Sentences with phrase «well briefed intervention»

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As Watson notes, these sessions might well «be too brief to allow for adequate emotional processing, may increase arousal and anxiety levels or may inadvertently decrease the likelihood that individuals will pursue more intense interventions.
Compared to the referral and brief intervention groups, the buprenorphine - treated patients fared best.
«Prenatal visits may present a good opportunity for screening and brief intervention regarding tobacco and particularly alcohol use,» noted co-author Deborah Hasin, PhD, professor of Epidemiology at the Mailman School of Public Health and in the Department of Psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center.
«Although electronic alcohol screening and brief counseling interventions may have effects on participants among subgroups of university students or among other groups, the results of this study and others suggest that the effect of this type of intervention among university students is modest at best,» write Timothy S. Naimi, M.D., M.P.H., of Boston Medical Center, Boston, and Thomas B. Cole, M.D., M.P.H., of JAMA, Chicago, in an accompanying editorial.
It provides a brief description of the RTI framework and the essential components of RTI, illustrates how the essential components of RTI are implemented at eight high schools, and highlights contextual factors unique to high schools as well as how these factors can affect school - level implementation of tiered interventions.
The brief examines the demographic characteristics of students involved in child in crisis interventions, as well as the NYPD's use of handcuffs on students as young as 5 years old during these incidents between July 2016 and June 2017.
We surmise that this improvement in both intervention and control conditions was because of learning effects from repeated observations of our brief and simple protocol (leading to changes in the control as well as the experimental conditions), and that the short length of the observations might have caused floor effects in our assessments of negative behaviors (thus limiting evidence of change).
He has strong clinical skills in brief and focused therapy, combining good sense of humor with deep and respectful emotional therapeutic interventions.
Regarding interventions commencing at preschool age, two programs had the best balance of evidence for reducing internalising problems.25 In Canada, a brief (three month) psycho - educational group - based program tested in a controlled trial with parents of children exhibiting behavioural problems was found to also reduce child anxiety.
However, there is good evidence that brief interventions could be beneficial in a range of adolescent psychiatric presentations.21, — , 25
In this book, you'll find a ready - to - use collection of brief assessment and case - formulation tools, as well as many brief intervention strategies based in focused acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).
In other words, participants who attended the brief self - com - passion intervention program and were trained in order to be more self - com - passionate in challenging situations, showed greater improvements in aspects of psychological well - being, before and after the completion of the training.
Additionally, the secondary purpose of the study entailed the exploration of the effects of a newly developed brief self - compassion intervention on psychological well - being, and more specifically on self - compassion, positive and negative effect, and life satisfaction.
This policy brief on early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities provides background on Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and how these services can promote the best developmental outcomes for children.
The US originated Family Talk Intervention [6] was adopted and a brief psychoeducational discussion with parents (Let's Talk about Children, LT) was developed for the EC&F Programme as well as a guide book for parents.
Given the importance of early mother — child relationships and the limited number of well - controlled studies on brief interventions this result is of significance to researchers and the service community.
The results of this study clearly demonstrate that mothers who attended a brief 1 - day intervention showed significant improvement in their psychosocial well - being.
Thus, studies seeking to improve available treatments might best be conducted by comparing the improved treatments to the best available parenting intervention; studies seeking to determine if briefer interventions are effective should be compared to the standard treatments to see if there are significant reductions in effectiveness.
With the efficacy of moderately intensive parent training well established, it now seems appropriate to determine if the moderately - intensive treatments are superior to briefer, less costly interventions, particularly because families frequently attend relatively few sessions, often five to eight or fewer (Armbruster & Kazdin, 1994; Kazdin & Wassel, 1998), well below the number recommended by these programs.
It is important to appreciate that when dealing with problems in the child - caregiver attachment relationship, recent meta - analyses5, 8 show that the best interventions to date are brief, use video feedback, start after infant age six months, and have a clear and exclusive focus on behavioural training of the parent rather than a focus on sensitivity plus support, or a focus on sensitivity plus support plus internal representations.
The research team conducts studies on new methods of screening adolescent patients for substance abuse as well as brief office - based therapeutic interventions.
This brief presents strategies for examining the multidimensional effects of economic strengthening interventions with a specific focus on the health and well - being of adolescent beneficiaries, highlighting research gaps and opportunities.
A recent meta - analysis of early childhood interventions asserted that brief interventions (< 5 sessions) focusing on increasing maternal sensitivity and enhancing infant attachment security were more effective than long - term intervention.23 In contrast, Hennighausen and Lyons - Ruth cited evidence that disorganized attachment responds best to home - based, intensive and long - term interventions.
As noted by Rutter (1999), this more precise level of understanding is best suited to guide the development of brief interventions that target key family processes that are demonstrably linked to individual and family resilience.
Brief nutrition interventions and early interventions in primary care, including «well persons» health checks and follow - up action
PCIT was chosen as the PT program because PCIT: a) has well established efficacy in reducing young children's EBP (Eisenstadt et al. 1993; Eyberg et al. 2001; Hood and Eyberg 2003; Schuhmann et al. 1998); b) contains all of the treatment components recognized by Kaminski and colleagues» meta - analysis (Kaminski et al. 2008) as yielding the largest effect sizes (i.e., increasing positive parent — child interactions, promoting consistency and use of time out, and requiring parents to practice new skills with their child during PT sessions); c) aims to strengthen the parent — child relationship, which can be accomplished in a brief intervention (Bakermans - Kranenburg et al. 2003); d) is a competency - based model that emphasizes skill acquisition rather than a fixed set of sessions; and e) includes a unique delivery technique (i.e., wireless headset for the therapist to coach the parent in vivo during interactions with the child) similar to an exposure - based approach in which parents observe «in vivo» changes in their child behavior during sessions.
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