Sentences with phrase «what exact effect»

«Although it is too soon to be sure what the exact effect of the judgment will be, we predict the LSC will attempt to use this case, which highlights its unlawful actions, to blame the profession and the Law Society for any changes now required towards ensuring that it does operate within the law,» she says.
What the exact effects are of drugs on babies I don't know.

Not exact matches

In effect, these adult children were cursing their parents to death, which was the exact opposite of what the law said they should do.
This would be the exact opposite effect of what we want to achieve with compression socks.
These side - effects are generally rare, and are the exact opposite of what you're looking for when you buy baby probiotics.
«Now that we know people are exposed to pyrethroids widely, we need to determine what the exact health effects are,» said Barr.
What the researchers do agree on is the need to keep defining the toxicity of each of these harmful substances, studying their effects on health and developing more and more exact methods of analysis.
The whole CAGW — GHG scare is based on the obvious fallacy of putting the effect before the cause.As a simple (not exact) analogy controlling CO2 levels to control temperature is like trying to lower the temperature of an electric hot plate under a boiling pan of water by capturing and sequestering the steam coming off the top.A corollory to this idea is that the whole idea of a simple climate sensitivity to CO2 is nonsense and the sensitivity equation has no physical meaning unless you already know what the natural controls on energy inputs are already ie the extent of the natural variability.
While we don't yet know what exact antimicrobial effect CLA has in the body against a variety of common pathogens, these studies show promise.
It looks like the effect is the exact opposite of what we were taught.
While the exact components of each regional diet varied by what was available, certain elements and categories of food appeared consistently across populations, and observable positive and negative effects were catalogued meticulously.
So, adding in hormones without first TESTING for hormone levels can actually have the exact opposite effect of what you want, or create a new problem.
Questions outstanding: * What class of substances exactly block antioxidant absorption * What is the exact time lag after which one can eat antioxidants * Do only milk and soy (milk) block antioxidant absorption * Does this effect only block antioxidant absorption from cocoa and berries * Wouldn't this casein clumping effect not defeat but only delay the digestion and absorption of these antioxidants
This actually leads to a less stable spine, meaning a greater chance of injury - the exact opposite effect from what we want.
The aerosol cooling in the models may be wrong to some extent, but is almost certainly in the ballpark enough so that the aerosols have compensated for the greenhouse gas effects on hurricane intensity to a significant degree, even if the exact degree is different than what's shown in our paper.
The paper starts with an interesting anecdote that helps demonstrate how an initial written demand can have the exact opposite effect of what is intended, perhaps even permanently destroying any hope that the sender may have had of achieving his or her objective:
Such analysis is similar but the exact opposite to what has been called the «AI effect».
Each of the above side effects or situations increases the likelihood of mortality, which is the exact opposite of what a life insurance underwriter wants to see when he or she reviews your application.
What we must remember is that in most cases, your resume has only seconds to impress the reader and an all - bulleted resume has the exact same effect as a no - bullet resume.
While exact definitions of suspension and expulsion vary across states and school districts, it is clear that what were intended to be last resort and occasional disciplinary tools have become wildly overused and disproportionately applied to children of color, resulting in dramatically negative long - term effects.
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