Sentences with phrase «well as the myth»

Dr. John Sorensen, President of Evangelism Explosion International, a ministry that has trained millions of Christians around the world to share Christ, discusses the state of evangelism, research on evangelism trends, as well as myths and methods of evangelism.
One should strive to grasp the symbolic meaning of the religious facts in their heterogeneous, yet structurally interlocking appearances; such facts can be rites or ritual behavior as well as myths or legends or supernatural beings.
We have taken the liberty of mentioning five of top facts as well as the myths of online dating in order for you to make an informed decision.
It catalogues the animal sculptures at a temple in the small town of Wat Kaewku, Nong Khai, on the border between Laos and Thailand, created by the temple's founder based on fantasy, folk tales and political myth, in order to unravel his belief in Buddhist teachings about love and life, as well as myth and reincarnation.
In March of 2016, I traveled to this desert with questions about the silence surrounding the clean up of the crashed missile, as well as the myth that has since been building on this history.
Beneath Monk's playful take on art making, however, is a serious scrutiny of the very idea of art, as well as the myth of artistic genius.
11:18 We recap more on sex addiction and affairs, as well as myths about infidelity.

Not exact matches

That's not myth, but what is a myth is the assumption that they actually have a better life as a result.
But there are two myths surrounding SMS and MMS message marketing that purport it to be both complicated and hampered by regulation, but the truth is these regulations serve the marketer as well as the consumer, protecting the latter from spammy marketing, and protecting marketers from spam - related accusations.
Countless Americans believe the «good guy with a gun» myth, but — as we saw with the armed guard in Florida who never went inside the high school — that isn't always the case.
point being: Tolkien was writing myth... because he believed all good story telling pointed to the ultimate Story: the Gospel — which he regarded as the one True Mmyth... because he believed all good story telling pointed to the ultimate Story: the Gospel — which he regarded as the one True MythMyth.
You really should read some of their myths as well to get a better perspective on Christianity as a religion
In that case, teach the Vedas, Bible, Koran, Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime creation myths, Norse creation myths, and Hindu Vedas as well?
The best you can come up with is a fleeting reference to the House of David, which leaves events that supposedly happened before that in the same realm as other ancient myths.
These myths are as follows: that narcissism is «really high» self - esteem; that underneath the facade, narcissists are insecure; that narcissists really are better looking or smarter; that some degree of narcissism is healthy; and that narcissism is nothing more than a bit of physical vanity.
It can certainly be credited for geographical knowledge, as well as folk wisdom learned from experience, such as the proscriptions against eating shellfish or pork, but it is certainly nothing more than the recorded myths of a specific people from specific points in time.
I think @myweightinwords is on the right track, however, I would also suggest that a possible in - myth explanation is that the Moon actually doesn't reflect the UV spectrum as well as the visible.
Almost all the stories surrounding Jesus (if he did exist, some scholars say their is no proof of a historical Jesus) were borrowed from earlier myths and used word for word... as well as the rampant literary corruption and forgeries of Biblical Texts... It is also impossible for God to exist in the Christian version or form they created.
Most Biblical scholars agree Abraham was a myth, as well as Isaac, and Jacob.
When it's plain as day that protestants, catholics, etc. don't live any better lives than those that don't believe in ancient myths, then what really is the reason Americans won't vote for a non-believer?
Moses was to the best of our knowledge a myth as was Abraham).
The eschatological vision, which expected God to bring in that radically other and better world, has been reduced to myth; utopian thinking, which expected the new age as the outcome of human effort, has come to be regarded as illusion.
We can use these stories, as myth, to help us celebrate the good news of Christmas and to emphasize the point, «Hey!
Religion and myth should be its handmaids, opening the individual to the mysterious depths of human existence, as well as providing our culture with a shared vision of those things unseen which Davies believes are what largely govern us.
For those who value truth over myths check out zoroastrianism for the first true good vs bad combo as equals in the struggle for control over the world.
I have no real problem with people who also think that the Bible has some fables and myths as well.
All belief systems of this time period have a place where people go but not a good or bad place, just a place... some have a place where REALLY bad go but most just have the underworld type set - up as the afterlife myth.
Ogden also states that Christian faith could be explicated as a doctrine of God just as well as it could as a certain possibility of self - understanding, ibid., 170; Christ Without Myth, 148
