Sentences with phrase «well on a loose leash»

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Well, it only took 2 times of simply stopping moving forward whenever there was tension on the leash and Jetta figured out that as long as the leash was loose, we keep moving forward.
Always keep a leash on your dog and avoid retractable leashes, even the best behaved dog can be fearful at the vet and the last thing you want to do is make his visit more stressful by having him loose around lots of strange people and dogs that may not be friendly.
The focus of the class is on good doggy manners and the basic cues of sit, stay, down, come, «leave it,» and walking on a loose leash.
Loose - leash walking takes some practice, but the good news is, with lots of patience and consistency, any dog can be taught to walk on leash.
Emphasis on basic manners (Four on the Floor, stay, recall, walk on loose leash, etc.) as well as strengthening impulse control with the goal of having a thinking dog vs a reactive one.
We will learn sit, down, stay, loose leash walking, come, leave it, and getting focus as well as not jumping on people.
Does your dog need to learn good manners like how to walk on a loose leash, sit, and lay down instead of jump, pull, and bark for attention?
However, the best way to get your dog to not pull is to train him to walk politely on a loose leash.
Carol can help you with behavior issues like barking, boredom, problems with grooming and handling as well as training skills like coming happily when called and walking on a loose leash.
Its focus is on teaching your dog to respond despite of distractions, distance commands, stylish loose leash walking, outdoor reliability, understanding boundaries within your home, emergency commands, polite greeting and socialization with dogs, off leash work with your dog, as well as some handy tricks to keep your dog engaged at home!
Training dog collars can significantly help you attain better control of your dog, but your ultimate goal should be to train your dog to walk nicely on a loose leash.
My solution which works well for me is training on leash with the EW harness (click and treat for loose leash) and using the pull harness for pull activities.
This class helps you achieve good manners like not bolting out the front door, keeping 4 paws on the floor and walking on a loose leash.
The 10 points are awarded for accepting friendly strangers; sitting politely for petting; appearance and grooming; walking on a loose leash; walking through a crowd; sitting down and staying in place on command; coming when called; good reaction to another dog; good reaction to distractions; and supervised separation.
For us, Leanlix was best utilized in situations that involved continuous treating such as during loose leash walking and keeping all 4 paws on the ground while greeting appropriately.
We will focus on skills like attention to owner, loose leash walking, rear end awareness, good play and greeting skills with dogs and people, sit, down, come, wait, even tricks!
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