Sentences with phrase «what humans attempt»

In Thousand Years Business as Usual, Folkert de Jong examines the many paradoxes inherent in what humans attempt to control and what is ultimately not in their power to control.

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Our baptismal confession is not about the state of our emotions nor about what Jesus subjectively means to us or who we think he is: a prophet, a teacher of ethics, or whatever other projection human beings can invent in their attempts to justify themselves.
These «failed attempts to act on behalf of God» (Stark, The Human Faces of God, 232) were done with evil in our hearts and the name of God on our lips, and thus reveal to us not so much of what is in the heart of God, but what is in the heart of men.
We are made male and female, man and woman, and attempts to blur distinctions under the seemingly innocuous term «gender» are really attempts to assert that sex should be seen as an autonomous human activity, something which has noother meaning than what the individual wishes to bestow upon it.
ACAT invites pastors, theologians, human rights activists, and those with ties to specific problem areas of the world to join in the attempt to discern the theological foundations of right and wrong and to persuade themselves and others what it is that may be true and just beyond preferences and national interests, beyond our limited contexts and confessions.
In looking for inductive possibilities for a move from anthropology to theology, i.e., in attempting to find an anchorage for theology in fundamental human experience, Berger turns to our common, «universal» experiences - to what he labels «prototypical human gestures.»
Therefore we can investigate the world scientifically: it is not blasphemy, and it is not a foolish attempt to understand what is intrinsically mystery above human understanding.
To say that man is both nature and spirit is to affirm what is evident enough — though some types of psychology attempt to deny it — that there are two sides to every human being.
The Declaration further invoked the Christian tradition of civil disobedience, affirming the right and at times the obligation to oppose injustice by refusing to comply with civil authority if it attempts to undermine these basic human rights: «We will fully and ungrudgingly render to Caesar what is Caesar's.
God has given us much evidence of His existence: how about the intricacies of how the human body works - can you really believe that happened without a master plan; what about the beauty of nature - can we really think that that just happened; what about the testimony of millions throughout the ages including Scientists attempting to disprove God, that point to things beyond their comprehension or doing.
He does not want humans to give offerings in an attempt to manipulate or control Him into doing what humans want, or as a way of getting back into God's good graces.
When I reflect on the infinite pains to which the human mind and heart will go in order to protect itself from the full impact of reality, when I recall the mordant analyses of religious belief which stem from the works of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud and, furthermore, recognize the truth of so much of what these critics of religion have had to say, when I engage in a philosophical critique of the language of theology and am constrained to admit that it is a continual attempt to say what can not properly be said and am thereby led to wonder whether its claim to cognition can possibly be valid — when I ask these questions of myself and others like them (as I can not help asking and, what is more, feel obliged to ask), is not the conclusion forced upon me that my faith is a delusion?
Moreover, Luther's own lived experience made it clear to him over and over again that even good theology is imperfect, a human attempt to describe and interpret what God reveals to and through faith in the daily living of it.
In this chapter I have attempted to present an understanding of our human existence which is true to the facts, so far as we know them, which makes sense of and gives sense to our experience, and which indicates what is meant when we speak, as we do, of the worth and value in our lives.
Let us then devote a few paragraphs to a serious consideration of those traditional «last things» and attempt to see what, in their own perhaps odd way, they may have to tell us about ourselves and about human destiny.
The bible, a human creation, attempts to explain our capacity for evil that goes all the way back to the beginning of existence where we want what we can't have (the forbidden fruit) and jealousy (Cain and Abel)... which are the same thing.
I believe that what Tillich was attempting to say in his own particular idiom (based as it was on a combination of existentialist analysis of human sensibility and the philosophical outlook found in German idealist thought) can be put in another fashion — and one which in my judgment speaks more directly to the ordinary man or woman.
The first hundred and fifty or so pages of his Leviathan show forth his attempt to paint that portrait of human being, but by almost universal agreement, he failed — that is, he could not both present human being as a part of the new nature and at the same time do justice to our direct experience of what it is to be human.
