Sentences with phrase «whackos have»

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They could have found someone with more credentials, but when your oppoent is some whacko who just believes everything in ancient book... I think a 5 year old could win that debate
Nov. 22 is only six months away and since none of you over the past 40 years have even remotely come close to finding legitiment support for your whacko theories, you'll have a lot of work to do till then.
I'm sure they'd like their symbols there too, or is the land of the free only for Christian whackos like yourself?
Maybe if we can convince enough religious whackos to leave their job we will have no unemployment rate.
And you'd agree that the Muslim world need not denounce those terrorist attacks because they were carried out by a bunch of whackos who just happened to call themselves Muslims but actually weren't.
One look inside confirms that Jesus has nothing to do with this whacko crowd.
If they proceed in building the site, some whacko will whack — em... Then we'll have city wide riots... Tooo much anger... They should build elseware, its the prudent thing to do.
he is a far right whacko and has no chance in the general election, romney is a moderate rational person, and is our only chance to beat obama
I don't care what my progressive friends say; there's little doubt in my mind that if Jesus lived among us today, he'd be hanging out at Wal Mart, not to endorse the company's business practices, but to love on the people — the poor, the sick, the whackos, the mulleted, the morbidly obese, the sluts, the drunks, the perverts, the lost, the lonely, the bent over, the motherless, and the tragically disconnected.
This half week has been crazy with schedules going whacko and last minute details to tend to.
When I told them about the guy assuring me that he had the parts... they gave me some whacko excuses.
The sooner we put it into a «human» challenge, it invites everyone to participate without fear of being tagged a «tree hugging liberal whacko», just to mention a name I've been called many times.
This article by Stefan sure has stirred up the climate whackos of the world that's for sure.
Herman Alexander Pope's model — too qualitative M.A.Vukcevic — too obscure Fred H. Haynie — bad premise Oliver K. Manuel — whacko Harry Dale Huffman — double whacko Girma Orssengo — trendology does not make a model Tony (climatereason) Brown — reliance on anecdotal info David Postma — bad physics Arno Arrack — bad writing makes it inscrutable Nasif Nahle — bad experimentation Chief Hydrologist — appeal to authority model Joachim Seifert — if I have to pay for it, it's not worth looking at Stephen Wilde — a lawyer's model Nicola Scafetta — use enough variables and one can fit anything Alexander Biggs — a half - way - there model The SkyDragons — say no more «Joe's World» LaLonde — an idea written with crayons Stefan «TheDenier» Mikitch — a crazed Chewbacca Defense model David Wojick — some sort of anti-model that teaches «controversy» Doug Cotton — a SkyDragon acolyte Paul Vaughn — Pay him some money please so he can work his ideas out
I was once told, years ago, that I «couldn't build a small house» because the neighbors (who never came forth and were never named) would object; that in an area of 250K overpriced, oversized, lawyer foyer houses, my little house would «reduce property values»; this would be code for «we can't charge you enough for property taxes...» Forget that I owned the land, forget that we've been sold a line about «freedom» complete with soaring rhetoric and waving flags our whole lives, buy a piece of land and want to build something on it that isn't «code», isn't the «norm» and all of a sudden you're a hippy rebel whacko.
I list that site in particular as it does seem to be the main home of the deniers and whackos and so I feel a team of dedicated WUWT rebutters would be useful in a similar way that keeps an eye on Monckton.
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