Sentences with phrase «whales do»

The problem here isn't so much what Whales do (because you can't change human nature), its that it is too easy for them to exist in large numbers in the first place.
The whales don't even need to sell to raise concerns.
Minke whales do not display their flukes when diving, but they are active at the surface and can often been seen breaching (leaping out of the water) in a quick, fluid movement.
To suppose whales do not suffer similar harm defies logic, physiology and health science.
I guess they prefer taking on the whales as the whales don't shoot back.
Jump on the water with Brisbane Whale Watching from Redcliffe or the Tangalooma Whale Watch Cruises to see whales do their thing in the Moreton Bay Marine Park.
Along the way, the whales do a swim - by off the Mendocino Coast, offering an unforgettable chance to see the leviathans spouting, breaching and diving as they make their epic journey south.
While the whales don't always swim close enough to be touched, it is not uncommon and at the very least, you will be within 15 - 20» of these athletic whales.
See Maui's «gentle giants» during the months of December thru April when the Humpback Whales do their annual migration to Hawaii.
Since they don't migrate as a single pod, some whales do not make it all the way to Baja.
This is where the killer whales do nearly all of their hunting and playing.
Jim Lecky, director of the Office of Protected Resources for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration fisheries service, said blue whales do not face imminent danger as a population and that their numbers are slowly increasing from year to year.
Circles of bubbles would appear from below — the whales do this to cause fish to congregate for easier hunting — followed by breach after breach of the whales as they scooped up schools of tiny fish in their mouths.
«But baleen whales do grow teeth in the womb.
Two years ago, scientists suggested whales do this to focus their attention on the survival of their families rather than on birthing more offspring.
Apart from humans and the occasional orca known to attack babies, whales don't really have predators, probably simply because of their size.
Thus Janjucetus didn't feed as modern baleen whales do.
Whales do not have to deal with gravity, so they can avoid the structural limits imposed on terrestrial mammals and dinosaurs alike.
The whales don't perform bottom side - rolls in another area of the Gulf of Maine where the dominant humpback prey is herring, further suggesting that the late - night acrobatics are for catching sand lance.
If gray whales do migrate to the ocean next door, they'll find that a lot has changed in the Atlantic since the species last plied its waters, including increased ship traffic and higher temperatures.
Even if entangled whales don't die, they can pay a big physiological price.
That's what the so - called Bitcoin whales did 5 - 6 years ago.
The sensors measured brainwaves that indicated the whale did reduce its hearing sensitivity in expectation of a clamor.
Wikie makes five attempts to mimic a «creaking door» sound after hearing another killer whale doing it.
The data showed that whales didn't get really big early on, as Slater had suggested.
A large white whale does make an appearance in «In the Heart of the Sea», but it's a supporting role, and Howard fails to establish any dramatic tension early between the hunters (the whalers) and the hunted (the whales) or later, the hunter (the whale) and the hunted (the whalers).
It was fun to see the 8,000 + pound whales doing tricks for the trainer while the audience was being splashed.
Moonstar the Humpback Whale didn't feed that we saw, but slapped his tail several times against the water while trumpeting.
That raises the possibility that the whale did not swim into the Mediterranean Sea alone, but is part of a population that has recolonised parts of the Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea that links to it.
So the question is: Why are humpback whales doing this?
Even if a grey, blue or humpback whale does not make an appearance, the tour boat captains can usually find a pod of dolphins — Common, Bottlenose or Risso's, as well as rafts of sea lions.
One set of keys and lots of destroyed tape later (Note: No, the whale did not have tape around it), I was staring into six open boxes, and at a whole slew of copies of Virtua Tennis 2009.
Encouraging IWC Commissioners to take all necessary steps to prevent Japan from further whaling in light of the International Court of Justice's March 2014 judgment that Japan's Antarctic whaling did not qualify as scientific research and thus undermined the moratorium; and
Those nations that cling to whaling do so to the great consternation of the larger majority of nations, and against the objections of hundreds of millions of individuals, in every country, who feel with the deepest conviction that whaling, whatever its viability and justification in past centuries, can not be indulged in this one.
Urging IWC Commissioners to strongly criticize Japan for its continued «scientific» whaling, in light of the International Court of Justice's March 2014 judgment that Japan's previous Antarctic whaling did not qualify as scientific research;
Documents obtained by Greenpeace show that NOAA's press release on a dead sperm whale didn't tell the full story.

Not exact matches

Things to do include kayaking, whale - watching and checking out nearby Acadia National Park.
Contrary to popular belief, fin collapse doesn't just affect captive whales.
I didn't want to look like an Orca whale in a tux.
On my whale - watching trip, think about what I was doing the entire time.
The rock stars on your team who land the «whales» and lead the most profitable business units probably don't lack in the recognition category.
«Don't forget about basic digital tools — e-mail marketing still works,» Whaling says.
«We don't think you need to land the whale.
I don't worry about global warming or global pandemics or saving whales.
«I've wrestled with alligators; I've tussled with a whale; I done handcuffed lightning; and throw thunder in jail.»
So he decided to do something about it, creating the Lonely Whale Project.
Before the show, do your research and identify «whales,» or the most important people you'll want to talk to while you're there.
«The size of the penalties is testimony to the great damage risky derivatives bets can do, and that's important,» said Sen. Carl Levin, a Michigan Democrat who helped conduct an investigation into the London Whale trade as chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, said in a statement.
Don't miss the chance to talk to whales.
To be sure, there were entrepreneurs who didn't fare as well, but that is true in any economy; if you don't believe me ask the people selling whaling harpoons or Betamax recorders.
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