Sentences with phrase «wet heat»

They change the dry heat to wet heat by pouring water over hot rocks.
A collaboration with Wet Heat Project, who were initially commissioned to create a documentary about the artist, Bag's latest video reflects her evolving approach to contemporary art and reality.
The murky, wet heat of the Florida swamps serve as a potent metaphor for Gavin's perspective as he attempts to track down Anna - always slightly skewed, wavering, reflecting, dissolving into mirages the closer he gets.
A small room or house where dry or wet heat sessions are experienced, with temperatures typically ranging from 70 °C (158 °F) and 100 °C (212 °F)- designed to induce relaxation, sweating and d...
The video, shot on - site at ICA in collaboration with Wet Heat Project (who were initially commissioned to create a short film about the artist) provides an update on the activities of Leroy LeLoup, a role reprised by Damien fourteen years after his appearance in the original work.
For penetrating wet heat therapy, just wet the cloth sponge insert and squeeze it out before inserting it into the cover.
The Finns established their usage thousands of years ago, and in a traditional Finnish sauna, users experience a blast of wet heat as water hits a stove to create steam, while In North America, etc., electric saunas often omit the wet - heat step.
And what he had managed to slurp up before Missy nagged away his appetite was sitting uneasily in his gut, stewed, he thought bitterly, in the goddamn wet heat.
It is sweltering with wet heat 24/7 in summer.
A small room or house where dry or wet heat sessions are experienced, with temperatures typically ranging from 70 °C (158 °F) and 100 °C (212 °F)- designed to induce relaxation, sweating and detoxification.
Dry heat is usually better than wet heat, because wet heat may cause further damage to the nipples.
Since we know that wet heat is many times a more effective treatment for clogged ducts and mastitis, this is an exciting new product.
Some mothers find using some warmth prior to pumping works well (if using a wet heat source, make sure to dry well after removing it, if still wet, evaporation will occur, causing cooling which is counterproductive to the process.)
The men were exposed to «wet heat» in the form of a hot tub, Jacuzzi or bath, at least once a week for 30 minutes or more for three months.
Infrared saunas therapeutically are the most effective at detoxing; however some people prefer the wet heat of a steam room.
The term «sauna» can refer to any type of small or large room or device designed to help the user experience dry heat or wet heat (steam).
Cooked soybeans have been prepared with wet heat to destroy the trypsin inhibitors, which can be harmful to humans.
A sauna is an enclosed room that gives the user an experience of either dry or wet heat.
However, I keep hearing it's a «dry heat» instead of our muggy «wet heat».
(But it's a wet heat, we like to add.)
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