Sentences with phrase «whale hunting in»

The disagreement has its roots in a decision by Iceland to resume commercial whale hunting in 2006.
Mr. Revkin, please report on the ongoing situation with the whale hunt in the Southern Ocean.
An ad hoc group within the International Whaling Commission has offered a proposal that would sanction some commercial whaling for the first time in decades while reducing the amount of whaling taking place through what amount to end runs around a longstanding whaling moratorium — like Iceland's expanding hunt of fin whales (video above) and Japan's «research» whale hunts in the ocean near Antarctica.
With Japan's whale hunt in stormy southern seas wrapped for the season, the battle over efforts by a handful of countries to expand whale hunts has shifted to Iceland.
The pilot whale hunt in the Faroes is, by its very nature, a dramatic and bloody sight.
Gruesome images of the pilot whale hunt in the Faroe Islands have been cycling through cyberspace for years.

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Forbidding a native tribe in Alaska to hunt whales may destroy its culture.
For example, we should stop «hunting for sport or furs; farming minks, foxes and other animals for their fur; capturing wild animals (often after shooting their mothers) and imprisoning them in small cages for humans to stare at; tormenting animals to make them learn tricks for circuses, and tormenting them to make them entertain the folks at rodeos; slaughtering whales with explosive harpoons; and generally ignoring the interests of wild animals as we extend our empire of concrete and pollution over the surface of the globe» (ALNE 23).
Japan has failed to sell three - quarters of its 2011 whale - meat harvest, a loss of appetite for cetacean blubber that may spell the end of the hunt in the world's largest whaling nation.
It is bad enough to be offered this «delicacy» in every restaurant and have it justified on the grounds that this is a poor country in the middle of the Atlantic which has to continue to hunt whales to survive.
Pack - ice killer whales also live in the Antarctic but have the largest eye patch and hunt seals.
Known as the «right» kind of whales for hunting, the last North Pacific right whale in Canadian waters was seen (and killed) by whalers in 1951.
The company has also agreed to start a bowhead - whale - monitoring programme from 1 August, and to suspend drilling in the Beaufort from 25 August until after locals have finished their subsistence hunts.
Critics have long argued that Japan's «scientific research» whaling was commercial hunting cloaked in a lab coat.
HALIFAX, CANADA — In a sad reversal of fortune, the North Atlantic right whale is in deep trouble again after rebounding in recent decades from centuries of huntinIn a sad reversal of fortune, the North Atlantic right whale is in deep trouble again after rebounding in recent decades from centuries of huntinin deep trouble again after rebounding in recent decades from centuries of huntinin recent decades from centuries of hunting.
Under normal circumstances, groups of two or three whales tend to dive in synchrony across tens of square kilometers to hunt for food.
Stories on the social value of aging female killer whales, a frantic meteor hunt in the Australian Outback and the unusual brain of the world's greatest solo climber are among the winners of the 2017 AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards.
Indeed demand for whale meat was so low in June that the Norwegian Fishermen's Sales Organisation temporarily put a halt to all whale hunts.
Meanwhile, the seal - hunting, whale - eating Inuit survived in the very same environment.
European whalers hunted the whale off the coast of New Zealand in the last century, apparently reducing the population from 60 000 to around 3000.
Tokyo's decades - old and disputed «scientific whaling» program suffered a blow in March when the International Court of Justice (ICJ), in a surprise ruling, ordered a halt to annual hunts in the Southern Ocean.
Climate change and the resulting loss of sea ice during the summer have opened new hunting territory for the killer whales in the eastern Canadian Arctic, but scientists knew very little about these animals until they tapped into the traditional knowledge of Inuit hunters who shared unique firsthand descriptions of orca hunting tactics.
Estes calls the hunt the «first concrete and well - chronicled example of killer whales coming in and doing a significant amount of damage to a population.»
Less than 2 years after the International Court of Justice in the Netherlands ruled that Japan must stop killing whales, Japan has announced that it will relaunch its program to hunt minke whales in the Antarctic, BBC reports.
These prey species move in different ways, meaning that the whales can't just use one hunting strategy for all their targets.
Dr. Jeremy Goldbogen believes that this research can tell us how whales may be changing their attack strategy depending on the prey they are targeting in order to maximise their hunting success.
To study the effects of intense hunting of sperm whales in the Pacific Ocean, Whitehead and his wife, marine biologist Linda Weilgart, collected data on the whales» vocalizations and tail scars, which may indicate how well an animal fends off predators.
The drive - hunting of dolphins has a long history in the Solomon Islands, particularly at the island of Malaita, according to Marc Oremus, a biologist with the South Pacific Whale Research Consortium and lead author on the study.
