Sentences with phrase «what predisposes»

Passionate about what makes people optimally healthy and what predisposes them to illness.
She researched what really makes people healthy and what predisposes them to illness — not just diet, exercise and standard healthy behaviors, but everything else.
Passionate about what makes people optimally healthy and what predisposes them to illness, she is on...

Not exact matches

While you may think these successful 8 percenters are born predisposed to these talents, research says that successful people achieve their goals not simply because of who they are, but more often because of what they do.
DNA tests can tell you where your family is from and what health conditions you might be predisposed to get.
@Brian: I think man is predisposed to «make up» stories to fill the gaps where this no explanation for what's going on around them.
Humans are the only known species on Earth predisposed to thinking there is something more to the universe than just what is immediately observable.
Even less did it take account of the till longer predisposing factors for which the U.S. is more to blame than Saddam Hussein: the decade spent competing with the U.S.S.R. in building up Hussein's forces, and the explicit statements made in July to the effect that what Hussein might choose to do with border problems was not our concern.
Whatever your experience was with what you assume was your god, is probably only so because you were predisposed to believe it was him / her / it.
What I think it means is that there are those predisposed to a certain message who will pick up on that message and it will resonate with them.
When you ask your child to do something, whether they are toddlers or teenagers, you need to think about how they will process it, how their temperament predisposes them to react to the request, and what your actions will be if they don't do it.
And looking back, I can see that when I allowed myself to accept the individual needs that Maya came into this world with, to release my predisposed expectations of what my breastfeeding experience should be, and to respond to her cues and to the unique challenges we faced together, I was blessed with some of the clearest revelations I've received from God thus far about Himself and about parenthood.
These differences may not be all that surprising: if you're a Conservative and you have a Labour MP, you can be forgiven for being predisposed to being dissatisfied with what they're doing, and vice versa.
What Locke could not appreciate, however, was that the same neurochemistry that allows significant flexibility and makes human beings malleable to their environment also predisposes them in certain basic ways.
Even though we still do not know what exactly a «criminal brain» is, current research suggests that some people are more genetically predisposed to offend than others, Rafter says.
No one knows what genes predispose people to schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, which each afflict about one in 100 people.
They add: «What is similar between now and then is the human genetic material, our genome, including ancient polymorphisms that were uncovered to predispose the carrier to the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease... however, our ancient ancestors were certainly susceptible to many other conditions, such as infectious diseases, nutritional deprivation, and trauma, which often resulted in death at an early age, before atherosclerotic heart disease had a clinical impact.»
What's more, those differences may predispose them to substance abuse.
Medical analysis of your genome could tell you what diseases you were genetically predisposed to; in some cases that knowledge would be actionable, meaning that you could take steps against contracting those diseases.
«What happens is the genetic defect predisposes patients to infections that drive the production of mucus that then blocks the airways and makes it difficult to breath.»
«We don't understand what it is about this disorder that predisposes boys as compared to girls to develop autism.»
The next step, he says, is to broaden the sample pool to determine what factors in the environment and in the microbiome might be making Finns — who are at exceptionally high risk of T1D — more predisposed to the disease than other populations.
These studies frequently combine DNA from hundreds of individuals to try to discern patterns of inheritance in a population — what percentage carry a version of a gene that might predispose to heart attacks, for example, and what percentage carry another, less harmful version.
In the next decade, molecular research is going to further develop along five lines: predictive medicine, that investigates the genetic conditions predisposing to tumor risk; early molecular diagnosis; the evaluation of each patient's prognosis based on his / her genetic profile, in other words, the analysis of what kind of mutation affects the DNA of altered cells; the investigation of the individual response to drugs, based on our genetic knowledge; «smart drugs», molecules able to hit the target in a selective way, killing only the deprogrammed cells.»
Thanks to the discovery of new genetic markers for a hereditary form of Alzheimer's though, researchers can now examine people genetically predisposed to the condition to see what changes their bodies go through well before symptoms appear.
