Sentences with phrase «what shariah»

Do you even know anything about what Shariah is?

Not exact matches

Harvard professor Feldman: «Shariah, according to Muslims, is god's word on how you're supposed to live your life... as a general matter, shariah is what you make of it, and there are plenty of Muslims who interpret shariah in a progressive way so that it's equal towards women and progressive towards women.Shariah, according to Muslims, is god's word on how you're supposed to live your life... as a general matter, shariah is what you make of it, and there are plenty of Muslims who interpret shariah in a progressive way so that it's equal towards women and progressive towards women.shariah is what you make of it, and there are plenty of Muslims who interpret shariah in a progressive way so that it's equal towards women and progressive towards women.shariah in a progressive way so that it's equal towards women and progressive towards women.»
This is what has already happened in large European cities, especially in France and Britain where street gangs now enforce Shariah law.
What primarly distinguishes «Shariah Law» from laws actually in place in any muslim country today is WHO (i.e. the elected representatives of the people or the religious priesthood) defines the law.
In general - and in conjunction of what «real» Caliphate is - fully establish the ways and laws of Shariah.
What makes the debate particularly complex is that there are thousands of digital coins each with unique features related to distribution, mining, and trading, said Farrukh Habib, research officer at Malaysia - based International Shariah Research Academy for Islamic Finance.
Last year, the initial coin offering (ICO) for Onegram — a purportedly Shariah - compliant, gold - backed, cryptocurrency — garnered significant international media attention for what the company hoped would be a more than $ 500 million USD token - sale.
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