«The hunting of large whales is managed by the International Whaling Commission,» added Baker, who works out of OSU's Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Ore. «But there is no international or inter-governmental organization to set quotas or provide management advice for hunting small cetaceans.
And it ended in the oceans in the wake of whale and other mammal hunting in the industrial era of humans.
Currently, a trio of nations — Japan, Norway, and Iceland — continue to hunt, despite the ban, doing so through loopholes in the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, a 1946 treaty.
Japan conducts such «scientific whaling» in the Antarctic's Southern Ocean and North Pacific, while Iceland and Norway filed objections to the overall moratorium, a position that allows them to continue their hunts.
NORWAY faces strong condemnation from the International Whaling Commission again this year, as its whalers continue their commercial hunt in the face of a world moratorium and in the absence of any reliable way of determining «safe» catch quotas.
«When hunting herring, the whales travel in large groups and vocalize a lot,» says Andrew Foote, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Copenhagen, and lead author of the new study.
«Each whale had a seal pup in its stomach,» Foote says, «yet their teeth were worn like those of the herring - hunting whales» seen off Iceland.
Now the trio has created a model to examine in more detail how a cap - and - trade market might impact whale populations and how the costs and benefits would change for people who want to hunt or conserve them.
«Whale sharks are under threat from human impacts of hunting and ship strike and it makes it much easier to plan for conservation if we only have to deal with neighbouring countries in each region rather than localities spread across the entire Indian Ocean.»
Once abundant, blue whales were hunted to just 500 individuals before a ban on commercial whaling came in during the 1960s.
He re-told the familiar tale of the evolution of land animals from ancient fish, and then considered the return of various groups of reptiles, birds and mammals to an aquatic existence: ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs, crocodiles, sea - snakes, penguins, whales, dolphins and porpoises, manatees and dugongs, and seals — as well as polar bears, otters and water voles, who hunt in water.
After hunting was banned by the International Whaling Commission in 1966, blue whale numbers began to slowly recover.
For roughly 100 years, sperm whales were hunted for the semi-waxy oil found in their head.
We are walking on sunshine Japanese whaling, in terms of active hunting of these large mammals, is estimated by the Japan Whaling Association to have begun around the 12th cwhaling, in terms of active hunting of these large mammals, is estimated by the Japan Whaling Association to have begun around the 12th cWhaling Association to have begun around the 12th century.
When the culture of a society is weak on women, the amount of masculinity required of a man to thrive in all areas must be Japanese whaling, in terms of active hunting of these large mammals, is estimated by the Japan Whaling Association to have begun around the 12th cwhaling, in terms of active hunting of these large mammals, is estimated by the Japan Whaling Association to have begun around the 12th cWhaling Association to have begun around the 12th century.
Many are lucky, finding life - long love or at least some exciting escapades Japanese whaling, in terms of active hunting of these large mammals, is estimated by the Japan Whaling Association to have begun around the 12th cwhaling, in terms of active hunting of these large mammals, is estimated by the Japan Whaling Association to have begun around the 12th cWhaling Association to have begun around the 12th century.
A large white whale does make an appearance in «In the Heart of the Sea», but it's a supporting role, and Howard fails to establish any dramatic tension early between the hunters (the whalers) and the hunted (the whales) or later, the hunter (the whale) and the hunted (the whalersin «In the Heart of the Sea», but it's a supporting role, and Howard fails to establish any dramatic tension early between the hunters (the whalers) and the hunted (the whales) or later, the hunter (the whale) and the hunted (the whalersIn the Heart of the Sea», but it's a supporting role, and Howard fails to establish any dramatic tension early between the hunters (the whalers) and the hunted (the whales) or later, the hunter (the whale) and the hunted (the whalers).
Instead of chasing whales on the sea, the crew of the diesel train Medes hunt moldywarpes — enormous, man - eating, molelike creatures who are only one of the countless menacing species who burrow in the perilous earth beneath a tangled ocean of train tracks.
In 1923, when Makah Indian Pearl was 13, her father was lost at sea during a whale hunt.
In his book The Bond: Our Kinship with Animals, Our Call to Defend Them, HSUS president and CEO Wayne Pacelle gets at one of the core issues challenging the humane movement: If we rid the world of inhumane economic practices — be it puppy mills, whaling, the Canadian seal hunt — what will replace them?
News Bites: Fat cat prompts cruelty charges Iceland hunting whales for dog food Internet vet loses license over online advice Children die in hot cars — and so do pets!
The fortune he continued to receive from royalties after he left the show in 1993 was invested in his passions: rescuing animals from abuse, training dogs to help people with disabilities or post-traumatic stress disorder, protecting whales from being hunted and providing vegan meals to hungry families.
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