Sentences with phrase «what fate»

When life threw me curve balls in the past, I'd tell myself: I will look back in two years time and think ah, yes, that's what fate had in mind!
It's a difficult thing to bring up, especially when you're not sure what the fate of the relationship will be.
Although people try their best and stay away from danger, truth is, most of us will never be away from what fate dictates.
Basic radiative physics says squat about what the fate of an absorbed and re-emitted photon is.
«For come, tell me, can there be anything more delightful than to see, as it were, here now displayed before us a vast lake of bubbling pitch with a host of snakes and serpents and lizards, and ferocious and terrible creatures of all sorts swimming about in it, while from the middle of the lake there comes a plaintive voice saying: «Knight, whosoever thou art who beholdest this dread lake, if thou wouldst win the prize that lies hidden beneath these dusky waves, prove the valour of thy stout heart and cast thyself into the midst of its dark burning waters, else thou shalt not be worthy to see the mighty wonders contained in the seven castles of the seven Fays that lie beneath this black expanse;» and then the knight, almost ere the awful voice has ceased, without stopping to consider, without pausing to reflect upon the danger to which he is exposing himself, without even relieving himself of the weight of his massive armour, commending himself to God and to his lady, plunges into the midst of the boiling lake, and when he little looks for it, or knows what his fate is to be, he finds himself among flowery meadows, with which the Elysian fields are not to be compared.»
Ovelia is then stabbed in return, but it's left wide open as to what the fate of the characters, and even the world of Ivalice as a whole, ultimately is.
In High Moon Studios» Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (T: FOC), sequel to the highly successful War For Cybertron, players will find out what fate lies in store for the warring Transformers.
See what fate awaits the Tiers in a new trailer for Tyranny:
You can buy paper fortunes, called omikuji, and find out what fate has in store for you.
American announced that it was going to introduce Premium Economy cabins on long - haul international routes back in early December 2015 but to this day the airline still hasn't announced what this will mean for international upgrades, whether Business Class cabins will get smaller and what the fate of Main Cabin Extra will be.
It is largely unknown what the fate of Emily Morgan became after this monumental loss for the Mexican army, however it is thought that she was able to flee the state of Texas to her original home of New York.
It is painful to turn away a pet in need because we know what its fate most likely will be.
And to imagine what their fate was... We plan to bring over 3 more angels this month, would you like to get involved?
Juicy Excerpt: Each new pay cut would cause the employees who had not yet joined the pay cut bandwagon to become more anxious re what their fate would be if they jumped on the latest trend too late.
But I'm interested in what the future looks like to you, and what the fate of books will be.
Would you use this power ala Minority Report style or just roll the dice and see what fate has in store?
But little does Aladdin know, that with every Dungeon conquered and every treasure found, he's closer and closer to learning what fate has in store for him.
With a distinctive narrative voice that relies heavily on the rhythms of the vernacular, her stories unflinchingly capture the experiences of ordinary people — often, but not always, women — as they shuffle through life, at once pushing against and accepting what fate has dealt them.
Part of a multi-book «Sky Rider» series, it tells the story of the «fantasyland» Paerolia, «where war and conflict has created strong divides,» and where a a rebel leader named Kael helps a slave named Andra «discover the strength that has always been within her» and «fight to win back what Fate kept beyond her reach» — namely a dragon «that should have been her own.»
The adventurous duo decide to celebrate their love with a journey across the ocean, not knowing what fate has in store.
Owen decides to stick around a few more days to find out what fate has in store.
Similarly, it remains to be seen what fate befalls Jason Clarke as the adult John Connor in Genisys, while rumor has it the cast members who are playing new key characters in the fifth Terminator installment - Doctor Who alum Matt Smith and newly - minted Oscar - winner J.K. Simmons, respectively - will have significantly larger roles to play in the followups.
The fun of a film like this is watching the characters cope with what fate throws at them.
It seemed obvious that the film would have an absurdly unhappy ending, so most of the fun was to see how it got there; you knew each character would experience a dismal fate, but you didn't know exactly what that fate would be.
Nobody can know for sure what fate has in store for you.
It is here that all plus women and men alike meet and who knows what fate holds.
single black male, looking for his best friend first and see what fate has plan for you later, been big brother, uncle, and some times granddaddy to his family.
I know I've set some lofty goals — we'll see how I do, and what fate has in store for me.
It's unclear what the fate of the deduction will be.
And, a bonus: It may be agonizing for your little one to just imagine what his fate will be.
But more often, athletes are as clueless as the public about what fate has in store for them.
What fate awaits them?
What fate lay in store for these 105 men?
In Matthew 20:17 - 19 (and in Luke 18:31 - 34) Jesus and disciples set out for the capital city, and he tells them for the third time what his fate is to be.
Which means as nations we have closed and isluated because of not being open to each other due fualts of either faiths or politics what fate await the Two Sons Of Adam When one, i should say the disbleiver killed the other say the believer?
I mean the person who kills himself, violently robbing what Fate has allotted, when this is not legally mandated by the state....
@Neal Those who get co-cky about what fate awaits whom beyond the grave are setting themselves up for a BIG letdown.
While Odysseus on his return to Ithaca is exactly the same as when he left two decades earlier, «what a road, what a fate, lie between the Jacob who cheated his father out of his blessing and the old man whose favorite son has been torn to pieces by a wild beast!»
Suspicious and stingy, withholding his hoard of gold - plated gifts, he forgets or ignores what fate awaits him, for the world's Wielder surely has granted his share of glory.
For I can't say for certainty, what fate awaits a man for whom Jesus says, it is better for that man to not have been born.
This sparked the fire of rumors as many wondered what the fate of the social network would be without him.
We know this is a fluid process, and I obviously have concerns about funding levels for necessary programs, such as HEAP and home - delivered meals and what their fates might be.
For the dance performance MOVE, Nevin Aladağ explored the question of how certain people move and what fates are told by their movements.

Not exact matches

Of course, Ripert hasn't let fate decide his every move; he knows what's important to him and tries to stick close to that vision.
If those viewers had each paid the national average movie - ticket price of about $ 9, that would've been a $ 99 million debut at the box office — roughly what Universal Pictures» «The Fate of the Furious» did in April.
And President Donald Trump's allies are torn over what should be the fate of the retired Marine general who has fought to bring order to a chaotic West Wing.
And like love, what we're passionate about is too important to leave to the mercy of fate.
VentureBeat has an article on what to do, and says that since online shopping is crucial to many companies during the holiday season, the fate of your start - up could hinge on your reaction and how quickly you recover.
«In many ways, it is GM's post-bankruptcy masterpiece, a real feather in the cap of CEO Mary Barra and her executive team, who took what the company had achieved with its ill - fated EV - 1 back in the 1990s and turned it up to 11.»
The fate of Tefina could also depend on what happens with Trimel's lead product, a gel for low testosterone in men, called CompleoTRT.
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