Sentences with phrase «what feelings she experienced»

She talked about only two things: what had just taken place — objectively, and therefore beyond judgment — and what feelings she experienced in response.

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Most entrepreneurs in the Midwest haven't experienced what hyper growth looks and feels like.
This Is What It Feels Like to Be Launched Into Space, According to NASA's Most Experienced Astronaut Ever
As detailed in a study by Harvard Business professor Dennis Campbell, TD revolutionized the way it measured the in - bank experience, streamlining its customer satisfaction survey and using a massive pool of customer data to find out not only how customers felt about their banking experience, but also what specific elements of «satisfaction» mattered most to them.
Instead, she traveled the world, using her experiences to guide what she feels her business should represent.
I was able to go into that negotiation very calmly, feeling confident and feeling fair and I actually got what I asked for and now because of that positive experience, if I have to negotiate I understand how to go about it and how to navigate it.
Figure out what you need to know, what kind of experience and expertise you need to develop to do the things that you feel in your heart you will enjoy and that will sustain you both mentally and economically.»
Research shows that approximately 40 percent of everyday speech is spent telling other people what we think or feel — basically, talking about our subjective experiences.
Imagine what it might look and feel like to stop thinking about accumulating stuff and make the shift to accumulating experiences instead?
Three CEOs who have felt the sting of wrongful termination lawsuits tell what they learned from the experience.
While we all know what virtual reality is — an immersive experience where an artificial environment is presented in such a way that it feels and appears like a real environment - many people aren't as familiar with augmented reality.
Jon Bon Jovi on how he feels Steve Jobs and iTunes have altered the music - buying experience... for the worse The Sunday Times, March 2011 Kids today have missed the whole experience of putting the headphones on, turning it up to 10, holding the jacket, closing their eyes and getting lost in an album, and the beauty of taking your allowance money and making a decision based on the jacket, not knowing what the record sounded like, and looking at a couple of still pictures and imagining it.
There's something to be said for customers being able to see, feel and experience what a business does with their very own eyes.
What most people mean by «empathy» is actually affective empathy — the ability to experience and respond to the feelings of others.
With years of experience in a particular industry, «these types of entrepreneurs are not only very well positioned to feel what is needed in the market — as they understand it perfectly — but they are also usually pretty good at executing their business as they easily earn their customers» and partners» trust because of their credibility and legitimacy,» claims Soussan.
When the green flag drops, my experience from behind the wheel makes me feel really comfortable about what I'm seeing and doing.
Surely there are other people who might have felt differently about what it's like to work at Yelp — perhaps some longtime employees or alumni who had great experiences working at the company.
«Usually at Nike, especially for running, when we launch something... we want to have experiences that the influencers, the athletes, the everyday consumer can go and feel the story and what we are talking about,» said Freitas.
«Bringing all the people we brought from Jamaica and from Antigua and talking about [Malvo], their personal experiences with [Malvo], that we feel was what [helped],» she says.
Again, think back and think big — it might feel like you don't have this kind of experience, but when you start to drill down you might be surprised at what's applicable.
«Millennials are exceptionally experienced in sharing and being transparent: what they are thinking, what they want, how they feel.
Research shows approximately 40 percent of everyday speech is spent telling other people what we think or feel — basically, talking about our subjective experiences.
But I was just amazed by how everyone, young and old wanted to be involved... and was so deeply enriched and touched by the experience and the laughter and the love I experienced from the people I met and how women would in particular open their hearts to me and tell me the stories of where they've come from, particularly because I have the language and was coming there as a woman and just how touched they were that I was there as a woman from England who's learned the language and who's an artist and running this project and come all the way to see them so they didn't feel forgotten I think that was pretty much what they felt... that their stories were being heard so they don't feel forgotten knowing the tents would be around the world.
This is what happens when people feel entitled to run the show without the experience or talent to be effective.
So Business Insider spoke with a couple Roadie users to get a feel for what the experience is like.
It is the experience of what it feels like to deeply move, help, and contribute to the world at large.
Nicole Cunningham, senior manager of employee experience at Knot Standard, and a Millennial herself, feels that managers are struggling to engage Millennials because «they are failing to focus on what motivates the individual.
