Sentences with phrase «went through this phase as»

Every child is different, and they all go through phases as they age and so different techniques may only work at certain ages.
I go through phases as I play through my backlog on different systems and I'm in the PS4 phase right now.

Not exact matches

The truth is, your business model will change as soon as you go through the customer acquisition phase.
We start in that honeymoon phase, but as the novelty wears off and the responsibilities grow, we can start to go through the motions and see only the negatives.
As Porsche and everybody else phase out the sticks and have gone to F1 - style, double - clutch transmissions, which are a joy to drive, there's still a certain segment that misses the three pedals and running the Ferrari through the gates.
In the startup phase, many entrepreneurs do end up picking up a little bit of everything, but as a company grows and expands, one of the crucial steps that entrepreneurs must go through is learning to delegate to other people, so that they can focus on building and growing the company.
One idea I've been considering during the climbs to toward the ATH is the the Wyckoff trading range schematic shown below: Figure 2: Wyckoff Trading Range (A great breakdown of schematic details are found here) Historically, as markets progress through time, they go through phases of accumulation (a phase where investors and traders begin to buy and accumulate assets) and distribution (a phase where traders and investors begin to sell off their accumulated assets).
Maybe we can look at it as a phase that many Christians from all demographics go through before a renewal, and that would be a good thing, for since organized religion, hence dogma, doctrine, religious practices, etc., is the primary cause for parting ways, it is a wake up call for the Christian church.
you can pick and choose whomever you like, however the fact still stands that science can show a system that doesn't require a creator, it shows a system that just as the planet earth goes through phases of changes however remains the same, thus the same can be said of the entire universe.
Shrubs have become quite popular in recent years as a flavor add - in to mixed beverages at nicer restaurants and drinking establishments, and when I first discovered them a few years ago, I went through a short phase of experimenting with vinegary blackberry, pomegranate, and orange concoctions.
I could use this recipe as inspiration for some sort of tea - based overnight oats Overnight oats are my favorite, so I'm always in that phase, but I also go through yogurt bowl phases where I'll have one every other day.
I went through this phase last year which started as the original breakfast cookie dough followed by the original PALEO breakfast cookie dough and finally the double chocolate PALEO breakfast cookie dough.
My son goes through phases where he lives on them as well.
I went through a phase like that when I first went entirely plant - based as well!
As soon as Chelsea, City, PSG, etc etc were bought up by sugar daddy's and oil money, on top us going through the transitional phase of building a stadium, it made it increasingly difficult for Wenger to win trophieAs soon as Chelsea, City, PSG, etc etc were bought up by sugar daddy's and oil money, on top us going through the transitional phase of building a stadium, it made it increasingly difficult for Wenger to win trophieas Chelsea, City, PSG, etc etc were bought up by sugar daddy's and oil money, on top us going through the transitional phase of building a stadium, it made it increasingly difficult for Wenger to win trophies.
I've gone through a difficult phase and overcome it,» Molina was quoted as saying in Kolkata - based newspaper The Telegraph.
According to a well - known pediatrician and author, Bob Sears, almost all babies go through the phase of arching back as a way of showcasing their frustrations.
Everyone expects sleep deprivation during the newborn phase, but even after your baby starts sleeping through the night (which, in my experience, happens around three months for about three weeks and then goes to pot once teething starts) you won't sleep the same as you did pre-kids.
«We'll have additional webinars, offered widely, after grants funds have been distributed but based on feedback we get during the early phase as folks go through the implementation process.»
As it turns out, though, children go through phases of clinginess (and, in the end, some children are just clingier than others).
And, even when breastfeeding is well established you will notice that your baby will go through phases where he / she eats nonstop, and has other times when he / she doesn't want to feed as frequently.
This can flip - flop well into adulthood, as kids go through their rebellious phases or become easier to be around.
My son went through this phase just as his two bottom teeth were poking through and as soon as they broke the gum, he went to sleep.
From about 8 months, babies often go through a phase of separation anxiety as they grapple with the concept that if you're not there, it means you've gone!
But as they go through these phases or learn that one mama is better at something than the other, Amy or I will need to step aside and wait our turn.
