Sentences with phrase «what other connections»

I go about my reporting as though it were for a corporate mainstream outlet so I don't know or care what other connections there may be and have never had any pushback or question so I know that the firewall
What other connections can we make?

Not exact matches

For attendees and speakers, trade shows can be an intimidating multi-day forum where you make new business connections, learn what others in your space are succeeding with, and learn what you can do better.
Slack builds relationships and connections with other service providers and then lets users pick and choose what they want.
You have the proper training for what you do, so keep up on your certification if necessary, stay up - to - date on new courses, and make connections with others in the know.
«in connection with» the business if the space is a separate structure from the residence (e.g., a barn or detached garage) Q. Supposing that I meet this criteria, what other home expenses do I need to keep track of?
At the base of it, business success is about people — making the right connections, understanding motivation, guessing what others will do next, and accurately evaluating those you meet.
Over the years, most experiential content marketing campaigns aims for 1:1 connections, hoping each user touched by the brand will share the experience with others through social media or through good old - fashioned word of mouth - which is what makes this Duracell campaign so noteworthy.
So links, citations, inclusions and connections, along with confidence, intent, credibility and veracity, aren't going anywhere, because what other signals are there?
So find out what is going on with your workers — maybe a couple of your employees are military spouses or are caregivers for aging parents — and help to foster a connection between them so that they can lean on each other.
links, citations, inclusions and connections, along with confidence, intent, credibility and veracity, aren't going anywhere, because what other signals are there?
There's no book to follow, and I think connections to other people who've experienced this from other tragedies, or from Sandy Hook, can be useful as guideposts for people here in terms of, «Well, this is what happened that we weren't expecting, and this is how we handled it.
It is a mistake to use the pulpit for what we might describe as didactic purposes, however important and necessary the task of teaching may be in other connections.
In other words, if we take such things as points of agreement, practice, feelings, etc., as the determining factors in what constitutes the true connection between you and your Wiccan friend, then the connection is lost.
I agree with Wesley that John 16.31 - 33 (and other passages that make clear what Jesus believed to be the meaning of his Cross) and the Ps 22 connection are critical.
Those who look for a deeper understanding of god and or spirituality and or life itself in their religious participation — and do not find the knowledge they seek there — will continue to look until they find what it is that best meets their notion or experience of a deeper connection to life as it is and can be — finding it within and within just like all others.
My reflections arose, as I have indicated, in part from formative books and teachers, but they also grew out of grappling with Scripture (one of the lightning bolts here was the simple but profound insight of realizing once again the ineradicable connection of form and content — for instance, what is said in a parable can not be said in any other way), and with the complex business, endemic to academic theologians, of, as Kierkegaard would put it, becoming a Christian (not in general or for someone else but in particular and for me).
What we call «soul» is very different from the gift of life and perception possessed by other creatures, but is there no level of connection?
It is about being in love, and spending the rest of our lives with each other because we just have this connection where it doesn't matter what people say.
So what if I would rather collect my well fare check, head down to the Piggly Wiggly and buy me a box of slim jims to snap into, then ride a city bus back to my rent controlled apartment so I can use someone elses wireless connection to get on the internet so I can complain about Obama giving those other people, you know, them dark skinned ones, lot's of stuff they don't deserve.
Understanding surrender & humility while humoring a bunch of Christians with all their blood - drenched macho Jesus crap in order to share the connections we have with each other on even deeper levels of sobriety is what AA is really all about.
His question was, «What is the connection, if any, between classical rhetorical theory and practice on the one hand, and contemporary contextualization theory and practice on the other
To what extent is the choice (if it is that) of a homosexual life style a refusal of the responsibilities which others bear in connection with ongoing relationship, marriage and family?
Have a look below to see what the other Kosher Connection bloggers are bringing to our party
The Manning to Harrison connection had really taken off the year before, and what started out as a fascination with individual players soon turned into a full blown team obsession for me as I, along with so many other Colts fans, basked in the warm glow of a burgeoning dynasty.
