Sentences with phrase «what baby blues»

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Amidst the challenges and baby blues, I told myself that what I was enduring was normal, and that in time things would get better.
Between 50 % and 80 % of all new mothers experience what is known as the «baby blues
What Are The Baby Blues?
Find out what to look for when trying to diagnose postpartum depression so that you can learn to tell the difference before the more common lesser form of depression known as baby blues and the more severe form of depression known as postpartum depression.
Never had an ounce of baby blues and had more milk than my girls knew what to do with.
What is fun, though, is this twister rattle and teething toy, which will surely prevent the teething blues and keep baby entertained while providing soothing relief to his or her gums.
And while this is supposed to be one of the happiest times in your life, it can be clouded with what has affectionately been called «the baby blues
It's not the baby blues and it's not postpartum depression — so, what is it?
«Several of you have asked about the difference between Baby Blues (what I had after having Cam) and Postpartum Depression,» she wrote on her website, before going on to explain that 70 - 80 percent of new moms are affected by the baby blues, while only 10 - 20 percent suffer from postpartum depression, which, as she puts it, usually «lasts much longer than a few weeks with much more intense emotions.&raBaby Blues (what I had after having Cam) and Postpartum Depression,» she wrote on her website, before going on to explain that 70 - 80 percent of new moms are affected by the baby blues, while only 10 - 20 percent suffer from postpartum depression, which, as she puts it, usually «lasts much longer than a few weeks with much more intense emotions.&rBlues (what I had after having Cam) and Postpartum Depression,» she wrote on her website, before going on to explain that 70 - 80 percent of new moms are affected by the baby blues, while only 10 - 20 percent suffer from postpartum depression, which, as she puts it, usually «lasts much longer than a few weeks with much more intense emotions.&rababy blues, while only 10 - 20 percent suffer from postpartum depression, which, as she puts it, usually «lasts much longer than a few weeks with much more intense emotions.&rblues, while only 10 - 20 percent suffer from postpartum depression, which, as she puts it, usually «lasts much longer than a few weeks with much more intense emotions.»
I'm trying to prepare myself for some baby blues, and I yeah just reading what the «normal baby blues» may look like according to this article sounds totally daunting.
It was absolutely beyond the baby blues and although I was never diagnosed with PPD, I believe that is what I had.
What is the difference between PPD and baby blues?
And what they're sharing is that sometimes it goes outside of the typical baby blues experience.
When I think about baby blues and how it aligns with what it's typically described, it is the process your body goes through as it courses through all of this physical and psychological adjustment.
KRISTEN STRATTON: Our panelists, did you feel like your baby blues experience for the first couple weeks reflected some of what Gretchen said or did you feel like you had something different going on?
What are the «baby blues» and what is postpartum depressWhat are the «baby blues» and what is postpartum depresswhat is postpartum depression?
I know how hard it can be suffering from PND myself and it is so helpful to hear what other moms went through with baby blues and with postnatal depression.
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Yes, a few times I have whispered his name out of the blues and for no reason imagined what it would have been like if I had married him and his beautiful babies were mine, even occasionally stalked him on social media... but I have never contacted him or reached out.
Postpartum depression doesn't always look exactly like the amped up «baby blues» you read about in What To Expect When You're Expecting.
I'm glad to hear about this negative reaction though as last time I had abundant milk and no baby blues at all so I'll have a good idea what to try if that changes.
In fact, it's quite normal to have what's known as the «baby blues,» which can be described as feelings of sadness, anxiety and worry, loneliness, moodiness, fatigue or weepiness.
You grow a little older, and people say, «What beautiful hair,» or «Get a load of those baby blues,» or something nice that keeps you thinking you're still on the cuteness track.
Some of us had severe postpartum depression and needed medical help, some of us had baby blues and needed extra support, and some of us were experiencing what turned out to be our «normal» adjustment into the life - transforming role of mother.
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