Sentences with phrase «what charlatans»

That's because yours is the stuff of what Charlatans are made of.
Your Complete Ignorance of History and all the hot air you blew, are the stuff of what Charlatans are made of.
Yours is the stuff of what Charlatans are made of.
Therefore yours is the stuff of what Charlatans are made of.
What a charlatan he is... nothing but a despotic charlatan using scripture to further his own agenda.

Not exact matches

And you previously called me a charlatan and a coward, wow what a brave american are you!
If someone, like this tv personality, errr preacher, errr poitician, errr; «I just want your attention — I need more money» charlatan is fueled by idiots... «Well, what'd «ya expect?»
Unfortunately, religious droll such as yours still appeals to some people who want to be told what to do by manipulative and deceitful charlatans like yourself.»
Pointing out that the man is a charlatan is precisely what you people insist Christians should do and then you condemn them for it.
It's a story about bigoted believers and the next generation of less delusional believers who don't get their panties in a knot about gays, and don't want to continue to deny them their rights, regardless of what religious shamans and charlatans and The Babble says.
If all you've ever read is the Bible, and all you've ever listened to is some fire - and - brimstone charlatan, I have no respect for your beliefs as to what the Bible says.
This economy will either put these charlatans out of business (and that's what they are - businesses) or the whole of America will turn to them and it will be easy for the beast - prophet to have his way later on.
If no order had been given about what to do while the charlatan was saying his mumbo - jumbo, there would not have been a problem — those who wanted to participate as their cult requires would have done so and nobody would have been checking to see who was doing what.
When asked to disclose claimed proof, you came up with nothing — zip, nada, not a thing, nothing more that what religious charlatans have been pushing for 2000 + years.
These people are far more likely to be charlatans or seriously deluded than divinely inspired, but I suspect that their followers swear they are what they say they are, and even willing to die for them.
Franklin Graham, the CHARLATAN, is portraying himself as an expert on Islamic law — Sharia law The problem is that people that are exposed to this quackery — really believe what he says.
4th place gone, football quality at an all time low, a half empty stadium... the furure ai nt what it used to be... junkies in cold turkey... wenger pretending that more points than last season means progress... the man is a charlatan of the first order.
What all of the charlatans have to remember is that there is no such thing as a secret deal.
Unfortunately, there has been a rise in the amount of charlatans in these areas, who hear words like Black Wednesday and make up their own story of what caused it.
That's the wisdom from — and what I gather is the driving force behind — James «The Amazing» Randi, the renowned illusionist, escape artist and debunker of psychics, spoon benders, faith healers and other charlatans willing to prey on others.
A while ago I listened to starchvore doctor, I think that is what he called himself, explaining how carbs will not make you fat, when he starting explaining how animals differ from humans, that animals can eat carbs and get fat and humans can, t, I had to exercise my rights and left the talk to those gullible enough to believe this charlatan.
WHAT: World - renowned magician Wei Ling Soo has a bag of tricks, but his biggest trick of all is that it's just a ruse — the terribly racist stage persona of grumpy Englishman Stanley Crawford (Colin Firth), who despises charlatans that give his profession a bad name.
Michigan's charter school «industry» — and that's what it is, an industry; not an educational system, but rather a business model designed to steal public money and slip it into private bank accounts — is wildly out of control, an unregulated Wild West playground for unscrupulous hucksters, quacks and charlatans who see our school system and our children as an untapped well - spring of profits.
Karen wants to stay and either expose the charlatans or find out what's really happen, while Priya doesn't want to get involved, and on the eve of their moving into their house, they ha
I've dealt with charlatans and with people who thing they know what's good.
I figured some charlatan probably told him to email successful authors and demand we promote his book, because that's what «influential» authors do.
That view belies a 2004 mentality — from before the destruction of New Orleans awoke the rest of America to what Californians had known since the Enron - manufactured energy crisis of 2001: these men are charlatans and hoodlums.
Speaking of Albert Einstein, he had an answer for those continually trying to claim that there is a consensus for their flawed, unproven hypothesis regarding anthropogenic global warming, climate change or what ever the charlatans now call it: «Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of the truth» Albert Einstein.
They simply accept that the University of East Anglia's computers were hacked, on the word of people who are shown by what was hacked to be liars and charlatans and who have an interest in making the story be something other than the substance of the material.
Particularly I'm interested in those historically greyed gradations between what the Greeks called «persuasion» («pathei» if I remember, though I'm probably wrong) and what became, via the Christian concept of «Truth», «honesty», a totally alien concept to the classical world (for no one was capable of «lieing», then)-- to «persuade», even in the 1300's, with «graphs» would have classed you as a mountebank and a charlatan.
And that Mike (presumably Mann) had to invent a «trick» of concealment and that his coperps had learnt it and were happy to use it tto conceal the sad truth from the uninitiated shows just what a bunch of charlatans they are.
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