Sentences with phrase «well the challenges of»

Having experienced, first hand, the devastating effects of rejection and judgment, Jennifer knows full well the challenges of being «out» in certain faith communities.
As a mother of three, I know all too well the challenges of coming up with healthy school lunches that kids will actually eat — instead of ending up in the trash.
I lost my sense of humor after I spent three challenging days with Paul Victor Obeng, someone I did not take to in the PNDC days but subsequently after his departure from that Junta, I met often and appreciated better the challenges of managing a party which made up its ideology as it went along; more in - fighting than out - managing the...
De Lasa knows very well the challenges of robotic walking, being a former member of the Big Dog robotic mule project at Boston Dynamics.
Tom Boasberg, the head of Denver Public Schools (DPS), knows well the challenge of making leaders.
If you're a freelancer and you work from home, you'll know only too well the challenge of separating work from personal life and finding ways to stay productive during working hours.
We have spent many years in the real estate business in the San Joaquin Valley, and know very well the challenges of succeeding in this environment.
I know all to well the challenges of financial struggles and without a doubt financial pressure is one of the worst challenges to face.

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Simplifying the challenge of managing a growing workforce is better for the company and appreciated by employees.
The Boy Scout handbook was important, but once you got past the good citizenship and personal betterment stuff, the outdoorsy aspect of scouting was what made for real fun — and the true challenge.
Regular communications with your staff, informing them of both good news and how the company is reacting to challenges will go a long way toward making employees feel like you trust them and that they're unlikely to be hit with unpleasant surprises.
There's this undeniable endorphin rush, a good natural energy boost — and I like the idea of starting the day by doing something challenging.
I'm a major advocate of bootstrapping — I believe the lessons learned along the way are priceless, and owing 100 percent of your business is well worth the struggles and challenges.
You obviously know your business better than the celebrity knows your business so definitely challenge pricing if it does not seem of at least equal value (or value in your favor).
«It is about challenging them — establishing a standard of excellence and holding them accountable for reaching it... You had better be up to the task, because I have learned that they expect you to be good... [They] expect you to hold them to high standards.»
«By taking the bold step of removing a well - established brand symbol from its packaging, General Mills is further challenging marketing's conventional thinking to underscore its point.»
Startups and small businesses often face a number of unique challenges including deficient funding, client dependence, insufficient staff and struggles with balancing out their desires to create top quality products and services, provide their users with the best possible experience and increase their sales margins.
In it, researchers examined the concept of «organizational ecology» by «looking at the nature of workplace strategies that small, dynamic organizations have developed to help them meet the challenges of doing more, faster and better, with less.»
DDI is a highly challenging task that involves extraordinary discipline, but ultimately the best SMBs use it because it makes them impervious to the ebbs and flows of daily operations, allowing them to set forth long - term strategies without panicking about the short - term.
As to the question of when he and his party will develop a broad and substantive legislative platform to tackle the critical challenges America faces, McConnell has a ready answer as well: «If we're in the majority,» he says, «we'll be sitting down, intensely, a year from now on the very issue you've raised.»
The challenge GTUIT was having, says Berg president and owner Don Berggren, was that the gas flow out of the wells was wildly inconsistent.
Best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad — the No. 1 personal finance book of all time — Robert Kiyosaki has challenged and changed the way tens of millions of people around the world think about money.
While different currencies require different types of calculations that favor one kind of computing set up or another (ethereum runs great on graphics cards while bitcoin mining uses specially made chips called application - specific integrated circuits), Monero's underlying mining challenge was made to run best on ordinary PC CPUs.
Despite the challenges they face, businesses and marketers seem to have their sights set on growth and overcoming those barriers.72 % of content marketers have made it a priority to create more engaging content, and 65 % have made it a priority to better understand what content is truly effective.
Constantly working in a global context, it was important from quite early on to learn to work with the more challenging elements of different cultures, while at the same time identifying their best factors and making them my own.
Bolanile Maté of Be Better Paris describes ways you can reinforce your core value system after it has been challenged.
Finding an ideal employee is a challenge in and of itself, but no screening process can fully predict how well an employee fits with the team or how motivated they'll be in a real work environment.
Now she's teaching dozens of participants not only the basics of dog grooming and the fundamentals of being an good employee, but also helping them sort out the other logistical and life challenges that stand in the way of a career in the pet beautification business..
On CNBC's «Fast Money,» as part of their madness challenge, the traders debate some of the best tech plays right now.
«Our priority is, of course, our daughter's happiness and well being during this challenging time, and so we ask for your support and respect for our privacy as we continue to raise her together and navigate this new chapter for our family.»
However, the best ideas are the ones that arise in response to a real situation, problem, or challenge, and for that you need employees who are constantly thinking of new ways to improve the company.
Securing a better way to feed Asia's growing population is what motivates JUST CEO Josh Tetrick to challenge the status quo of the food industry.
And I think the more knocks that you have received in your past — that can be personal as well as professional — it all [leads to] a moment of clarity, when someone is challenging your business.
But one nation seems to be getting out in front of that challenge better than most — and that's China.
Comments: «We continue to believe that prospects remain good for economic growth to reassert itself as challenges are persistently met by concerted efforts of country officials and central bankers around the world aided and abetted by secular trends larger than the cyclical hurdles in the immediate path.
In Season 2 of Project Grow, we talk to entrepreneurs at New York's In Good Company coworking space as they meet the challenges.
Compared to the challenges faced by China's old guard, the new team's problems can best be described as an embarrassment of riches.
Best Quote: «The biggest daily challenge of social media is finding enough content to share.
That's good news for frustrated parents of teens and deadline - challenged college students, but what does that have to do with business owners?
For Al Zarooni, his definition of success lies in having a good reputation, as well as one's ability to tackle challenges.
If you're in the exhausting middle years of your life, squeezed between growing kids and a growing career, chances are good that getting out of bed early enough for self - care is a perpetual challenge.
«Working with Clarence was the toughest challenge in my career,» says Scott, «as the more you gave of yourself, the more was expected of you — seven days per week and always driven by a man whose own anger and frustration with what had happened to his people by «white guys» made him determined and impatient to advance his own nation's well - being.»
«There will always be a challenge, but how you focus, and if you're leading a team, how you make sure that you're taking care of them as well
«After a challenging first half, the firm performed well for the remainder of the year as the operating environment improved,» CEO Lloyd Blankfein said in a statement.
Which might make you feel a little better, but it probably won't make you any more comfortable and relaxed in the face of your next work challenge.
With so many people in need, and different challenges facing every region, there are limitless possibilities for innovation: new and better means of supply, delivery, recycling and treatment.
One of the best things to come out of the Ice Bucket Challenge has been the vibrant discussion and the range of creative responses it has engendered.
«It is well established that evidence of purpose beyond the face of the challenged law may be considered in evaluating Establishment and Equal Protection Clause claims,» the judges wrote on Thursday.
We can do a much better job telling our story today, half of the challenge is storytelling.
Professionally, one of the biggest challenges remains hiring and retaining good employees at a startup.
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