Bulking up (common in what's known as bodybuilding's off - season) when it comes to women, usually results in extra fat and yep, bigger thighs because that is where it is genetically predisposed to go!
I understand that diseases such as Graves Disese etc can be a cause of Hyperthyroidism but what is baffling is what actually causes conditions such as Graves» disease in the first place... is it something that you could be predisposed to genetically or does something trigger is, like diet / stress etc?
What I learned: The data I got from this test and the interpretation from the other websites helped me understand that I was genetically predisposed to B - 12 deficiency, along with a few others.
So the question is: How does this destabilization of the sacroiliac joint occur and what aspects of our approach to your yoga asana practice predispose us for SI?
What that means is that just because your family is predisposed to certain diseases or you have a chronic health problem already, you can make changes through something called nutrigenomics and methylation support.
At Shift, we treat not only the current condition, but we also look at the whole person to see what postural, gait, technique, or lifestyle issues may be predisposing the dancer to injury or preventing the dancer from achieving better results in her / his movement.
Your somatype is not based on what you look like now, but on what you are genetically predisposed to look like.
Fueled by a passion to determine what really makes people healthy and what really predisposes them to illness, she dug into the medical literature to study how doctors might better care for patients and patients might better care for themselves.
[Not to mention anyone with leaky gut or predisposed to MAP allergen immune system reaction, or what the heck is going on at the gut lining level relative to impact to microbiome and inflammation.]
Those not as predisposed to enlivening workouts might wonder — «well what about if I just relax?
What if the people that were on statin drugs were predisposed to diabetes based on the same factors that caused them to take the statin drugs in the first place?
This is what can predispose to serious infection.
What are the key genetic factors that predispose someone to develop irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?
Here comes the time to personalize learning: To do this, we will build precisely the student's preferences and their map of multiple intelligences, so we will be able to focus on each student and to get to know what do they do better (this is to enhance the student in that for what he is predisposed, not to force him to do things that neither interest him nor will he get well along).
Your headline must predispose the reader positively based on their needs and wants, as well as promise them an intriguing result if they stick around and read what comes next.
I guess I'm just philosophically predisposed to the country moving toward a simplified tax code that doesn't let the government decide what individual choices (e.g., home buying) are more socially desirable than others (e.g., renting) by giving a tax break to those groups of Americans is deems more worthy of receiving them.
Chihuahuas are predisposed to rather a large number of inherited (and other) diseases and expert responsible breeders should be doing what they can to ensure that these are not passed on to future generations.
What we like to do at our practice is start hitting the supplements hard if we have a breed that is predisposed to allergies.
What they really were breeding were sorry bags of raw nerves predisposed to feel threatened in situations that normal dogs can handle.
Even though mixed breeds tend to be hardier than purebred dogs, without knowing what breeds are in your dog's makeup, you can't know what diseases to which he might be genetically predisposed.
Other individualized considerations are important, too, such as the type of coat your dog has, how much exercise she gets, what medical conditions she has, whether she's predisposed to any health problems and whether she has any food sensitivities.
For those with older dogs, or breeds predisposed to cancer, it's good to know influences and what to look for.
There are some recognized predisposing causes but many dogs develop pancreatitis without having one of the predisposing causes and I do not know what triggers the pancreatitis in these dogs.
* It is easy to research any health problems the dog is predisposed to based on her breed * You will know how large she will get, and what behaviors to expect * You have the option of showing your dog * You have the option of breeding your dog (and collecting stud fees or selling the purebred puppies)-- NOTE: this should only be done if you are financially and emotionally capable of raising a litter of puppies, always consult with a reputable breeder to be your mentor if you are seriously considering breeding your dog.
There are many other things to factor in to treatment for bladder stones (whether your dog will eat the prescription diets, whether your dog has problems with urinary tract infections that might continue to predispose to stones, whether your dog has a conformational problem that predisposes her to stones, etc etc) so discuss all of this and more with your veterinarian and find what is right for your particular dog.
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