Sentences with phrase «whales migrate»

Summer is when 5,000 or more white beluga whales migrate to the Churchill River Estuary to feed and birth their young so it's possible to don a wet suit and observe them in the wild.
Giant elephant seals bask on the sandy shores, and gray whales migrate past in the deep indigo waters twice a year, while this untouched terrain remains as wild and exhilarating as always.
From October to March, gray whales, humpback whales, and other species of whales migrate to the Baja Peninsula, and many make their way to Cabo San Lucas.
With the changes in season, several species of whales migrate to the temperate waters off Cabos to
With the changes in season, several species of whales migrate to the temperate waters off Cabos to breed and give birth to their offspring.
Pilot whales and killer whales migrate through the area from March through June.
Summer and Fall months has giant blue whales, finback whales, and minke whales migrate into coastal waters off Laguna Beach.
You can scuba dive, fish or watch whales migrate along the coast.
Every year along the southern coast of Australia you'll see southern right whales migrate to the bays of Victoria and South Australia to give birth.
As the gray whales migrate along the Pacific Coast, we may have a brief chance to view them before their return to a world that remains mysterious.
In the winter months, usually starting around the middle of December, thousands of whales migrate to the waters off the coast of Cabo for the season.
Rich Press: Every fall, Gray whales migrate from their summer feeding grounds in the Arctic to their breeding and calving grounds in lagoons off Baja, California in Mexico.
Rich Press: Every fall, Gray whales migrate from their summer feeding grounds in the Arctic to their breeding and calving grounds in lagoons... Continue reading →
Watch whales migrate in September.
Tens of thousands of gray whales migrate annually along the Newport Beach coastline from the summer feeding...
Whales migrate south through the Santa Barbara Channel along Oxnard's shores in the winter.
Final note: Minke and Humpback whales migrate during winter; coral spawning happens in spring.
Unmated whales migrate here to form courtship groups.
Every year, blue whales migrate from Washington to Costa Rica, and humpbacks from Alaska to Hawaii and Mexico.
«Endangered whales migrate here in winter looking for savory crustaceans.
If you're visiting during the months of December through March, you'll love watching gray whales migrate to the area from Alaska.
Whales migrate to these waters from November to March and then from July to December to give birth to their young, while some whales remain in the region throughout the year.
Did you know that an estimated 12,000 humpback whales migrate to Hawaii each year from December to May?
The whales migrate down from their Alaskan home waters to calve in Magdalena Bay from January through mid-March, so this is the only window to see them in Baja.
Different whales migrate at different times of the year.
During May to September, Warrnambool becomes a popular whale watching spot as the Southern Right whales migrate hear to give birth.
In March the whales migrate north, with their young, along the Sonoma Coast with the mothers and their calves even closer to shore for protection.
Grey whales migrate past our beaches in the spring and fall, but resident grey whales can be seen year - round not far offshore.
Whale watching is at its best during the winter season, December through March, when the spectacular Humpback whales migrate through Bandaras Bay.
Each year, during winter, humpback whales migrate from Antarctic waters to the warm waters of the tropics for calving.
A major attraction of this town is that every year whales migrate from the north to the warm waters of Ballena Bay to mate and give birth amid the abundant marine habitat found here.
From late December through early May, thousands of humpback whales migrate to the warm waters of...
Gray whales migrate further than any other mammal in the world and can travel 10 - 12,000 miles each year.
Every winter over 30,000 humpback whales migrate from Antarctica up the East Australian coast to mate and birth their calves in warm tropical waters.
Gray whales migrate here for the warm water conditions.
Get Down Whale Watching Every winter over 30,000 humpback whales migrate from Antarctica up the East Australian coast to mate and birth their calves in -LSB-...]
The whales migrate from their summer grounds in Alaska to spend the winter in the Sea of Cortez, mating and calving.
These whales migrate every winter from the northern Pacific to this calm sea channel.
From August to October and from December to April, numerous humpback whales migrate here.
Every winter thousands of grey whales migrate south down the Pacific coast to the Baja peninsula in Mexico.
From November to May, approximately 19,000 gray whales migrate along the coast both nearshore and offshore.
There's no better place to experience the enchantment of watching whales migrate, or swimming with dolphins.
Since gray whales migrate relatively close to shore, whalewatching is very popular.
The whales migrate down during winter months (Dec - March) to give birth to their calves.
In early autumn, more species of whales migrate to Los Cabos than anywhere else in the world.
Every year humpback whales migrate from June to August up the east coast of Australia from Antarctica to their sub-tropical breeding grounds.
Each year humpback whales migrate from Alaska to Hawaii.
Every year an estimated 20,000 grey whales migrate from the Baja Peninsula's breeding and calving lagoons in Mexico toward their summer feeding grounds in the Bering and Chukchi Seas near the Arctic.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to see Humpback whales migrate through Banderas Bay while on vacation in Mexico!
Humpback whales migrate northwards from the Antarctic up the east coast of Australia to the warmer waters of the Coral Sea in autumn, making the return journey in spring.
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