As a parent with three young kids, it's rare to get a moment of quiet time, but getting a hug from a kid going through the mommy phase when the preferred mommy is in the room is as rare as a unicorAs a parent with three young kids, it's rare to get a moment of quiet time, but getting a hug from a kid going through the mommy phase when the preferred mommy is in the room is as rare as a unicoras rare as a unicoras a unicorn.
Anna will share a map of Embryology and how it relates to bodywork and working with families, focusing on the principle of formation, embryological rhythms, phases the body goes through and phase shifts as an adjunct to understanding the tides in the cranial sense.
They may go through many phases before they get to be the person they will be as an adult and it all begins as a tween.
I did go through a small rebellious phase as a high school and college student where I ate more junk food than my mother would have liked, and I've been moderately overweight in my lifetime, but I've never been obese.
Rhythms are difficult to maintain amid disruptions, but you don't have to rely on improvisation to see the song through, you can lean on other members of the band (though probably not the youngest member as they're clearly infantile and going through a destructive phase).
As a mom we all go through that nesting phase where we get the room ready!
In Bipolar 2, the manic episode is less apparent; the highs and lows are not as extreme, and sometimes it is more apparent to friends and families than to the individual going through the phases.
Just knowing that your baby is going through a developmentally normal phase and that other mothers are just as tired and frustrated as you are can make all the difference.
I know this is just phase as my daughter went through it too.
Sometimes I think my mom friends have the best advice because they are going through the same thing that I'm going through, and they are in the same phase of life as me.
As your baby grows older (and even well into the toddler years) they will go through phases of separation anxiety.
The best gifts for 1 year olds are those that are paired with their developmental cycle, as a child will go through different phases while he / she is 1 years old.
As humans, we all go through developmental phases.
There is a chance while you're going through the transition phase of no more napping that bedtimes may be affected, so adjust as necessary and know that bedtime patterns will begin to pan out again once the naps are no more.
Expect to have to readjust your schedule as your kids go through different phases and as they grow.
So - called «binding» foods such as bananas, apples, cheese and white bread can lead to constipation, which can make a toddler going through the tantrum phase even crankier.
«My condolence to you Hopeson Yaovi Adorye on the passing away of your dear wife, losing a life partner is very devastating, may the Lord strengthen you as you go through this difficult phase of your life, take heart bro,» one Nana Yaw Kesse posted on Facebook.
EVERY VOW YOU BREAK: TSA said it will phase in new procedures next year that block anyone not enrolled in PreCheck or Global Entry from going through expedited screening lanes as well as lay out modified screening measures for low - risk travelers going through regular lanes, a TSA spokesman told your MT host Thursday.
While the professional life of Spanish academics broadly goes through the four traditional phases of predoctoral researcher (Ayudante), postdoctoral researcher (Ayudante Doctor), lecturer, and finally permanent research staff, it is early stage and transitional stage career scientists which have been identified as the most vulnerable.
All potential members go through an 18 - month trial phase to test the viability of their activity, during which time they can claim unemployment benefits from the French government to support themselves as they become established entrepreneurs.
As the first matter began to emerge from the Big Bang, it went through a number of phases much as steam condenses to water and eventually freezes as it cools — except rather than water, you get the first recognizable matter in the universe — a hot soup of quarks and gluonAs the first matter began to emerge from the Big Bang, it went through a number of phases much as steam condenses to water and eventually freezes as it cools — except rather than water, you get the first recognizable matter in the universe — a hot soup of quarks and gluonas steam condenses to water and eventually freezes as it cools — except rather than water, you get the first recognizable matter in the universe — a hot soup of quarks and gluonas it cools — except rather than water, you get the first recognizable matter in the universe — a hot soup of quarks and gluons.
Radiation left over from the big bang appears to confirm that the cosmos went through a fleeting phase of superfast expansion known as inflation.
Branscomb says, «There seems to be no doubt that biology is going through a phase transition and will emerge as a dominant scientific, technological, and economic force.»
P: We found discodermolide [a drug from Discodermia, a sponge found in the Caribbean, the Bahamas, and the Gulf of Mexico], and it's gone through phase I clinical trials for treatment of solid tumors such as ovarian, pancreatic, breast, colon, or lung cancers.
As they moved from seasonally collecting acorns and hunting gazelle to farming wheat and barley, many researchers think they went through an intermediary phase: a semisedentary period in which they built stone dwellings but still hunted for sustenance and moved on when resources became scarce.
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