Sentences with phrase «well as the necessity»

What matters in the church is not religion but the form of Christ, and its taking form amidst a band of men.25 The problem as well as necessity of non-religious interpretation is posed before us by way of introducing a question with which he is struggling: «What is bothering me incessantly is the question what Christianity really is, or indeed who Christ really is, for us today.
The eyewitness» special perspective as well as the necessity of dealing critically with accounts of the past was less clear to them than they were to the other two test groups.
I think it is impossible to completely opt out of the system, as in a globalized world, it is damned near impossible to buy 100 % of your disposable income purchases as well as necessities (food, laundry detergent, etc.) from completely moral, environmentally friendly companies with stellar track records for treating their employees right.
Student KNOW1 indicated that there is a protocol in the school that should be followed, as well as the necessity to collaborate with peers to reach a desired outcome for the student.
For me it's about suiting the location as well as necessity and they must be where they are for the right reason.
In fact, a global regulatory framework should be viewed as a good thing, as well as a necessity for cryptocurrencies to reach their utmost potential.
This is a wonderful organization and I believe our letters and photos give these children such pleasure and joy as well as the necessities of life with our monthly support.

Not exact matches

«After beginning work with noted CEO coach Fred Kofman, it became clear that reclaiming physical health was a necessity for operating at peak mental capacity, and ultimately I believe, emotionally as well.
A proper keyboard is still a necessity for that, so I inevitably end up toting a laptop along as well.
But it is something that has been expanding outward toward small and medium business owners as well, as having a fully optimized website is a necessity in running a company with any kind of online presence.
«We are very pleased that the Supreme Court denied defendants» petition, leaving firmly in place the Second Circuit's precedential rulings regarding the necessity of utilizing event studies to prove market efficiency as well as the burden of proof required to rebut the presumption of reliance, both of which were highly favorable to investors,» the shareholders» attorney Jeremy A. Lieberman of Pomerantz LLP told Law360 on Monday.
You need to save for the necessity stream as well as the discretionary stream.
With the average commute time of nearly an hour each day on top of the eight or more hours spent on location, as well as other necessities outside of work hours of looking after kids, housework, maintenance of vehicles, etc., people simply don't have enough time and energy to exercise and sleep regularly, give their best to their personal relationships, or relax and have fun — that is, until Saturday mercifully arrives.
Content Marketers that can see beyond the gross claims about SEO as well as the «SEO is dead» diatribe, will realize the necessity of continuous performance improvement from ongoing optimization.
A physical address has always been a necessity for all types of businesses and companies, for legal as well as for «business» reasons.
The Wirex plastic card can be used for purchasing business necessities, as well as withdrawing funds to the local currency from ATMs that accept MasterCard in whatever country they are in.
And necessities as well as goods and services that make life easier and more enjoyable become increasingly affordable for most everyone over time.
Hence, White insists upon the doctrine of the «hypostatic union» as guarantor of the Tradition's confession of Christ's uniqueness — as well as upon the legitimacy, indeed the necessity, of reason's probing of the essential traits of human nature, notwithstanding the deformation wrought by the Fall.
@ El Flaco... the Protestant secretary needs to realize that her employer is a Catholic organization which does not believe in contraceptives, and they (as well as ANY employer) should not be forced into paying for services, as this is what it is, a service, not a medical necessity... yes, even for those women that use it to regulate periods, get rid of cramps heavy bleeding, etc..
There is often a great deal of talk about opposing a sense of victimhood and entitlement — which most people in my neighborhood would probably agree with — but we must recognize that people are still being victimized by police brutality and other forms of trauma; they are entitled to both the basic necessities of life as well as opportunities to provide those and more for themselves.
We ripped up the traditional book into single pages, magnified these a hundred times, printed them in color and stuck them up as posters in the streets... Our lack of printing equipment and the necessity for speed meant that, though the best work was hand - printed, the most rewarding was standardized, lapidary and adapted to the simplest mechanical form of reproduction.
We are reminded not just of our strength but of our weakness as well; not just of glory but also of misery; not just of pleasure but also of finitude; not just of warmth and the coming - to - be of the self in relation with others, but also of limitation and isolation; not just marriage but divorce; not just trust but betrayal and desertion; not just good feeling but pain, suffering, daily reminders of mortality, impermanence, the inevitability and the necessity of death.
ex couples «non-involvement in joint parenthood», «lower exposure to normative pressure about the necessity of life - long unions» as well as differing motivations for getting married.
Melville had no illusions about New York, but the city stands in his mind as the place where men learn not only cruel indifference to their brothers, but the necessity to keep them in charity as well.
It is perhaps best thought of as a movement of peoples, some of whom define themselves doctrinally, some by polity, but who cohere often on the basis of shared memories, practical necessity (e.g., clerical pension plans) and — more than one might have expected — ethnicity.
A house in good repair and large enough for your family, with furniture in good condition, would qualify as a necessity (or as a necessary decency) for almost all of us.
But just as surely we had better not buy into what our society tries to tell us is necessary, and keeping in mind the low level of strictly physical necessity should help us in this regard.
This method requires a good measure of real honesty with yourself as to what constitutes a necessity.
Her argument against this position, as best I can discern and summarize it, is that each new divine occasion would in turn be irresistibly objectified or «superjected» (she uses this as a verb) back into the world, which would «bind the present irrevocably to the past, to sacrifice spontaneity and autonomy at the altar of necessity» (p. 164).
