Sentences with phrase «what must»

21How what must be described somehow, we might say, might be redescribed; what must necessarily be described can not properly be either ignored or denied.
«Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?»
To say that the «situation» determines what must be done is not, in its Christian sense, to give a purely «practical» or relative rule.
I would give my life for any homosexual man or women — I would gladly give my life in exchange for theirs if it come to the crunch but I still speak out against the sin of homosexuality... What you must understand is that it is a judgment of God when a nation turns away from God — The whole world is turning away from God and we need to stand against the teaching of the world... it is also a sign of the times as spoken of in timothy 1 and 2.
But those of us — and today they are legion — who have dared to face the facts are crying like the man in Acts: «What must I do to be whole?»
Therefore it must cry, «What must I do to be saved?»
Betrayed, denied, abandoned and rejected, these words describe what he must have felt.
DeeCee - the inspired word of God is very clear on what we must do to be saved, what is right and wrong and how we are to live.
We sat in a circle and talked about what it must have been like to pray for ten days together for some kind of reunion and renewal with Jesus.
Even Jesus himself showed us by example in His baptism by John what we must do.
The gospel is not simply about what we must believe.
It is in this sense that we ask, «What must we the church do to be saved?»
What it must be to live in your perfect little world of hatred and bigotry.
The fact that such a simple addition made it suitable for Matthew's purpose, and its own natural balance, has preserved the story in what must be very much the form in which Jesus taught it.
a common person says to himself about a vexed question but in a «cranky» mind «What must I do about it?»
The question of the church, seen from the inside, is not how it can measure up to the expectations of society nor what it must do to become a savior of civilization, but rather how it can be true to itself: that is, to its Head.
What must it do to be saved?
Valid interpretation is a listening to what can not be heard without the parable; allegorizing is a speech imposed on the parable, telling it what it must mean.
To the Christian, the question asked by Munch is «What must I do to be saved?»
what must I do to SAVED?
Convicted by its conscience more than by its foes, it joins the penitents at its own altars, asking, «What must we do to be saved?»
(a) Religion tells people not only what they should believe, but what they MUST believe under threat of «burning in hell» or other of divine retribution, whereas science, economics, medicine etc. has no «sacred cows» in terms of doctrine and go where the evidence leads them;
Yet, looking upon the inadequacy and the frequent futility of its works, how can it help but cry, «What must I do to be saved?
The question which we raise in this situation may best be stated in the gospel phrase, «What must we do to be saved?»
What must I give in the relationship in order to satisfy the needs of my partner and myself in this area?
This, in fact, is what I must do, and I will now preliminarily seek to mark out the field I choose.
The opening of the book states that it is a revelation about what must take place shortly or soon, so it does appear to relate to» when» even though «shortly» or» soon» is not precise.
We reconsider who God is, what our life is about, and what we must do to take the next step.
What Jesus said about the inevitability of such sacrifice was not so much a demand as a warning of what they must expect.
In Mark and Luke the man asks, «Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?»
He summarized everything he had taught them, told them what they must not forget, and reminded them of the essential truths they must remember.
Even Richard Dawkins has been asking what «religion without God» might look like and what it must become.
But surely it is clear that this act of isolation is precisely what must not be done, and indeed can not be done.
Obviously, they can not all be the same, and so what we must understand is that these titles are just describing those who have authority given to them for a specific purpose.
But on the side of the goal of «every unborn child protected in law and welcomed in life» is moral truth, and what we must hope is the enduring, if sometimes inarticulate, decency of most Americans.
It reflects what must have been the primitive conditions in which the disciples fled back to Galilee on the death of Jesus.
As he was setting out on a journey, a man ran up and knelt before him, and asked him, «Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?»
In each of the above ten issues, Christians want to tell non-Christians what we must do based on the supposed wishes of their Bronze Age sky - god.
By contrast, human rights specify what can not be done or, in some circumstances, what must be done.
That something must not be done is what it means for it to be wrong; to deny that wrong may not be done is merely to say «wrong is not wrong,» or «what must not be done may be done.»
In what must surely count as the most polemical passage in the entire book, Besançon even makes bold to claim that iconographers have substituted their art for true religion and even believe that their art comprehends God:
He is not saying, «This is what you must do to be my true follower.»
What we must understand about the orders is that they are what they are because we do not love God and our neighbor as we ought.
This is what we must weigh.
What you must remember is that we de-converts, once read the Bible like «you» do.
This defense of the accuracy of the Fourth Gospel in reporting the words of Jesus is undertaken, in spite of what must appear to the disinterested student insuperable obstacles, because to these lovers of the Gospel the alternative seems to be surrendering the authenticity of some of the most precious and manifestly true of Christ's reported words: «I am the bread of life... I am the light of the world... I am the good shepherd... If you continue in my words... you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free... He that drinketh of this water shall thirst again, but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst... I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live... I am the way, the truth and the life; no one cometh to the Father but by me»... and many more.
What must we do for wholistic mission?
It is not surprising that in a time when there was no such knowledge of the processes of human development as we now have, little attention was given to what we must now consider vital to Christian nurture.
But this criticism does not really apply to Hartshorne in that in his virtue ethics he is not so much concerned with agents as with the principles that (albeit at a high level of abstraction) guide one in determining which actions are logically possible and which, when chosen by some agent or other, are consistent with what must be the case in metaphysics.
The bottom line is «what must we do to have eternal life» and that is where biblical Christianity leaves organized religion regardless of its name.
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