Sentences with phrase «what duration of therapy»

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(Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy XIII; 2000; «Vaccines and Vaccinations: Issue for the 21st Century», Richard B. Ford and Ronald D. Schultz; (Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy XI, «Canine and Feline Vaccines,» Phipps, Schultz; R.D. Schultz, «Considerations in Designing Effective and Safe Vaccination Programs for Dogs,» May 2000; Schultz, «Duration of Immunity to Canine Vaccines: What We Know and Don't Know.»)
There are many benefits to paying out of pocket, you may not have even considered - added PRIVACY when dealing with sensitive issues (and not enduring the possible stigma of getting a mental health diagnosis on record when you may not have one, which is often what happens when you use your health insurance for couples therapy); more FLEXIBILITY with length of sessions and duration of treatment, ACCESSIBILITY of your therapist; and more.
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