Sentences with word «whaddaya»

I have been known on occasion to visit bars and porn shops (it was Times Square, whaddaya want?)
Well whaddaya know, another Android high end phone.
The only way we could make it work on our door was to use it backwards (so the doorknob faces outside, and the big handle part is inside the house), but like Kevin said while he was installing it, «whaddaya gonna do?».
Allison Schulnik's work will be featured in the group show «whaddaya wan na be, a flower?!»
«Say, Darius, we think it'd be a good idea for you to go play in Estonia for a couple of years... whaddaya say
He stopped using it for a few days and whaddaya know, the bumps came back.
But whaddaya know — it's right on top of a quaint little fishing village populated by wise, loveable Scotspersons.
But whaddaya know?
Well, whaddaya know?
And whaddaya know?
Until that happens though, we can surely count on LinkedIn profiles and, whaddaya know, the occasional job listing or two to feed us a few bits here and there.
And whaddaya know?
Well, whaddaya know — a hockey stick.
And whaddaya» know, the job market for Stockton has been improving greatly, and looks stable to the future.
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