Indeed, [h] as well as [I] are summary statements about the universe as exhibiting a variety of opposites, and, furthermore, some pairs of opposites are mentioned in both, such as «multiplicity and unity» and «freedom and necessity
The process theist's best strategy with respect to Craig is to argue for the necessity of time, as I have done and as does Hartshorne (MVG 233f.
Ultimately, this was as much a moral disaster as a financial one, since Rembrandt's Calvinist patrons regarded material wealth as a sign of God's favor, good stewardship of one's assets as an ethical necessity, and bankruptcy as a sin.
Here are three typical answers: «He is as much a necessity to my spiritual existence as the elements of pure air are to my physical system»; «If I were convinced that there is no God, I fear a sense of loneliness would become intolerable»; «As for any repose, or ability to face life and death with composure, any incentive to be perfect in things hidden from outsiders, any exhilaration in living and trying to do my best — I can not conceive it without the idea of God.&raquas much a necessity to my spiritual existence as the elements of pure air are to my physical system»; «If I were convinced that there is no God, I fear a sense of loneliness would become intolerable»; «As for any repose, or ability to face life and death with composure, any incentive to be perfect in things hidden from outsiders, any exhilaration in living and trying to do my best — I can not conceive it without the idea of God.&raquas the elements of pure air are to my physical system»; «If I were convinced that there is no God, I fear a sense of loneliness would become intolerable»; «As for any repose, or ability to face life and death with composure, any incentive to be perfect in things hidden from outsiders, any exhilaration in living and trying to do my best — I can not conceive it without the idea of God.&raquAs for any repose, or ability to face life and death with composure, any incentive to be perfect in things hidden from outsiders, any exhilaration in living and trying to do my best — I can not conceive it without the idea of God.»
Thus almost of necessity science adopts a methodological determinism, and Whitehead believes that when we restrict our vision to this field of events, we have no basis for opposing a metaphysical determinism as well.
The elaboration of theorems by the process of deductive inference — the part of mathematical inquiry that makes it appear as a discipline of necessity — is in reality a means of making good the freedom inherent in the choice of the definitions and axioms in terms of which this elaboration is carried out.
The development of such a comprehensive view has long been a need, for it has become clearer and clearer as we have become familiar and involved with a constantly widening horizon of different musical aims and practices, that the old «common practice» theories of harmony and counterpoint could no longer be overhauled or extended, but had by necessity to be replaced by a way of description and analysis that treated the «common practice» of Western music from the late seventeenth to the end of the nineteenth centuries as only one instance of a much wider musical method and practice that could be applied to all of Western music, from its origins to the present, as well as to music of other cultures.»
What unites all elements of this process is the assumed centrality of the scriptures for church self - understanding and the necessity for the special ministry of study and interpretation as well as proclaiming the word in preaching.
The rationale for pursuing much longer life is not presented as if it were some kind of social necessity, as if we would have better societies if everyone lived much longer, or that it would help solve some pressing social problems.
At the very same time that it has become clear that the theistic question can not possibly be discussed as a merely empirical question, it has also become clear, on secular philosophical grounds as well as religious, that contingency and relativity can be as readily predicated of ultimate reality as necessity and absoluteness.
A critical examination of the scholastic philosophy of nature may well give the impression that in its earlier history it often inevitably and of necessity took for granted certain processes of change as indisputable facts.
Now in those states of mind which fall short of religion, the surrender is submitted to as an imposition of necessity, and the sacrifice is undergone at the very best without complaint.
Monod was one of Midgley's targets in Evolution as a Religion, and his Chance and Necessity and similar works by other authors are properly aimed at in Science as Salvation as well.
Because, it is claimed, evaluation presupposes valuation as a condition of its possibility, any merely «disinterested» or «value - free» understanding of human reflection is of necessity excluded.20 Any consideration of the evidence of experience could only in the nature of the case ever illustrate, but logically could not falsify what must always necessarily be the case, even if such a consideration could well force a limited reconstrual of the hermeneutical analysis always itself presupposed in the strictly conceptual presuppositional analysis which uncovers the necessity of such elemental valuing.21
But for a balanced life, traveling is almost a necessityas conducive to personal growth and maintenance as working out, eating well and seeking fellowship.
In the section entitled «Believers» and Infant Baptism,» it is indicated that «the identity of adult believers» baptism and infant baptism can only be evident if the Churches insist on necessity of the vicarious faith of the congregation as well as of the parents and sponsors.
True, the philosophic theologian does his best as a rule to explain it away so far as he can with much talk about God's «self - limitation» or the necessity of His obeying the laws He has Himself made for His universe.
As in other aspects of historical study, there is no getting away from the necessity to learn the relevant geography, to study the maps until the events have been placed spacially as well as temporallAs in other aspects of historical study, there is no getting away from the necessity to learn the relevant geography, to study the maps until the events have been placed spacially as well as temporallas well as temporallas temporally.
The philosopher, however, reaches beyond, for he must of necessity question his assumptions as well as seek reflectively some unity of thought.
Programs at the undergraduate and especially at the graduate level continue to develop, particularly in denominations which understand the necessity for training church musicians theologically and liturgically as well as musically.
But whoever is firmly established in his heart, being under no necessity but having his desire under control, and has determined this in his heart, to keep her as his betrothed, he will do well.
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