This is the great connection to be in the same shoes with other mothers, with this I know what mothers really need and design the products in this way.
Our marriage, is prefect in every other sense, we just don't have that bit of connection and intimacy, and not sure what I can do.
What has made this parenting strategy even easier to follow is that I am able to find connections with my stepson that have allowed us to have a close relationship without overlap with his father — or with my other children.
Other reviewers have said it has «an easy, conversational, parent - to - parent tone» which «refreshingly does exactly what it promises: it shows you how to parent gently, with kindness, compassion, and connection, always keeping that strong and healthy relationship with your child at the forefront of your journey.»
That's why Attachment Parenting International exists — to bring families back to their roots, to the basis of what really makes a family a family: not blood, not obligation, but a shared close emotional connection with each other.
When I left, I felt such a sense of relief — this connection with others who were going through the same things is what helped most of all.
Not only will you take relief in knowing there are other parents going through exactly what you are right now, you'll make invaluable connections with families and experts who can help you tackle the countless parenting obstacles you'll encounter as your child grows.
For discussion: What other ideas can you share that are important or have helped you in building a strong parent - child connection?
Teach your children the names for feelings and emotions, what the connection between emotions and well being are, and how our behavior contributes positively or negatively to the well being of others.
Part of what the successful teachers or principals are doing is developing a strong sense of community, attachment, and connection among the students themselves and between the students and teachers or other educators.
In an effort to share what I'm learning and help others understand more about compassionate and connection parenting, and positive discipline, I'm starting a new category titled Parenting Articles where I'll write more serious and helpful articles filled with resources.
Raising children has the capacity of radically changing a person's perspective on life and other people, of truly teaching us what love and commitment is, that a relationship is not just about our comfort level but about giving of ourselves and enjoying the connection that creates.
It's a space to share your authentic experience and receive nonjudgemental support, tools to cope with what's happening and connection with others who share in a similar struggle.
But during those early weeks when you and your little one are just getting to know each other, being attuned and responsive to what he needs is a big part of cementing that connection.
Shari: What benefits to your child have you noticed as a result of them witnessing this connection between you and the other family?
I have my calendar marked for April 9th and I'm so excited to meet some more incredible folks around the blogosphere... making those connections, learning from others, and finding encouragement is what I LOVE about blogging!
I am so passionate about breastfeeding because I know what it's like on the other side wanting to have that special bond and connection with your baby but not being able to produce enough milk and have latching problems.
You will immediately feel a connection with other breastfeeding moms, and joining a breastfeeding support group can be invaluable in advice and understanding of what you are going through.
What we lack is an honest public debate that acknowledges the connections, and the difficulties of reconciling public - service commitment with the rule book on one side and the claimed allocative efficiency of public - sector markets on the other.
In IR, National Interest is traditionally linked with what has been labeled by scholars as a billiard ball approach to foreign policy, in which the nation - state is defined and treated as a unitary actor, more important than the «cobweb» of national and transnational connections that others see to be important to an understanding of foreign policy.
«Today was about creating a connection between a group of young women activists, and they can connect us to other young women activists, who can talk about the reality of what's happening on college campuses,» she said.
• Networks Fear of cyberattacks should not lead us to destroy what makes the Internet special, such as free and open Wi - Fi access points and other forms of shared connections; instead we need better options for securing the Internet.
«Helping others,» «serving humanity,» «connection with others,» «working with people,» and «caring for others» exemplify the «communal» goals that women college students on average said they preferred when asked what they wanted to accomplish in their careers.
In other words, the connection between environmental change and evolutionary change is weak, which is not what might have been expected from Darwin's hypothesis.
She hopes to pinpoint which genes are expressed in each cell type when brain cells make long distance connections, and to make similar maps in other primates to chart what changed as brains rewired over the course of evolution.
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