What we do argue is that the human search for knowledge of the ultimate metaphysical truths, that is, for the reality on which all things depend for their being, and the Christian attempt to clarify what we have found disclosed to us in Christ, are two complementary sides of the same story, the story of God's self - disclosure to the mind of What we do argue is that the human search for knowledge of the ultimate metaphysical truths, that is, for the reality on which all things depend for their being, and the Christian attempt to clarify what we have found disclosed to us in Christ, are two complementary sides of the same story, the story of God's self - disclosure to the mind of what we have found disclosed to us in Christ, are two complementary sides of the same story, the story of God's self - disclosure to the mind of man.
To investigate the dimension of transcendence, conceived not as an attribute to God but as a dimension of man, is not to start from something which exists in our world in a vain attempt to prove the existence of what can exist only in another world; it is simply to investigate all the dimensions of human reality.22
As we have hinted, theories about the mode of that presentness reflect an almost presumptuous human attempt to define and describe what can be apprehended only by faith.
When humans persist in sin despite God's frequent attempts to call them toward obedience and to warn them of what will happen if they continue down the path they are on, there comes a point where sometimes, God simply withdraws His hand of protection and allows people to suffer the consequences for their sin, for chaos to reign, and for Satan to bring death and destruction.
I used this analogy earlier in my attempt to get at the significance of Jesus as what has traditionally been called the incarnation of God in human existence.
All other gods and human religions regardless of the nature attempt to express what it is to live in view of that knowledge that points to purpose for our existence.
Charles Davis has made a useful attempt to mediate between the unwillingness of political theologies to accept a role for philosophy and the human drive to understand what is at work in any cultural phenomenon, among which theologies must be counted.3 Davis distinguishes between «original» and «scientific» theology.
Finally, there is increased anxiety concerning climate change — with some environmentalists demonising human beings, consumer - based Western cultures castigating poorer nations for their waste and pollution, and little attempt to think more profoundly about what a more ecologically - aware approach to our world may demand from such societies.
That an occasion of human experience is a synthesis of prehensions is fairly clear to anyone who attempts to describe what is happening.
It might mean - and most of the public attention has taken it to mean - an attempt to clone, gestate, and bring to term a human being, to do for human beings what has already been done for mice and for the lamb «Dolly.»
On one hand there is the attempt to unravel the various threads (of the narrative) so that in the end one holds in one's hands what is the «really historical,» which means the purely human element in events.
What he opposes most stridently in this book is not religious doubt itself or attempts to understand religion as a human construct or a biological phenomenon, but rather what he sees as a very artificial and incomplete view of human nature and its purpose: the very presumption that religion can be explained away as unnecessary and that such materialistic perspectives could be definitive or anywhere near ultimately satisfactory for beings who are obviously designed to crave so much more than mere birth, death, and extinctWhat he opposes most stridently in this book is not religious doubt itself or attempts to understand religion as a human construct or a biological phenomenon, but rather what he sees as a very artificial and incomplete view of human nature and its purpose: the very presumption that religion can be explained away as unnecessary and that such materialistic perspectives could be definitive or anywhere near ultimately satisfactory for beings who are obviously designed to crave so much more than mere birth, death, and extinctwhat he sees as a very artificial and incomplete view of human nature and its purpose: the very presumption that religion can be explained away as unnecessary and that such materialistic perspectives could be definitive or anywhere near ultimately satisfactory for beings who are obviously designed to crave so much more than mere birth, death, and extinction.
What is needed today, I believe, is the radical attempt to work Out a theological pattern for Christian faith which is in the main influenced by process - philosophy, while at the same time use is made of what we have been learning from the existentialist's insistence on engagement and decision, the understanding of history as involving genuine participation and social context, and the psychologist's awareness of the depths of human emotional, conational, and rational experieWhat is needed today, I believe, is the radical attempt to work Out a theological pattern for Christian faith which is in the main influenced by process - philosophy, while at the same time use is made of what we have been learning from the existentialist's insistence on engagement and decision, the understanding of history as involving genuine participation and social context, and the psychologist's awareness of the depths of human emotional, conational, and rational experiewhat we have been learning from the existentialist's insistence on engagement and decision, the understanding of history as involving genuine participation and social context, and the psychologist's awareness of the depths of human emotional, conational, and rational experience.
kindof how when your a child you can't fly, but you try to imagine what it is like for the birds; however regardless of how much you attempt to imagine flight you can't understand it as a bird because you can't fly... even as an adult humans fail to truly understand what it is like to fly like a bird because we can't fly, so how can «god» understand death and create a creature that does die if he can't die?
