Sentences with phrase «what kinds of challenges»

What kinds of challenges do Executors face when dealing with a property?
· How long have you been married, and what kinds of challenges have you faced with your spouse?
What kinds of challenges have you overcome?
Your employers will want to know what motivates you and what kinds of challenges you're looking for.
In the first two parts of this series, we talked about what the basic workings of a decentralized autonomous corporation might look like, and what kinds of challenges it might need to deal with to be effective.
Frank talks about the current M&A landscape in China, where it's heading towards, and what kinds of challenges are involved in agreements and transactions within the East Asian nation.
What kinds of challenges have you faced or found and encountered in trying to adapt Watson to the legal industry?
As developers, you want to encourage customization and multiple playthroughs, but you also need to provide a balanced experience, so what kinds of challenges come with adding these features?
S: With such a long - running series, what kinds of challenges do you run into even now when it comes to making each entry?
The more we learn about what kinds of challenges parents face, and who's most likely to face them, the more we can do to help.
What kinds of challenges came up that you should be prepared for?
What kinds of challenges did you face?
What kinds of challenges (such as regulation) might a startup with a peer - sharing business model have in a place like Hong Kong?
In the mean time — get working and tell us what kinds of challenges you've faced with your domain name, logo and the build or buy decision.
If we spin things forward over the next several years as the Machine becomes something that people use, what kinds of challenges do you expect and what are some of the key things that need to be accomplished?
what do you mena «produce a chapter» what kind of challenge are you presenting?
What kind of challenges have you faced?
What kind of challenges do single parents face?
What did you come away from the trial with, what kind of challenges to your preconceptions if any, did you come away with?
So, if you undertook the 1 - month sugar detox or you're planning to do it, let us know what kind of challenges you experience and the results you attain from it.
What kind of challenges have you faced from being a self - taught design team?
What kind of challenges will Hiro face as he navigates going to San Fransokyo Institute of Technology and fighting bad guys with Baymax, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Fred, and Go Go?
Define your learner persona by identifying the demographics (age, location, gender, interests, family structure, professional status), what kind of challenges your learners may face in taking an online course, and how they like to learn.
Would love to hear what kind of challenge you are most interested in.
A couple of months ago, I asked the members of our student Facebook group what kind of challenges they would like to see.
Identifying exactly what kind of a challenge it is has proven to be a little harder to define.
Read the sentence again — does it say what kind of challenging environment you are looking for and what diversity you have where skills are concerned specifically?

Not exact matches

Maybe it's how TV producers imagine business, but these dumb projects, with the good - looking contestants trying to get passersby to come into a theme restaurant — what the heck kind of management challenge is that?
There are a lot of challenging social dynamics at play when someone this young is in this kind of position, and I have to go above and beyond what is required normally to establish my legitimacy in this position.
I didn't know what kind of play he saw in Blockbuster — and I certainly didn't expect the new challenges his being our biggest shareholder would bring over the next couple of years.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
This kind of love sees what is good and true and of God in others and wants to build that up, take it further and deeper into the life of God and even challenge people to relinquish what is spiritually harmful to them.
Since what I hear over an amplified PA system (kind of hard to «ignore» 70 db invocations in a mid size room, tbh) are things in the prayer I passionately disagree with, yet barred by prayer protocol to challenge the assertions of the prayperson (which such challenges to ideas are encouraged at public meetings) it sets up a «I'm not going to get anything accomplished unless I pretend I am one of them.»
But for those with families to support and lots of bills to pay, «the challenge becomes what kind of policies can help people move up,» says Kazis, senior vice president of Jobs for the Future, a Boston group that specializes in workforce development issues.
So the Gospel of Luke presents a dual message about what kind of Kingdom Jesus brought: The Kingdom of God is both a direct challenge to the Roman Empire, and at the same time, absolutely no threat at all.
Let us now turn back the pages of time and visit another kind of challenge to the theistic consensus that has accompanied what we have just been observing, as a concomitant undercurrent — namely, that the God of unqualified and opposable omnipotence is, in fact, not the living God of scripture at all but is, for all...
The challenge of the Church has always been to decide what kind of pressure should be brought and how much.
Let us now turn back the pages of time and visit another kind of challenge to the theistic consensus that has accompanied what we have just been observing, as a concomitant undercurrent — namely, that the God of unqualified and opposable omnipotence is, in fact, not the living God of scripture at all but is, for all intents and purposes, no less than dead.
He realized this kind of marketing and commerce - driven strategy — making products that affirm what people want rather than challenge it — just creates a spiritual echo chamber.
So the challenge is, no matter what kind of season you're in, to realign your focus and get it off yourself.
What Kind of Life is an important book, worthy of being pondered and challenged.
If all we are doing is saying «male headship» and «wives submit to your husbands» but we're not really defining what that looks like... in this kind of culture, when those things are being challenged, then it's simply going to go away...»
So this week has been kind of ground - breaking here at 3Boys because I rolled out my #betterbaking series and explained what I'm doing here, which is challenging people to think about the products and ingredients they are using when they bake.
If a new manager comes along and wins the title right away, or at least challenges for the title, can you imagin what kind of stain that leaves on his legacy?
Riott likely has no real chance here, as this is the kind of match where Charlotte gets an opportunity to show how strong of a challenge she'll be for whoever takes her on at Mania, but, like with Rusev and Nakamura, this is also a spot for the presumed loser to look real, real good in defeat, helping to carve a path out for what they'll be doing at Mania as well.
That signing was more embarrassing than all of Liverpool and Spuds transfers combined... Honestly what kind of arrogance does it take to consider such options for a team aiming to challenge for the title?
If you have the balls come out here and say what kind of results will make you challenge Wenger.
United will be a challenge for him, as it will be for Mourinho, but to criticise both now just shows what kind of muppets this club attracts, that does not include the media muppets who criticise to keep their respective rags popular as United are hated, adored and never ignored.
I will partner with you to explore what the current challenges are, what kind of relationship you want with your child, and together we will explore strategies to get there.
Alison Jones, Oxford, UK Photos: Esther Edith La Leche League When I feel depleted, give me a meeting with mothers, like of mind, kind, with tea and snacks, where no one attacks choices, and challenges are met with gentle voices, and choruses of «me too» and «this is what I do.»
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