I know from my own experience that much of what Cardone is saying is actually true - being at the top of your game is not a walk in the park and success rarely comes without a burning obsession driving it - I felt much of what was valuable in the book really could be summed up in the title.
To what extent do you think your experience here has been a writ small version of what the Obama administration experienced, inheriting a crisis and making measurable progress but not fast enough that people have felt it?
I've had people messaging me from all over the country, saying that they've experienced similar things and they appreciate us and what we've done and that they feel this is different, that this is the time that things can actually change.
I found the most interesting aspect of this book to be that it delves deep into our own perceptions about what experience really means, how we feel about it, even before we think about delivering one for the customer.
«If you have an experience style guide, brands will think about what they want consumers to feel, how consumers would react to the experience and what consumers would talk about them after the engagement... Then, the brands can design the details to create a consistent user experience for the consumers.»
True to its name, this exercise will force you to empathize with your customers on a deep level in order build out a robust profile of what they experience and feel on a daily basis.
We do get a lot of customer feedback to make sure that we're appropriately priced across our whole menu, and the great news is as you think about what we talked about on our brand health metric Worth What You Pay, we're making great progress on that front, but that's really generated on the yields with the 4 for $ 4, and what we need to do is make sure that the customer feels that our core and LTO items are appropriately priced for the value that we're providing, and that's not just what you put into the food, but that's what you create as the total customer experience to make sure they feel good, that it's worth what they what we talked about on our brand health metric Worth What You Pay, we're making great progress on that front, but that's really generated on the yields with the 4 for $ 4, and what we need to do is make sure that the customer feels that our core and LTO items are appropriately priced for the value that we're providing, and that's not just what you put into the food, but that's what you create as the total customer experience to make sure they feel good, that it's worth what they What You Pay, we're making great progress on that front, but that's really generated on the yields with the 4 for $ 4, and what we need to do is make sure that the customer feels that our core and LTO items are appropriately priced for the value that we're providing, and that's not just what you put into the food, but that's what you create as the total customer experience to make sure they feel good, that it's worth what they what we need to do is make sure that the customer feels that our core and LTO items are appropriately priced for the value that we're providing, and that's not just what you put into the food, but that's what you create as the total customer experience to make sure they feel good, that it's worth what they what you put into the food, but that's what you create as the total customer experience to make sure they feel good, that it's worth what they what you create as the total customer experience to make sure they feel good, that it's worth what they what they pay.
What should their sales experience feel like?
But time and experience in the market does help to hone your instincts as an investor as well as make you get a feel for what risk is acceptable to you.
Wearing almost every hat in the business it felt like every lecture was relevant, eerily tailored to what I was experiencing day - to - day at the company.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
What you're missing is that religious and spiritual experiences have nothing to do with thinking and everything to do with feeling.
And when that happened, I started to experience emotionally what I had longed to feel for years.»
There IS no right or wrong — a person's beliefs are individual and based on feelings — everyone has different feelings based on their reaction to what they have experienced in life.
Speaking to the BBC after the Archbishop's apology at Lambeth Palace last week, Mr Key said: «We were able to express some of our experiences and felt that the Archbishop came to appreciate something of what we have been through.
There was a sort of near death experience but what surprised me the most is how I felt inside.
What proved to be the greatest enemy of a traditional approach to the Constitution wasn't just bad precedent, but the experience of moral change: that is, the feeling of one generation that it occupied a different moral universe than did previous generations.
A little while back, my fiancé and I were discussing how in so many ways, because we didn't take what seemed the traditional path through college or the typical path to adulthood, we felt like we'd missed out on many experiences that we wish we'd had.
Or to put that in terms more in tune with what I have been arguing, it is a great accomplishment in a poem to take content that is very close to a common emotional experience that can easily be sentimentalized but render it with a depth of feeling and attention to the particular that is entirely unsentimental.
Are feelings and religious experiences «real» or is what is real something you can only see with the naked eye or in a microscope?
Morals are a combination of what you're taught, feel and experience.
The fact that it can not be measured is what qualifies it as supernatural and so your insistence that it be measured is closer to a symptom of mental illness than my assurance that you will never attain proof and that your only hope of experiencing the same phenomenon is to submit yourself to the experience of it by whatever path you feel «calls you».
There is no evidence that what these men claimed to hear, see, or feel was actually god, even if they did experience it.
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