Sentences with phrase «well as the powerful antioxidant»

It also contains probiotics to aid in digestion as well as powerful antioxidants like tart cherry and turmeric extract to reduce inflammation and aid in recovery.
It also contains probiotics to aid in digestion as well as powerful antioxidants like tart cherry and turmeric extract to reduce inflammation and aid in recovery.
And finally, it contains the phytonutrient carotene as well as powerful antioxidants.
Peanut butter contributes healthy doses of protein as well as the powerful antioxidant, vitamin E, and immunity and energy - boosting, vitamin B6.

Not exact matches

For example, wasabi's heat comes from isothiocyanates, powerful antioxidants that may be useful as antibacterial agents, and for treating or preventing blood clotting and asthma, as well as stomach, breast, and prostate cancer.
Garlic is a powerful antioxidant, an excellent source of vitamin B6, as well as a very good source of selenium, manganese and vitamin C. It's also a good source of calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and copper.
Apples are low in calories, a powerful source of antioxidants, including polyphenols, flavonoids, and vitamin C, as well as good source of fiber, and potassium.
Dates contain powerful antioxidants, making them great for the immune system as well as aiding the body in fighting cancer.
Packed with powerful antioxidants from the raw cacao powder plus balancing cinnamon which is also an antiviral and antibiotic, as well as ultra-creamy coconut milk (or any non-dairy milk of choice), I used a blend of almond milk + coconut milk in the carton.
These oats are loaded with dietary fibers and proteins, as well as with some powerful antioxidants from maca and cacao powder.
In addition to better hydration, a water ionizer allows the water to act as a powerful antioxidant.
Tomatoes are a major source of lycopene, a super powerful antioxidant (thought to prevent cancer), as well as beta carotene (helps with vitamin A), vitamin E, vitamin C and potassium.
As well as high in folate, iron and several flavonoids (i.e. powerful antioxidants with strong anti-inflammatory benefitsAs well as high in folate, iron and several flavonoids (i.e. powerful antioxidants with strong anti-inflammatory benefitsas high in folate, iron and several flavonoids (i.e. powerful antioxidants with strong anti-inflammatory benefits).
This makes you more likely to develop illnesses, which means it is essential to get a good night's sleep, and eat a large number of fruits and vegetables as they are the best way to get powerful antioxidant vitamins and minerals.
These ingredients bring vitamins A, C, and E — powerful antioxidants that aid immune function and exercise recovery time — as well as minerals that support muscle and bone health.
My favorite inflammation fighters include vitamin D3, Omega 3 fish oils, the powerful antioxidant inflammation - tamer curcumin, and well as the anti-inflammatory blends I created for my practice.
Although you can find them in other foods as well, beets offer the biggest amount of these two phytonutrients with really powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.
Did you know that Good Green Stuff has been formulated to feed into our energy cascade and support all 12 - body systems, as well as being chock - full of powerful antioxidants?
It's a great source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, as well as vitamin A and C.
As I mentioned a few months ago, I'm good friends with the owners of a nutritional company, and I actually helped them design the formula for what I think is one of the most powerful (and synergistic) antioxidant blends you can get.
The same powerful antioxidant properties that protect the algae from the sun's rays will protect your skin as well.
Pronounced ON - DEEVE, these long legged beauties pack a super powerful punch on the antioxidant front as well as having a delightful and delicious fresh produce crunch and flavor.
Canned tomato sauce has more beta carotene than fresh tomatoes as well as four times the powerful antioxidant lycopene which helps to protect the skin against sunburn and sun - induced skin aging.
Green tea is filled with powerful antioxidants, well as L - theanine, which helps moderate the effects of caffeine by promoting the development of alpha brain waves, being a precursor to gamma - aminobutyric acid (GABA), and interacting with dopamine and serotonin.
Purple corn has a lot of powerful antioxidants that can provide numerous health benefits for the human body, including support for heart and brain health, as well as protection against free radical damage at a cellular level.
Alpha lipoic acid is well known as a powerful «universal antioxidant» due to being both water - soluble and fat - soluble.
And it seems curcumin's powerful antioxidant properties help support optimal liver function as well.
