Sentences with phrase «what about exclusions»

And what about exclusions?

Not exact matches

Assuming Gerecht is serious about the idea that the coup's implicit exclusion of «moderate - trending» Islamists from what he once called the democratic wave means that that wave is doomed, doesn't that mean, paradoxically, that even if one judges the coup was a mistake, one must support it now?
«I'm constantly battling between what my mind believes, which is what I've been taught and told my whole life... and what my soul or maybe my cells know,» Pearson says, comparing what he believed for most of his life about exclusion of salvation through Christ and what he now believes.
For kids, yes, they're still learning, and some mistakes and hurt feelings are going to happen in the course of learning, so I wouldn't advocate adults intervening for every little squabble (like, two kids fighting over one communal toy, or arguing about what to watch on TV), but if there's a steady pattern of deliberate and premeditated bullying going on, then yeah, I'd step in, whether it's physical bullying, name - calling, threats, cyberbullying, theft / extortion, repeated exclusion, or whatever.
It's not uncommon in a New York City subway car, an airport terminal or just about any other public space to see a dozen or more people completely consumed by what's happening on the screen of their smartphone, to the exclusion of the world around them.
What we aim for is the kind of understanding achieved by Pauli, whose exclusion principle showed why these regularities were there, and by the inventors of quantum mechanics, who made possible exact and detailed predictions about atomic systems.
Instead, we talk about what they're wearing almost to the exclusion of anything else, and Heaven help the woman who makes the «wrong» fashion choice.
In this taut and emotionally convincing narrative, Eva Hornung explores universal themes of the human condition: the importance of home, what it means to belong to a family, the consequences of exclusion, and what our animal nature can teach us about survival.
What enabled you to write so sensitively about Philip's feelings of inferiority and exclusion?
Ask your insurance agent about what's called «a named driver exclusion» option, if you are worried about combining your policies.
What about the intentional acts exclusion?
Call your broker if you want to know more about the exclusions on your policy and about what add - ons you can purchase to further provide peace of mind.
Given the tricky exclusions listed in the fine print of most credit card policies, chances are, they're even more confused about what their credit cards cover.
«It was mostly about making visible what is invisible... that's the discrimination that has resulted in the exclusion of Africans and African - Americans in the collections of museums and in the art market,» said Ibrahim, adding that visitors who asked to see behind the plastic bags were told «I won't show you unless, you eventually buy.»
Margaret Tali will discuss the meanings of Romani exclusion and what it has to tell us about artistic scenes, their nature and alignments by focusing on the work of an outstanding Finnish - Romani artist, writer and activist, Kiba Lumberg, who advocates her artistic practice as a human right.
So just as we can ask what Shappi Khorsandi was doing at an event intended to get Londoners to «think» about their energy supply, to the exclusion of any contrary ideas, we might wonder what Oxford — the second oldest University in the world — needed from Will.I.Am, and what Will.I.Am really needed to speak to Myles Allen about.
Common renters insurance exclusions include flood, earthquake and vermin damage, but you can learn more about what renters insurance does — and doesn't cover — here.
Exclusions in a car insurance often proves to be a complex subject for car owners and the lack of knowledge about what their car insurance doesn't... Read More
Given the tricky exclusions listed in the fine print of most credit card policies, chances are, they're even more confused about what their credit cards cover.
Learn more about what's covered and what's not in a policy before your purchase by understanding the limitations and exclusions in a typical travel health insurance coverage plan.
Read the exclusions in your policy to learn about what is not covered.
So there's a flood exclusion in your policy, and you're worried about what that means when a pipe breaks, or when the sprinklers go off.
What about the intentional acts exclusion?
You sound like Obama, self - proclaimed head of the world order don't» cha know, worried about other countries» interests to the exclusion of his own country's, the next wannabe United Nations Secretary General, pontificating from Mount Olympus, instead of a Realtor who knows that he has only one purpose as a Realtor, and that one purpose is to defend his client's fiduciary interests 100 % of the time, no matter what.
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