have already linked aerosol emissions to increases in lightning over areas of the Amazon prone to forest fires (pdf) as well as regions of China with thick air pollution.
Traffic - related air pollution may increase cardiovascular disease risk by lowering levels of high - density lipoprotein (HDL), commonly known as «good» cholesterol, according to new research in the American Heart Association's journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology.
The main threats to local air quality across the United States (as well as most everywhere else) remain smog and particulate pollution, which combined or acting alone trigger millions of hospital visits and health complications for citizens every year.
«A carbon price would make the price of oil better reflect its true societal costs (including global warming impacts, health cost due to air pollution, as well as other environmental costs).
But at Earth's surface, ozone is better known as air pollution, and breathing it can be dangerous.
The projects concern the effects of environmental exposures such as endocrine disrupting chemicals, flame retardants, pesticides, metals, particulate air pollution, as well as drugs, psycho - social stressors and ethnical disparities.
They are being trained on the IMO treaty restricting air pollution from ships as well as ship energy - efficiency measures — MARPOL Annex VI.
Plugging a ship into shore - side power - and turning off onboard generators - is one solution to reducing air pollution from ships, as well as limiting local noise.
A second area includes trans - boundary issues, which are important because they sometimes involve the domestic priorities of a country, like air pollution, biodiversity conservation and others, but other times they involve also political issues, as well as issues that require technical skills.
Lots of people, cars, factories, and shipping ports, as well as sunny, stagnant weather and a «bowl - like» topography, all contribute to local air pollution.
Central heating and cooling systems, as well as gas fireplaces, can generate indoor air pollution too.
The researchers found that due to the confined cabin space, with the worst ventilation conditions, as well as in peak contamination, that the evidence indicates that smoking in cars produces fine particle pollution concentrations which are very rarely found in studies on air quality.
Consisting of vessels, spleen, thymus, and fluid - filled lymph nodes, the lymphatic system plays an integral role in absorbing excess fats and fluids, fighting infection by addressing toxins that are introduced to the body from both external means (food, air, personal care products, environmental pollution, and water) as well as internal ones (damaged proteins and cellular / metabolic waste), making it a crucial detoxification pathway.
It handles toxins that enter the body externally from sources such as foods or air pollution, as well as internally produced toxins, endotoxins, that are the result of normal metabolic processes in the body.
Air pollution and chemical pollution are taxing on our systems as well and require more nutrients to help the body detoxify these chemicals — this was certainly not a concern before the industrial revolution
They handpick beautifully skin friendly products from the US, New Zealand, Australia, UK, South Africa and Malaysia — all of which are sourced specifically to help deal with Hong Kong's harsh environment: pollution, chemicals, sweltering humidity and drying air conditioning, as well as typical lifestyle byproducts like sleep deprivation and aging.
Irene Ornovitz, who teaches biology and botany at Jonathan Dayton High School, in Springfield, New Jersey, has used a number of CIESE units, including ones on air pollution and population growth, as well as a collaborative project on human genetics.
The report concludes that China's increased engagement with the UN process stems from a drive to address serious environmental impacts in its own country, on climate change and air pollution, as well as a desire to demonstrate true geopolitical leadership.
Students analyze their own travel data, as well as that of the whole class, and then explore strategies for reducing air pollution by choosing to ride their bike rather than drive, or by taking fewer trips.
Large governmental incentives and rampant air pollution make the electric vehicle an obvious choice in China, but BYD hopes the EV300 will catch on internationally as well.
EPA air - pollution ratings for the V - 8 are between 6 and 7 out of 10 (with 10 being the cleanest), as well as 6 out of 10 for the 3.6 - liter V - 6 — not bad for a thirsty V - 8.
Only then we can save our environment from air pollution and ourselves as well.
The Air Quality Index classifies scores between 1 and 50 as «good,» and scores under 50 indicate that air pollution «poses little or no risk.&raqAir Quality Index classifies scores between 1 and 50 as «good,» and scores under 50 indicate that air pollution «poses little or no risk.&raqair pollution «poses little or no risk.»
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