They have high levels of vitamins C and E, powerful antioxidants, as well as vitamins A (beta carotene), K and lots of B's, including thiamin (B1), niacin (B3), B6 and folic acid (B9).
The extract also has powerful antioxidants that help protect the skin from environmental stressors, as well as «licochalcone,» which helps balance oil, making this a good ingredient for those with oily skin.
This powerful antioxidant compound can also be found, at different levels, in cinnamon, tea plant, apple, litchi, grape, and peach as well as in blueberries and red berries.
Both a powerful anti-inflammatory as well as an antioxidant, this root imparts a warm notes of bitter ginger to everything from this cocoa to soups, dressings, curries, and anything else you could dream up.
Vitamin C has many health benefits, but its probably best known as a cell protector, immunity booster, and powerful antioxidant.
Fruits and vegetables (in general) are high in vitamins and minerals as well as flavonoids and carotenoids — two powerful plant - based antioxidants — which help remove free radicals from your skin and body that may cause premature aging.
Other good ingredients may include Astaxathin (one of nature's most powerful antioxidants), Coconut oil, Tocopheryl (vitamin E), Shea butter (a natural plant lipid used as a thickener, moisturiser and emulsifier), Eucalyptus oil, Aloe vera gel (contains over 130 active compounds and over 30 amino acids beneficial to our skin).
Quercetin also has no side effects and is a powerful antioxidant as well.
Many of these herbs contain powerful antioxidants as well.
They even contain some of the powerful antioxidant mineral selenium, as well as iron and plenty of plant - based protein.
The best reasons to eat them however are that the arils taste fantastic and are packed with powerful antioxidants that will help you in a myriad of ways to fight disease and potential health issues as you age.
A high proportion of MUFA, as provided by olive oil (which contains also squalene, a powerful antioxidant) or canola oil, with a good amount of omega - 3 (flax oil, walnut oil; the latter has much less omega - 3 however) sounds definitely more reasonable than a diet containing 75 % carbs or more.
The 2 mg of horsetail contained in Core - S also possess powerful antioxidant properties, as well as silicon, which aids in the fortification of bones.1
The Cleanse Plus includes our Probiotic Powder as well as Glutathione, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps with liver detoxification.
For instance, alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight insulin resistance as well as having the potential to help diabetic neuropathy.
Good news for you: This treat contains powerful antioxidants called flavonoids, as well as calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium, magnesium and vitamins B, C and E. «A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that small amounts of dark chocolate and reduce blood pressure and improve insulin sensitivity,» says JJ Virgin, C.N.S., author of The Sugar Impact Diet.
As well as being a powerful antioxidant in its own right, pumpkin seed oil has been shown to boost the effects of saw palmetto, toAs well as being a powerful antioxidant in its own right, pumpkin seed oil has been shown to boost the effects of saw palmetto, toas being a powerful antioxidant in its own right, pumpkin seed oil has been shown to boost the effects of saw palmetto, too.
Aged garlic extract is an odorless garlic preparation containing high amounts of S - allylcysteine, which is a powerful antioxidant, as well as various sulfide - containing molecules that can improve circulation.
Alpha - lipoic acid (ALA) is a disulfide that is well known as a powerful antioxidant, It is reduced intracellularly to dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA), a dithiol that has antioxidant properties.
Shea Butter - Used in Africa for centuries for its moisturizing and anti-inflammatory qualities, shea butter is a rich source of the powerful antioxidants vitamin A & E, as well as crucial fatty acids important in retaining skin elasticity.
Along with vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, and omega - 3 fatty acids they are concentrated in antioxidants and phytonutrients, which combat free radicals that can damage DNA and cellular structures, as well as act as powerful anti-inflammatory agents.
This powerful antioxidant - formulated face serum — with a combination of 2 phloretin, pure vitamin C, and ferulic acid — helps to neutralize free radicals that may lead to accelerated skin aging as well as improve the appearance of discoloration and uneven skin tone.
This nutritious gourmet bird food contains powerful antioxidants to boost your parrot's immune system and fight diseases, as well as prebiotics and probiotics to support and maintain your parrot's digestive health.
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