Sentences with phrase «what emerges from»

However, when we explore the deeper subconscious beliefs, here is what emerges from the subconscious mind:
Also, what emerges from the group doesn't trump your personal experience.
What emerges from the principles of both the DRD and sustainable development is that development is a process.
What emerges from the analysis of the survey responses is a clear and straightforward image of the foundations law school graduates must have as they exit law school and enter their careers.
What emerges from the Canadian articulation of the duty to settle within insurance limits is that the courts will not push insurers into improvident settlements, where there is a reasonable defence or a legitimate ground for disputing the quantum of damages.
What we have at the moment needs to be funded properly, and so does what emerges from the reforms.
What emerges from their patented process is an oil that is clean, green, non-toxic, biodegradable, and will not release harmful gases into the atmosphere when burned.
In Transition, we have tried to support an approach where these things are debated and discussed openly, and that any moves forward or evolutions to the approach are based on what emerges from that.
What emerges from this list (and there's plenty more) is the nasty, anti-democratic, anti-human fundamentals of Environmentalism.
Then there are those who believe that what emerges from climate science constitutes moral imperatives that demand a special form of politics.
We have argued before that what emerges from the hand - wringing about the few moments of broadcasting that challenge environmentalism is not the exposure of the conspiratorial network of «well - funded denialists that environmentalists and the likes of David King and Bob Ward want us to believe exists.
What emerges from these past records is evidence for rapid community turnover, migrations, development of novel ecosystems and thresholds from one stable ecosystem state to another, but there is very little evidence for broad - scale extinctions due to a warming world.
I would have to say that, in North America at least, that is nothing like what emerges from the press.
What emerges from his paintings is an intimate union of art and architecture and landscape — a harmony of opposites drawn together in a single moment of stillness devoid of human interaction.
What emerges from the Broad collection is largely a paean to painting and sculpture, a majority, unavoidably it seems, devoted to male artists.
As this show suggests, what emerges from Finch's diverse probing of human perception and visual memory is a heightened awareness of the profound depth of visual experience offered by the outside world — an awareness simultaneously explored by Finch's work across a variety of media.
Above all, what emerges from Lüpertz's diverse work is a profound love of painting, particularly in the «Arcadia» series, which is stepped in Classical imagery.
But if you keep looking, what emerges from beneath these paintings» hints and drifts is a fairly normal view of reality, and of painting.
What emerges from the rich history of photography via its various techniques and applications can appear initially heterogeneous and far - flung, but there is also a coziness there, a familiarity, a common set of ancestors.
What emerges from the Whitney's exhibition is a community of artists who appear compelled to limit themselves to ephemeral, transitory media, and whose work seems self - consciously designed to evanesce in a cynical age best forgotten.
What emerges from setting these works together is a strong sense of a shared language and purpose, albeit one developed independently and in markedly different cultural and social circumstances.»
And boy, this approach can deliver — what emerges from the mist can really amaze sometimes... Remember, most writedowns, «compliance», interest (/ capital structuring), taxes etc. happen at the corporate level.
What emerges from this analysis is that Cindy should stay at work to age 65.
Simple and clean - cut design used in their official homepage is pleasing to the eyes while the browsing experience in the author's interview section focuses nothing else than what emerges from the author's creation.
It should be amazing to see what emerges from all this.
What emerges from Sun's research, her interviews, and her own memories of growing up in China is a moving portrait of China past and present.
In Long's gentle rendering, what emerges from this story of overcoming obstacles are strong family bonds and Clem's renewed resilience.
The Vanishing), what emerges from this studio remake is a frightened, sometimes patronizing, and ultimately ineffectual thriller that transforms all the controversy and introspection of the original into something rote and predictable.
What emerges from their collective voice is a complicated (and depressing) portrait of modern Israel.
What emerges from this pretentious if diverting mishmash is a story that is equally predictable and contrived, but nonetheless offers some worthwhile insights into the notion of the male gaze and the subjugation of women.
However, the answer can be had by simply measuring what emerges from the outputs.
Instead what emerges from experiments with surgical and medical castration is a more complex pattern of cause and effect.
Any amendments we pass will be hard for the government to undo as they can't use the Parliament Act on either Bill and what emerges from the Lords should as a rule stay.
State lawmakers are currently at work drawing up new district lines; what emerges from those sessions could have major ramifications for the Hudson Valley's political scene.
What emerges from our research is a strong desire for justice amongst survivors.
What emerges from the book is a sense of the intense difficulty of negotiating successful exit strategies and the extent to which the choices available to international actors are frequently suboptimal.
What emerges from Raz's extensive examination of the primary documents, however, is a rather different story: while many Arab nations did refuse to discuss peace terms with Israel, Raz finds that the two claimants to the West Bank and Arab Jerusalem — the Palestinian leadership and King Hussein of Jordan — «were ready and eager to resolve the conflict with Israel directly».
What emerges from Chris Mullin's diaries is someone who is clumsy on big occasions but is, at times, an intelligent observer, says Lord Hurd
What emerges from this book is that Oliver is a highly intelligent and charming man with a tremendous work ethic, but is more than just a political Whitehall warrior.
What emerges from talking to new mothers is a culture that gives lip service to the importance of breast - feeding but then fails to provide an adequate network of education and support.
What emerges from the oven is definitely ready for prime time — kid - friendly, but interesting enough for adults, too.
The professional theologians have a subordinate role in so far as they help to formulate and articulate what emerges from peoples» encounter with the realities of their context.
I trace the manner in which colonialism utilized religion to homogenize India, noting what emerges from the colonialists» encounter with India: the capacity to construct a unitary and grand geo - political entity with an essential Hindu core.
What emerges from this study is that Jesus in the Synoptics appears to use the term in three senses: in reference to his own earthly mission, as the transcendent one as in Enoch but without definite self - designation; and as the latter referring to himself.
The order is the mode of description of what emerges from creativity.
What emerges from this picture is as nuanced and vivid a portrait of Bach as we've ever been given.
What emerges from this analysis is that Cindy should stay at work to age 65.
That would buy the Canadian government time to see what emerges from the United States before adopting major tax reform.
What emerges from all this is a fascinating portrait of the process of institutional innovation itself.
What emerged from my oven was a masterpiece.
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