Process thinking has made its own contribution to this cooperative attempt on the part of physiologists and psychologists, biologists, chemists, anthropologists, and sociologists to see more completely what is distinctively human.
As I attempt to demonstrate, prayer is essentially what the old masters of it have said: our conscious and intentional, or attentive, relationship with God — and with God as «pure, unbounded Love,» the «Love that will not let me go,» and the Love that in Jesus Christ is both portrayed and enacted in the midst of our human history and situation.
As such when man is steeped in «magical thinking» (very concise and accurate term David) there is naturally much magic recorded in the attempt to explain what is beyond human comprehension.
There isn't roomhere to do more than illustrate the case with a few examples, but an attempt will be made to show how rich Paul's view of ethics is, how his teaching on law is original and relevant, how his emphasis on love is important, and how he forces us to consider not only the human act that, as St Thomas says, is what moral theology is all about, but also the adjectival human agent transformed by the grace of the Holy Spirit into a friend, indeed a child of God.
OK, the candy selection has a bigger bearing on your success than other factors, but still, everything about potty training — how long it takes, what setbacks you suffer, what specific parts of it present the biggest challenge, exactly which surfaces you find yourself scrubbing human feces off of — is more or less determined by your child, and the beautiful, unique ways in which they are innately programmed to dissolve your barely - there sanity during your attempts to rid yourself of the task of dealing with their sh*t.
A human rights group, Socio - Economic Rights and Accountability Project, has said the National Judicial Council must explain to Nigerians what it knows about the alleged attempt by a former Governor of Rivers State, Rotimi Amaechi, to induce the embattled Justice John Okoro.
«What is pernicious is the attempt to portray your political opponents as somehow not quite human.
Also at 12:30 p.m., human rights advocates hold a rally to denounce what they call the Obama administration's «attempt to minimize ongoing, widespread human trafficking and forced labor conditions in Malaysia» to advance the TPP free trade agreement, outside Malaysia consulate general, 313 E. 43rd St., Manhattan.
Over the years, many attempts have been made to estimate Earth's «carrying capacity» — that is, how many humans the planet can take, and consuming at what level.
The new head of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Toxicology Program is attempting to uncover what role chemicals and contaminants may play in human health
That is what our approach attempts to do, and we're encouraged by these initial parallel results in animals and humans
Do this lying in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine and you will have an idea of what researchers instructed 12 female and nine male subjects, all right - handed, to do so they could attempt to determine the regions of the brain exclusively used when humans envision specific future events.
In an attempt to eliminate any loopholes, the Department of Health and Human Services (of which both the NIH and FDA are a part) issued a lengthy ruling that clarifies what is required in exhaustive detail.
Although researchers can only speculate on what prehistoric artists were trying to express, hypotheses range from shamanistic and ritualistic activities to attempts to capture the spirit of horses and other animals that ancient humans hunted.
That's exactly what a group of chemical engineers and biochemists attempted in a new study, embedding single - walled carbon nanotubes — microscopic tubes thinner than a human hair that can also absorb sunlight and convert it to electron flow — in living chloroplasts.
What the reader will not find in this book is any attempt to portray the dramatis personae as living, three - dimensional humans, with their own hopes, ambitions and fears — people who would most probably bleed if pricked.
While this book is at times dated — research in yoga was very new when he was exploring it — it holds up as a fascinating example of what inner struggles humans deal with while attempting to move into higher states of consciousness.
All are attempts to describe what our prehistoric, hunter - gatherer (forager) human ancestors ate.
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