Sentences with phrase «what kind of theology»

If you get a chance to read it after I get it posted you can tell us what kind of theology you think it is.

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For one of the most frequent emphases in contemporary theology, and consequently in a good deal of contemporary preaching, is that there is (what is styled) an absolute «difference in kind» between the sell - expression of God in and through any and every man, and that which was accomplished in Jesus Christ our Lord.
By contrast the second kind of argument mounted under the banner of process hermeneutics supports a claim that such - and - such a tenet of process theology is «Biblical theology» in the sense of being compatible with what some Biblical texts say on a theological topic.
«We are trying to say what role does theology play in forming digital culture - in enabling digital culture - but also in kind of protecting us against that digital culture.
I am proud of what I have contributed to this kind of greening of theology.
I refer to new ideas in physics, chemistry, physiology, philosophy, theology, all of which are pertinent to the religious significance of Darwinism.3 What many seem not to understand is that the crux of the religious issue is not between fundamentalism — which I recall no one whose intelligence I greatly admire defending — and evolution, but between two kinds of theism and two kinds of evolutionism.
What I can't stand are the present - day, praise choruses that reflect a Jesus - is - my - boyfriend kind of theology.
More important, the family resemblances among the different kinds of postliberal theology are getting thinner as the protegés of Frei and Lindbeck rethink what it means to say that Christianity is true.
What then will demythologizing mean for these two kinds of theology?
You wrote: but what Kaiser fails to understand is that it is exactly the kind of theology he presents in this book which has caused most of those people to leave the church and give up on God.
Kaiser thinks this is a bad thing (I think it is good), but what Kaiser fails to understand is that it is exactly the kind of theology he presents in this book which has caused most of those people to leave the church and give up on God.
God's Revelation can in fact and in principle concern realities which themselves are accessible to secular experience of a scientific or historical kind, so that on the one hand what Revelation states about them is open to possible threat of an eventual at least apparently opposed discovery of secular science and on the other hand natural science must in principle always reckon on a possible veto on the part of theology (Cf. Denzinger 1947 ff., 2187).
The arguments against evolution have been so explicitly and thoroughly expounded in the Catholic theology of the last eighty years, that it is not to be expected that later on they will become even more evident, in relation to the Church's awareness of what she believes, than they are now, and so become capable of providing new and certain grounds for rejecting the theory of evolution of a kind that have been declared to be not yet at present available.
Writing about «Harbor Seals,» also from The Theology of Doubt, Holden said the poem «charms the reader, even as it tempts the reader into a corner... that will require the reader to make a moral choice as well as to reconsider many other kinds of choices about what to «believe.»
Two recent books on what may be called «environmental theology,» one rooted explicitly in the Christian tradition, the other in a kind of loose deism, reveal an oft - overlooked theme of modern environmentalism.
None of the liberation theologies can do their work in the kind of academic isolation characteristic of what has been considered the normative tradition.
Let me then conclude with the words of Rabindranath Tagore, a great modern poet of India, to say what kind of feelings and excitement the venture of contextual theology could bring to our hearts:
The academy can applaud this kind of pluralism, but it can not approve what is theology's ultimate scandal in the academy.
This kind of criticism is an illustration of what some theologians mean when they insist that the revelation of God in Jesus Christ is the central fact that should furnish the basis for Christian theology.
These days, pantheism rarely defines a whole way of life (which is what any true theology should do, and does do for a real Socratic or a real Buddhist), but it's a kind of stress relief from the competitive marketplace that is so much of most successful lives.
What kind of theory is theology?
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