Sentences with phrase «well children adjust»

Marital dissatisfaction and parental conflict, in my experience, are often correlated with how well children adjust to situations.
Factors Considered • Relationships between the children and each parent • Financial ability of each parent to provide for the child or children • Each parents home environment and whether it is safe and suitable for children • How well the child adjusts to the home, school or community environment where they will live • Both physical and mental health of both parents and child • Medical needs of the children • A history of violence by either parent • Criminal history of either parent • Abuse or neglect of the child • Parent's wishes • Children's preferences, if the child is over age 12 • Recommendations from expert witnesses
Remember, though, that how well a child adjusts is really down to you.

Not exact matches

«Parents who respond to their children's emotions in a comforting manner have kids who are more socially well - adjusted than do parents who either tell their kids they are overreacting or who punish their kids for getting upset,» child psychologist Nancy Eisenberg of Arizona State University said in an interview.
But all of its fancy number - magic won't make it easier for young parents struggling in today's harsh economic climate to raise healthy, well - adjusted children.
On the contrary, the scientific research that has directly compared outcomes for children with gay and lesbian parents with outcomes for children with heterose xual parents has consistently shown that the former are as fit and capable as the latter and that their children are as psychologically healthy and well adjusted as children reared by heterose xual parents... mama k
The child may cry and scream because he / she doesn't understand why they can't do what they want, and have what they want, when they want it; but loving parents will endure the anger of the child in the short - term for the long - term benefit of a well - adjusted, healthy, wise and mature child as he / she grows.
On the contrary, the scientific research that has directly compared outcomes for children with gay and lesbian parents with outcomes for children with heterosexual parents has consistently shown that the former are as fit and capable as the latter and that their children are as psychologically healthy and well adjusted as children reared by heterosexual parents.
that poses a serious threat to that child's well - being, or does the child adjust well to the social parent or parents apart from that knowledge?
There are a lot of studies giving strong evidence that children of same - sex parents grow up well - adjusted and healthy.
Just because the child grows up into a well - adjusted adult doesn't excuse the sin that got him there.
In regard to the family, psychologists contend that a union between a man and woman in which both spouses serve as good gender role models is the best environment in which to raise well - adjusted children.
On the contrary, the scientific research that has directly compared outcomes for children with gay and lesbian parents with outcomes for children with heterose xual parents has consistently shown that the former are as fit and capable as the latter and that their children are as psychologically healthy and well adjusted as children reared by heterose xual parents.
What sort of home tends to grow happy, well - adjusted, emotionally healthy children?
These criteria were employed in choosing the well adjusted children: Plays well with other children, appears to be a happy child, has reasonable control over his emotions, can be depended on, is achieving somewhere near his capacity, is able to think for himself, is kind and helpful to teachers and classmates, is liked and respected by his peers.)
In fact, there's reasonable evidence that children of lesbians are more socially accepting and well adjusted — especially girls.»
Their cultures all seem so much more well - adjusted to daily life and their children are doing just fine.
Your post would make it seem that she is an anomaly — but every parent I know who has done sleep training also has healthy, happy and well adjusted children.
Raising happy, well - adjusted children contributes to a thriving social system.
To us, our marriage must be healthy first and foremost for us to raise a healthy well adjusted child.
Research shows that young mothers who feel supported by their baby's father adjust better to motherhood and behave more positively towards their children — for whom a good relationship with «my dad» proves protective in face of other disadvantage.
My children, enrolled in a Challenge Success school, were extremely happy, well adjusted, and thriving.
«One thing we rarely stress with children, but which is crucial to raising a well - adjusted middle - schooler, is that their neighborhood and school are communities that they have a responsibility for.
The more contact with the father the better adjusted their children tend to be.
«Their children tended to be less well emotionally adjusted.
My children are well - adjusted and disciplined and have shown marked empathy at a very young age.
Newborns and younger babies who don't have a well established biological clock probably won't be affected by the time change, but older babies, toddler and children are more likely to be thrown off by the drastic switch.Here are 4 ways you can help your child (or children) adjust to the time change: Read more
The Poco Series channels everything they know about packs into a line of child carriers that are comfortable, supportive, light, well ventilated and supremely easy to adjust for fit.
Dagmar Bleasdale is the blogger behind the popular blog Dagmar's Home where she shares entries about attachment parenting, co-sleeping, frugal and green living, and raising a healthy, creative, well - adjusted, barely bilingual child without an Xbox.
Enrolling your little one in preschool can bring many questions: How well will my child adjust to preschool?
And when nursing is complete, simply put your child upright again, adjust the wrap somewhat, and you'll be good to go.
They recieve all the love and hugs that they could possibly want and are happy, healthy, well adjusted and secure children.
If your child's helmet doesn't fit, see if you make it fit better by adjusting the straps or applying any foam padding that came with the helmet.
Studies have shown that parents who limit screen time have healthier and more well - adjusted children.
This meeting would also be a good time to talk to teachers about ways that they can adjust assignments or provide work strategies to help your child complete work and gain missing skills.
We all want to raise happy, well - adjusted children who grow into confident and independent adults.
In addition, good parents would probably agree that raising children who contribute to their communities and are productive, well adjusted and grow into conscientious adults is the ultimate goal.
With its safety adjust system, 5 point harness and reclining position, this car seat makes this a practical choice if you want to get the best features for your child's protection.
MILLIONS of parents whose faith placed them in the position of not just asking, but demanding under pain of grounding or even corporal punishment, that their grade school children abstain from what others are enjoying, have still raised well adjusted kids who've gone on to be productive, contributing members of society.
Parents: Want to help ensure your children turn out to be happy and socially well adjusted?
Many experts believe that if your child waits to play on a select team until sixth grade or later, and waits until high school to specialize in a single sport, he is likely to be better adjusted and happier, have a more balanced identity, and less likely to be better adjusted and happier, have a more balanced, and less likely to have an identity crises when his competitive sports career ends, as it is likely to do after high school.
Maybe couples need to adjust their expectations to our new realities — that marriages don't always last a lifetime (and that's OK), that love isn't the best reason to say «I do,» that monogamy shouldn't be assumed — just as a parent of a child with bipolar or OCD must adjust his or her expectations, and find new ways to measure «success.»
Parental Bonding Makes for Happy, Stable Child Parents: Want to help ensure your children turn out to be happy and socially well adjusted?
Read the full article where Lysa shares Attachment Parenting International's mission and discusses resources to raise well adjusted children and nurture relationships.
Home educated children are among the most well - adjusted, happiest and best equipped people to take on the challenges of the real world — and we want to help Canadians take advantage of its benefits.
I am glad there are articles like yours being written to bring awareness to your readers to help them raise happy and well - adjusted children.
A connected approach to discipline helps children learn the skills they need to be successful, resilient, happy, empathetic, cooperative and well - adjusted for life.
Otherwise well - adjusted young children frequently experience anxiety when they are separated from their parents (Jenni et al 2005; Ainsworth et al 1978), and most children also experience nighttime fears.
Studies show that homeschooled children are among the best adjusted, happiest and best prepared to face the challenges of the «real» world.
Be gentle when giving physical guidance so that your child will be able to adjust well.
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