Sentences with phrase «what kind of expansions»

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That kind of growth would cause problems within the country, especially if job losses mount or growth remains slow for the long term, but Dollar said a steep decline economic expansion may be just what the country needs.
The company's expansion plans have left some wondering if Meyer and Shake Shack CEO Randy Garutti can continue to inspire the same kind of frenzied demand that fuels regular, hour - long waits for what is, on the surface, just a burger.
The kinds of accounts covered in what Fair Isaac calls the FICO Expansion Score include deposits with a bank, records with payday lenders, and purchase payment plans.
Ben shared some new details with us about what the event entails, how the Destiny 2 team has learned from their Curse of Osiris expansion, and — of course — what kinds of sweet, sweet loot Guardians can expect to earn.
I was really interested in a number of question: what is a painting; how could so little could provoke so much looking; what is the basis for the artist of this kind of work; is this a reduction or expansion of painting, i.e., is minimalist painting additive (starting from zero) or subtractive (a removing from painting of other subjects, techniques, concerns); how are decisions made by the artist; what are the differences between similar kinds of work, and how does an individual resist the urge to fix things up, design, and decorate.
In addition to Sony's latest processing technology, the TV packs, of course, 4K resolution with HDR for increased contrast and color expansion, as well as what Sony is calling «first of its kind audio technology.»
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