Sentences with phrase «what additional infrastructure»

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«Provided it is well targeted, a national road pricing scheme of this type could reduce congestion by some 50 per cent below what it otherwise would be in 2025 and reduce the economic case for additional strategic road infrastructure by some 80 per cent,» it says.
«It also means that by the additional revenue that is coming from this action, we would have more resources to provide infrastructure for Lagosians and this is what we want other investors and businessmen to emulate, so that beyond the issue of profit, you are actually creating impact on people without them necessarily knowing that it is actually coming from a venture like this that you have embarked on,» he said.
The study gives rise to additional questions and uncertainties, for example what effects sustained low prices could have on long - lived energy infrastructure.
«What is really important is that we were able to reach these conclusions without having any additional information on diet from the subjects,» said lead author Doctor Otto Savolainen, who works at the Division of Food and Nutrition Science and the Chalmers Mass Spectrometry Infrastructure at Chalmers University of Technology.
Who will pay for the additional roads and infrastructure, and what's the budget tradeoff?
What is pretty clear, though, is that this year's extreme wetness on the seasonal scale has pushed parts of California's aging water infrastructure to the brink — and had even a single additional warm, wet atmospheric river come ashore during the peak of winter, the overall flood situation might have been considerably more serious.
, ranks the largest publicly listed companies by the carbon intensity of their coal, oil, and gas reserves; the Clean200 ranks the largest publicly listed companies by their total clean energy revenues, with a few additional screens to help ensure the companies are indeed building the infrastructure and services needed for what Lester Brown and many others have called «The Great Energy Transition» in a just and equitable way.
Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting in New York: Funding Options and Opportunities (PDF - 515 KB) Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy (2012) Explores how New York and other States finance maternal, infant, and early childhood home - visiting programs and infrastructure, the ways funding is combined or used to leverage additional money, and what new State and Federal financing options might emerge.
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