Sentences with phrase «western society»

Her debut play, Crowning Glory, about how ethnic minority women are perceived in western society, received glowing reviews.
Yet he or she still hides behind the fiction of royal sanction and the pretence of deference to parliament to give legitimacy to a concentration of power without parallel in western society.
They want to create a culture of conflict between the Ummah and Western Society.
Today there is a sizeable minority of Muslims living in western society.
Terrorist groups such as ISIS seek to disrupt life in Western society.
If they increase the tension between Westerners and Muslims the result will be conflict predominating within western society and a fracturing of the very fabric of these societies.
Olivier Roy, among the top European experts on Islamist extremism, suggest the «identity vacuum» left by a failure to assimilate in an adopted western society causes young, second - generation Muslims to be disproportionately represented among radicalised Jihadis.
To expand on Nicolas Holthaus» excellent comment: in a modern western society, if you're in a position to make your opinions on «populism» widely heard, you're close enough to the top of the social hierarchy that radical social change would be very much against your class interests!
The absence of any strong belief in their cause and lack of meaningful disdain for the Western society they belong to helps Morris avoid the knotty issue of mocking the Islamic faith.
Arguably, they achieved those goals to as much of an extent as pressure on the Western society could achieve, with establishment of Palestinian Authority and Oslo accords, (in many people's opinion, as a «reward» for terrorism).
What is often ignored by those who are opposed to bedsharing is that there is substantial evidence that children left in a crib in a room separate from their parents (the new «norm» in Western society) is associated with a large increased risk for SIDS, even when bedding and mattress and temperature are taken into account [5][6][7].
Western Society of Pediatric Dentistry The Western Society of Pediatric Dentistry represents the specialty of pediatric dentistry in Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon Territory.
Breastfeeding is such a natural and wonderful thing that our Western society has turned into something shameful.
As Carter points out, it highlights the tension between the breasts» function as a symbol of sexuality within western society and the function of the breast as an organic source of nutrients for the infant (Carter, 1996).
Our Western society does not expect breastfeeding for 1 year or beyond.
It is getting people talking, helping members of Western society to reframe their minds around what's supposed to be normal about infant development specific to breastfeeding.
For many in Western society, however, as infants, they are exposed to toxic stress such as long - term mother - baby separation or insensitive response.
The problem here is that what I would call «attached» a lot of people in Western society call «insecure».
Robin Kaplan: Well Emma, so how do you think Western Society's attitude towards Sex and the Breast affect breastfeeding?
Andrea, what do you think are the main reasons, from your perspective, of why women continue to breast feed into toddlerhood, even when - for example, in western society in the United States, we're having a hard time with this - it's not necessarily the norm in our society, and they keep going.
In fact, in our western society's parenting style of keeping baby «away» in some kind of contraption, the most dangerous places for babies are now cribs, high chairs, infant carriers and strollers.
It is too bad western society has such a hangup about breastfeeding in public & extended nursing.
I can't wait for Western Society to realize that BF does not have to be covered up or done in private..
I have an extreme view I know, but I just feel that our western society, with all it's schedules and careers is thriving at the cost of proper parenting, leaving holes in hearts and communities until we are all strangers, many suffering alone.
When I learned that these parenting practices, that sound so radical to us in Western society, are the parenting practices that have insured the survival of the human species for millions of years, I was then compelled to study biological anthropology.
I will be so happy the day that Americans and western society take heed!
Western society is slowly turning back to a breastfeeding culture.
As regards how many infants have what is considered a «sleep problem» in western society that, too, is hard to ascertain exactly as it depends on how one defines an «infant sleep problem» and who is doing the defining; but roughly speaking somewhere between 40 - 60 % of western babies are «said» to have sleep problems to solve.
No doubt the choice of whether to sleep with your baby or not, and in what way, is highly controversial in Western society, especially when «cosleeping» occurs in the same bed as the parent (s).
A look at breastfeeding beyond the first year, and how this ancient practice is often viewed in modern Western society.
So many women — again, particularly in Western society, are expected (or even expect themselves) to do the whole thing — pregnancy, birth, postpartum — almost entirely alone.
When we think of all the horror stories we've been told about what will happen if we don't follow a laundry list of rules about how to raise our children in today's modern, Western society, you can bet that pretty much none of it applied to our early ancestors (or even other cultures today).
But they face opposition and ridicule by people who think they're extremists, and by Western society, which doesn't exactly make it easy to wear babies or even to breastfeed.
But, in our Western society, it's often frowned upon.
For example, in addition to questioning the effectiveness of the current educational system, she also believes that litigation and paranoia abound in Western society.
In Western society many women never hold a newborn until they give birth to their own, yet this frequent skin - to - skin contact and interaction soon make up for even a complete lack of familiarity with babies.
Western society has paid very little attention to the importance of the birth experience and the first nine months in the womb, and we have seriously underestimated the impact of pre - and perinatal trauma on the psyches of our young.
Western society often views these practices as myths, but is that all they are?
We're not comfortable talking about full - term (or «extended») breastfeeding in western society.
Then, with an emphasis on Western society, they cover topics like marriage, fertility, paternity, cross-cultural studies of father involvement, stepfathering, sexuality, health, and the biochemical changes that babies make to a father's brain.
But in modern times, Western society's parenting priorities emphasized a more independent approach to sleep habits.
See, being tough didn't work... And, actually, parents today are probably better than they ever have been in western society.
Encapsulating the placenta in Western society is relatively new but becoming more popular in the media.
It's really not, and only in our Western society is it thought of that way.
Attachment parenting in today's western society takes something else too, faith in our ability to parent our own children and a reliance on our inner knowledge of our children to guide us in raising them.
In my opinion, once we have children they need to become a primary focus, if not THE primary focus in our lives, at least until they have grown old enough to individuate and become independent at a natural pace (not the accelerated pace Western society pushes).
Western society has issues.
US - based start - up Chirps Chips is on a mission to educate Western society on the benefits of insect protein in a corn snack.
Diabetes type 2 is one of the most common chronic diseases of our western society.
If you're like most of western society, you love chocolate in all of its incarnations: ice cream, candy bars pressed into Halloween shapes, milkshakes, cookies, cake, brownies, as a fruit dip, smeared into peanut butter sandwiches, and even (if you're particularly hedonistic) as a decadent cloak for bacon.
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