Sentences with phrase «what is toxic to dogs»

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Unfortunately, if your dog manages to find a toxic mushroom, there's no way to find out what kind it was, so there is no specific treatment.
It is important for dog owners to be aware of this common toxic risk to their pets and to have the knowledge of what to do in the event that an exposure occurs.
There aren't any clear guidelines to, or even an understanding of, what levels of any of these (and other poisons / chemicals) is considered to be too much, or toxic for dogs.
But what is harmless to humans can be toxic or irritating to dogs.
Question: what essential oils are toxic to dogs when used in a household diffuser?
The idea of this app was originally so I would always have a handy guide to what was toxic to my two dogs; a Siberian Husky named Loki and an Australian Kelpie named Mistress.
While most things aren't harmful, what happens when your dog chooses to eat something that could be toxic?
Grapes (and raisins)-- While it's still a mystery as to what exactly the toxin is in this popular fruit, even small amounts of grapes and raisins can be toxic to dogs, the fact remains that some dogs experience kidney damage and even kidney failure.
What Halloween candies are toxic to dogs and what other traditions might spook your What Halloween candies are toxic to dogs and what other traditions might spook your what other traditions might spook your pup?
Cats and dogs react very differently to medications, and what may be a low dose for humans can be toxic and lethal to your pet.
Know what foods are safe: Make sure to familiarize yourself with which foods are toxic foods to dogs, so you do not use any of them in preparing your Schnauzer's meals.
And finally, I don't like the inclusion of caramel color because what's the point of including a toxic chemical just to change the hue of your dog's food?
What's more, toxic chemicals like ethylene glycol found in antifreeze, coolants, and road salts are poisonous so if you live in an area that gets a lot of snow, be sure to check between your dog's foot pads to make sure she doesn't track it into the house or ingest it.
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