Sentences with phrase «well learning through»

The nobility and primacy of virtue — in other words, the realities at the foundation of a traditional way of life — are best learned through experience.
This skill is best learned through a multisensory approach (visual, auditory, kinesthetic (movement), and tactile (feeling through touch).
These three skills are best learned through repeated and varied experiences of hearing and interacting with human language.
Young children often do best learning through play!
Basic ideas such as having wet pants are best learned through real experience.
Greater cultural competency must be engrained in scientists» brains from a young age, and it is best learned through experience, not from a textbook.
Pilates is best learned through a combination of classes and home workouts.
Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey, in their book Better Learning Through Structured Teaching, articulate many of the points that I try to make here.
Others claim the VAK model: visual learners have a preference for seeing (think in pictures; visual aids such as overhead slides, diagrams, handouts, etc.) Auditory learners best learn through listening (lectures, discussions, tapes, etc.) Tactile / kinesthetic learners prefer to learn via experience — moving, touching, and experiencing.
Better Learning Through Structured Teaching: A Framework for the Gradual Release of Responsibility, 2nd Edition
Better Learning Through Structured Teaching: A Framework for Gradual Release of Responsibility, 2nd Edition
IEL's Coalition for Community Schools recently released A Framework for More and Better Learning through Community Schools Partnerships.
She has published many articles and books on literacy and instruction, including Productive Group Work and Better Learning Through Structured Teaching.
She has published many articles and books on literacy and instruction, including Reading for Information and Better Learning Through Structured Teaching (both with Doug Fisher).
Better learning through structured teaching: A framework for the gradual release of responsibility.
This paper from the Coalition for Community Schools provides a learning framework on how community schools systemically promote better learning through results - focused community partnerships.
This week in the Wrap... the new Horizon Report (the higher ed edition) is out, helping students understand complex concepts by Edusketching, better learning through... long hand writing, Common Core resources, strategies for differentiation in PBL, encouraging a growth mindset when it comes to math, and more!
Better Learning Through Structured Teaching: A Framework for the Gradual Release of Responsibility, 2nd edition by Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey
It has become very clear that mathematics is best learned through authentic problem solving and active use of mathematical concepts and processes rather than through rote, linear low - level skills (Brophy, 1992).
Similarly, some learners may best learn through the self - paced mode of online learning, while some will always prefer a classroom approach.
She has published many articles and books on literacy and instruction, including Productive Group Work and Better Learning Through Structured Teaching (both with Doug Fisher).
Finding a deal and managing the property (or paying someone to) is best learned through mentorship, but often learned through hard knocks.
The new pedagogy has been endorsed mostly by younger painting professors but a few geezers too, who see painting as best learned through critical thinking, a method borrowed from literature and the social sciences.
As Karen Drake explains, these traditions are best learned through long - term cultural immersion.
It is best learned through a therapist who uses Focusing or a workshop from a certified Focusing practitioner.

Not exact matches

The best IT staffers, she found, were the ones who were able to field the calls that start with «I don't know anything about technology,» offer reassurance and empathy, and then walk people through the learning process — the ones, in other words, who offer the users some empowerment.
Thankfully, parent companies have learned to leave a good thing alone and let indie brands do what they do best — innovate through active listening.
The best way to get better is go out and put what you've learned to the test through real practice.
In 2008, the institution's leadership team learned through the results of the first Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers Systems (HCAHPS) that patients» perception of their experience at the clinic was well below average in virtually every individual measure.
But one of the best values of joining a CEO peer group is that you get to learn from 8 or 9 other CEOs as they work through the issues in running their businesses.
But even on the broadest and most inclusive understanding of the word «ethics,» there's little reason to think that learning about ethics is going to make you better able to shepherd a company through an IPO.
I've learned much through personal experience, but some of the best business lessons have come from other people.
Learn the word «no» and then really have the energy and the experience and the knowledge to sit your client down like a good trekker going through Nepal.
In the talk, which lasts a little over an hour, Jobs shares a number of stories from his time at Apple and NeXT (the startup he founded after leaving Apple), along with the lessons learned through both good times and bad.
The videos are thorough and well - produced so children can grasp concepts and learn through an online format that allows participation at any time from anywhere.
And once you've gone through the ringer, and learned your lessons — good and bad — it's highly likely that you're a better bet for the next time around.
«People are pretty good at learning high standards simply through exposure,» writes Bezos.
One of the best ways to learn in life, and in many cases business, is through discomfort.
The world's largest professionally themed social network has a very specific vision — one where every professional on the planet visits LinkedIn to not only network or look for a job, but to also consume content related to his or her industry and to learn how to do his or her job better through on - demand, e-learning courses spanning every profession imaginable.
Through mistakes and many lessons, I've learned that remembering these seven things can help you seek out and attract the best influencers to become long - term advocates for your brand:
Through websites like Payscale and Glassdoor, as well as industry surveys, you can learn — often at no cost — what pay comes with various jobs across the country.
There's also a difference between reading about lessons in an online article and actually experiencing them firsthand — so be prepared to do your best learning as you go through these challenges.
«Constructive wallowing,» she argues, isn't simply a failure of backbone and grit, it's an occasion for self - compassion and a chance to learn about your negative feelings and fear so you can get better at working through them.
It was an extremely painful lesson to learn — but learning from mistakes (and a combination of good fortune and adrenalin) is what has gotten me through!
In fact, John Palmer, AT&T's chief learning office, spends a good deal of his time on the road, talking about how the company is handling the retraining, why it made the programs web - and mobile - based, and how it's helping employees get through the process.
As a final point to consider about royalty financing: Learn well the theoretical construct of the financing because there are few experts who will lead you through the deal.
«This is a learning experience for us, so we can experiment and figure out what the recipe is for good VR and what people are willing to sit through,» Davies says.
«Over the last year, the machine learning algorithm is changing so higher click - through rate listings organically get better and better placement,» Kim said.
It isn't clear, though, that having learned to express themselves well in an investor's language has nailed the entrepreneurs ability to really think through the risks and evolve a plan with great promise and chances of success.
Tiggly Tiggly was founded on the idea that, while young kids are proven to learn better through tactile experiences, they're also growing up in a world of ubiquitous screens.
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