Sentences with phrase «what are those beautiful»

Function of Beauty usually focuses its marketing on its products rather than on people to avoid defining who and what is beautiful, because of the stereotypes and self - esteem problems that can create.
Perhaps I know better what is beautiful and good.
«I'm very committed to finding what's beautiful and what's real,» she explained.
What is beautiful is when you finally realize that He is able to take away the desire to sin.
Do you honestly believe there is an absolute standard for what is beautiful or what is love?
Nakedness is for the loss of that human dignity, the loss of that respect, the loss of that purity that was so beautiful, so great, the loss of that virginity that was the most beautiful thing that a young man and a young woman can give each other because they love each other, the loss of that presence, of what is beautiful, of what is great this is nakedness.
We are conditioned to believe what is beautiful.
And I believe it: What is beautiful in our lives is what actually becomes the most useful in our lives.
What is beautiful in our lives is what actually becomes the most useful in our lives.
What we Catholics need to hear, what all of us need to hear from Pope Francis, is an exhortation calling attention to the artistic impoverishment of Holy Mother Church: to her hunger and thirst for justice and for what is beautiful.
If we want to be a nation that reveres history, let's be a nation that considers every thread of it, celebrating what's beautiful but also mourning what's damaged and broken.
I think what's beautiful is that sharing all things in common is not a prescription for community, but it's a description of what happened as the Holy Spirit fell on them.
What's the point of any struggle unless it is to preserve what is beautiful?
«Dear friends, dear lovers of the truth, of what is beautiful, of what is right,» he addressed his listeners at the start.
I love how Rachel doesn't shy away from what's ugly in her search for what's beautiful both in herself and the church.»
Jesus plainly identifies himself as one who believed that what is beautiful and good in the world and in human life is to be enjoyed without apology.
44But I say to you, love your enemies and bless the one who curses you, and do what is beautiful to the one who hates you, and pray over those who take you by force and persecute you.
What's beautiful about this vision is that the nations don't join together as one ethnicity, but as their own separate people groups — representing different countries and races — worshipping God equally, in their own languages and with their own cultural backgrounds.
They generally see beauty (and all values) as simply the creation of estranged human subjects, who project their own individual or communal sense of what is beautiful, and therefore valuable, onto the universe.
By this I do not mean that the aesthetic is evil in itself but that attention to evil is an integral part of the electronic church's sense of what is beautiful.
We will see what is beautiful, admirable, wise and strong about them.
That's what is beautiful to me.
I am a facilitator for what is beautiful in man.
My never ending fight in this job, is to bring out what is beautiful in man.
At Big Free Bet we love an unusual football nickname, and it got us thinking, while nothing quite beats a team called the Mintcakes (Kendal Town if you're wondering), what is the beautiful game's most popular nickname?
Many women who seek a romantic partner, no matter our age, want someone whose understanding of what's beautiful and desirable goes beyond physical beauty and age.
I think we need to talk more about adoption and demystify what is a beautiful way to have a family.
Like Jillian said, keep it civil and if you are strongly opinionated, maybe if there is... what is beautiful thing about these Facebook groups, like you've mentioned before, is that they have... there are some general and there are some that are focused, so get one that gears more towards modesty or one that really echoes what you stand for or your experience.
Moreover, it is a lesson on how «you preserve what's beautiful about the East End.»
Do you think physicists have lost the idea of what is beautiful and powerful because they have gotten carried away?
«What's beautiful about our approach is that you do not have to couple it with a specific allergen, you only use this peptide.
What's beautiful about conscious sensuality is that, unlike spontaneous lovemaking, there's a container for each experience, so you're less likely to move too quickly to the «next thing.»
We get to decide for ourselves what is beautiful when it comes to our bodies.»
Isn't that what is beautiful about children?
What's beautiful about small goals is after you've accomplished one, you get a swell of confidence (and oxytocin) from your accomplishment.
Don't let social media taint your view of what is beautiful, what is REAL.
You can train yourself to focus on what DOES works, what IS beautiful, what people DO do great.
What is the beautiful lighter grey paint color in your son's room?
A magical dress is a total game - changer, it can make you remember what is beautiful about life.
Everyone has a different idea of what is beautiful to them, and... View Post
And what's beautiful about this stuff is that it (plus cocoa powder) gives the brownie a really fudgy and dense texture without the need for any oil.
I wanted to change how the world perceives what is beautiful and not.
Brian Phillips, president, Black Frame: «I feel the creative community will be emboldened to look past commercial gains and focus more on what is good for humanity as well as what is beautiful and innovative.
What's a beautiful plate with nothing on it?
Think only of what is beautiful.
What is beautiful is good, even online: correlations between photo attractiveness and text attractiveness in men's online dating profiles
What is beautiful is good, even online: Correlations between photo attractiveness and text attractiveness in men's online dating profiles.
What are some beautiful and extraordinary traits about their bea...
So, what was beautiful about their music, is that nothing feels heavy - handed... it's not like we get to Germany, Turkey, or Raqqa and suddenly the whole score changes.
«What's beautiful about representation, my girlfriend — her name is Daniella Garcia, she's Andy Garcia's daughter — an amazing actor.
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