Sentences with phrase «whale earwax»

Five Weird Archives That Scientists Use to Study Past Climates When tree rings, ice cores, and cave formations can't cut it, try your luck with whale earwax or bat poop.
SINGAPORE: What do female pirates, whale earwax, a distant planet, and a bell from one of the Singapore Navy's pioneer ships have in common?
Using a blue whale's earplug, Trumble and Usenko were able to extract and analyze the stress hormone cortisol, testosterone, organic contaminants such as pesticides and flame retardants, and mercury, demonstrating that both man - made and endogenous chemicals are recorded and archived in whale earwax.
Now, we are able to provide definitive answers by analyzing whale earwax plugs,» Usenko said.
Then, the question arose: Could whale earwax chronologically archive chemicals, such as man - made pollutants?»

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A giant earwax plug pulled from a blue whale recently revealed a fair bit of its life history, from its testosterone kicking in as it grew up to its times of stress (measured by cortisol levels) and contaminants it picked up from the waters it swam in.
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