Sentences with phrase «what goes on»

I know from running my own business that it's hard to publically share what goes on behind the scenes.
We seem to be going though an age of competitions and it's interesting for me to see so much fascination with being a chef, and people acting out on television what goes on (or they perceive goes on) in restaurant kitchens.
I'd invite you to come hang out with me here for a day to see what goes on, but I never actually know what day I'll be working on «blog stuff.»
Watch a video of mother cows being separated from her calf, or of cows being herded into trucks (sometimes violently), or even what goes on in slaughter houses.
«Australians need to see what goes on inside factory farms, to see how cruelly animals are treated for the sake of cheap chicken breast and bacon.
What takes place at the bottom affects what takes place at the top just as much as what goes on at the top affects what goes on at the bottom.
• Kebabs are fun and festive, and the meat is only a small part of what goes on the skewers.
When a brand is open about what goes on behind the scenes — in a tone that is both honest and humble — it creates a deeper relationship with customers.
The possibilities are endless when choosing what goes on a cheese board so if you don't know where to start or what to buy, here's my beginner's guide to a simple... Read the Post
Ask about their bees source of pollen and think about what goes on, agriculturally, in your area.
In the interest of keeping it real, I just wanted to tell you what goes on behind the scenes of this jam - up blog of mine, lest you believe that I am churning out perfect recipes day in and day out.
I seriously ate the leftover sauce with a spoon so I am thinking it doesn't matter what it goes on!
Gold Coast Ingredients welcomed Good Mythical Morning inside our doors to film their episode «Extreme Soda Taste Test» Rhett and Link got to experience what goes on inside our flavor company on a daily basis.
I figured since I didn't have a recipe we could talk real quick about what goes on the doughnut.
Hey, don't question what goes on up in my brain!
Creatives feel they have no choice - it is this inevitable force that drives us - we are simply vehicles for something that is no less divine that what goes on in a primal forest or church or synagogue or birth or heroic act.
And i will never really understand what goes on in another person mind.
Douglas said, «Chrisitans are obligated to judge what goes on inside the church... outside the church is up to God.»
I can hardly know myself and admit to the great amen... flesh is weak as life impresses given patterns of behavior the subconscious who knows what goes on in there a bit of bad beef or underdone potatoe at a tender age disguises as right living but the core..
what goes on in the bedroom, I couldn't care less.
People from one denomination do not care much about what goes on in another, and as a result, news of church bodies rarely receives coverage.
A wise man once said, «There is something else meaningless that occurs on earth: righteous men who get what the wicked deserve, and wicked men who get what the righteous deserve... No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun.
There is a peculiar notion today that what makes a university Christian is what goes on in the classroom.
In our divorce courts, all now conducted in secrecy so that neither the media nor the general public are aware of what goes on, the Feminist bias is virtually complete.
Not that this event is (to use words I have employed in other books) «the supreme anomaly», as if it contradicted and cancelled what had gone before and what goes on elsewhere.
I don't think Jesus would support this administration... And since you want to know about Jesus... The Bible says if you don't work you don't eat... So I'm SICK of working my butt off and seeing all these people sit around cooking out and not working and wearing real nice clothes, nothing but the best... That is nuts... Nancy Pelosi get out on the streets go from neighborhood to neighborhood... Try Memphis, or New Orleans... You don't have a clue of what goes on... Your Blind...
A major problem with this teaching is that it helps reinforce the idea that women are responsible for what goes on inside the mind of men and that their wardrobe (and not the self - control of a man) is the contributing factor in someone else's actions.
Observing (speculari) what goes on in the world and reasoning discursively from that lead to what Thomas calls scientia divina, «divine knowledge.»
I often times have a mental picture of people interacting with me, and I can see in David, him and I sitting in the sun at the edge of a calm stream, talking, pausing, napping, laughing, and just getting to know what goes on in each others head.
Schools certainly play a very important role in education, and my focus will be on what goes on in them.
But it doesn't know what goes on in a single human heart.»
We may, of course, speak for these values in the public forum, and if we are able to persuade most people, then these values can also influence what goes on in public education.
All of this was exactly the opposite of what God intended, but seems to be hauntingly familiar to much of what goes on in many churches today.
What goes on in his body affects what goes on in his mind; and vice versa.
I can't know for sure what goes on in people's minds when they align themselves with the likes of Rush Limbaugh, but I suspect this reaction has something to do with three common blind spots among evangelicals:
An layman with respect to evolution, gives us an insider's view of what goes on behind the closed doors of academia.
Most of the problems regarding how to «do church» and what goes on «at church» could nearly be solved by simply answering the question «What is church?»
If you had any idea of what goes on you wouldn't be here blaming the victims.
Therefore, we must be careful when reading Scripture to distinguish between preaching and teaching, and not confuse either one with what goes on today in most of our churches.
There is no doubt that a great deal of what goes on in the world can be understood well with this model.
So too, attention to congregations whose practice of worship is necessarily shaped by its cultural setting would not be parochially limited to what goes on «within» congregations but rather have to question the value of any sharp contrast between «inside» and «outside» and attend to what is known about the cultural settings that inescapably shape its enactments of worship.
Some people are walking genitals without brains and they don't realize that it is what goes on between the ears not just between the legs.
One new aim of education must then be to resist imitating the incomparably more interesting and vivid electronic media to distinguish what goes on in the classroom from time - compressed, disjointed, non-sequential presentations of subject matter.
This code has little relation to what goes on in the wide world outside.
And a fifth reason is that the portrayal of «the last things» in these terms, indeed the emphasis on some destiny for man out of this world which makes what goes on in this world merely preparatory for heaven or a way of avoiding hell, is thought by a great many people to entail a neglect of their duty here and now to live in Christian love and to find in that their deepest satisfaction, whatever may await them when this life is ended.
The generally poisonous air of our politics owes much to the press and its characteristic way of reporting what goes on in our public life.
Badger, the only fairy tales is what goes on inside of your remaining gray matter.
Whatever my impact on others may have been during my lifetime is the real and true reality for them also regardless of what goes on between my ears.
One Christian rock star told me, «I'm not trying to change what goes on in church.
But I am sufficiently aware of what goes on at the Oscars to venture a few predictions.
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