Sentences with phrase «what end of the political spectrum»

Finally, I added that violence, no matter what end of the political spectrum you may be on, is wrong and should not be tolerated.

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That implies a very thorough understanding of what the political spectrum looks like, and what the people at various ends of it are actually fighting for.
Looking across the pond, Mercer is similarly concerned about what is happening to the Republican party from the other end of the political spectrum.
What if I wanted to write a political book with an outrageous title that won't solve any problems but would sure piss a lot of people off (while at the same time endearing others at the opposite end of the political spectrum).
They have no business lecturing about what butterfly effect catalyst could have diverged the paths that WW2 took when they were bullshitting us about Saddam's «yellowcake», Assad's chemical weapons, and throwing around terms like «fascist» around to smear someone with no political history while sanitizing efforts of nationalization, corporatism, incorporation of Marxism, all the collectivism, the authoritarian / totalitarian approach to bring about the aforementioned, and down to eugenics from the other end of the USA's faux - political spectrum and status quo.
As the tit - for - tat attacks from the tail ends of the spectrum on climate change continue unabated, what was once presumed influence on the part of these scientists will likely become real influence on public opinion and political decision - making, and these scientists will be partly responsible.
If we know that distrust in science increases with increasing education among political conservatives, and we know that advocacy increases distrust in science and scientists among those at the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum, what does that mean?
He said citizens at either end of the political spectrum can get daily information — albeit very different information — on global warming that further strengthens their opposing beliefs about what is real.
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