The objective temporal / spatial factors, as well as the # of witness testimonies weighs in Joesph Smith's favor (not that I buy into either of these myths).
This is the great myth of redemptive violence, which is seen in almost every movie, story, and legend of history, as well as within every daily newspaper and every nightly news broadcast.
He offers a catalog of the various forms taken by American distrust of government since the late 18th century; ventures to debunk the historical myths that have sustained them, and argues for government as a necessary good.
If heroes and gods of myth as well as comic book characters have powers similar to those of Jesus, where does the rational person draw the line?
The failures and vast human costs of modern «salvation myths» are now well known, as is the capacity of democratic capitalism to raise up the poor, protect human rights, and allow for unprecedented freedom of thought and action.
This is also the most likely explanation for the Jesus myth in the New Testament as well.
And it's a weak argument at best, twisting words to fit an agenda but not addressing a false prophecy that disproves your belief and quantifies it as myth alongside other religions.
The myth of eschatology was thus de-mythologized and turned into the religiosity of the Great Death of the questioner as well as of the world itself.31
See, that's what I mean by muddled... you humans took a little story, mixed it with some myths from earlier religions and decided I was this all powerful god with an all powerful father (that supposedly turns hair on the head as well as beards white if you look at him) that cared about each and everyone of you.
A world in which bronze aged myths are dismissed as myths, is a better world.
The myth of the divine consummation (found in books like Revelation in the New Testament and suggested by the picture of resurrection, as well as by the «last things») is an assertion that the divine purpose can not fail, that God will take into the divine self what is achieved in the world, and that in some fashion, obviously beyond our imagining, God will be disclosed as all in all.
The bible is not proof of anything, I've read Greek Myths as well it does not mean Zeus exsists.
Crucially important to Meland's enterprise is a recognition of myth as the felt expression of the depths of human culture, In his view, religious faith, and more particularly Christian faith, finds embodiment and expression not only in religious institutions and individual religious experience, but in the midst of secular cultures as well, The Judeo - Christian mythos underlies and is formative of the cultural sensibilities of Western men.
As far as the various forms of intellectual expression such as myth and doctrine are concerned, we may notice two different effects: they might well increase the feeling of solidarity of those bound by them, but they may also act divisivelAs far as the various forms of intellectual expression such as myth and doctrine are concerned, we may notice two different effects: they might well increase the feeling of solidarity of those bound by them, but they may also act divisivelas the various forms of intellectual expression such as myth and doctrine are concerned, we may notice two different effects: they might well increase the feeling of solidarity of those bound by them, but they may also act divisivelas myth and doctrine are concerned, we may notice two different effects: they might well increase the feeling of solidarity of those bound by them, but they may also act divisively.
There are lots of myths... flying saucers, Santa, etc.... but people that believe in those, don't preach hatred and intolerance of others... as well as trying to deprive them of equal rights that other taxpayers in this country (and elsewhere) have access to.
However atheists not only do the same by replying to EVERY SINGLE post on any message board that mentions God that he's a myth, they also mock the Christians as well.
This is the myth of International security: the persistent belief, contrary to historic evidence as well as to logical demonstration, that states can continue sovereign and independent, while, at the same time, it is nevertheless possible to work out a system of security among — as distinct from above — them: international security.
Everybody wants to do what is right in their own eyes and frankly, I am growing weary of media statements that suggest «well, everybody knows that the Bible is just a book of myths and that it's irrelevant, etc.» as though everyone accepts this as understood.
The Gospel accounts written by unknown authors many decades after the protagonist of their tales supposedly lived incorporate myths from Greek mythology as well as others.
Until we figure out that the only real truth out there is that we are all equally human and treat each other as we would want to be treated as a fellow human being, we will continue to stupidly hate and kill over myths and stories and eventually utterly destroy ourselves over who has the better imaginary friend.
After showing how this has happened in various «myths,» Girard turns to some biblical accounts to show how the skapegoating mechanism is revealed in Scripture as well, but in a way that turns the mechanism upside down and reveals what is truly going on behind the scenes.
Not only this, but my favorite story by C. S. Lewis (and his as well), Till We Have Faces, turns out to be a slightly modified version of the Greek myth, Cupid and Psyche.
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