Sentences with phrase «what shared child custody»

In order to understand what shared child custody is you must first understand the basics of child custody.

Not exact matches

Consider all of the child custody options available to you, including shared parenting and bird's nest custody, before making a decision about what type of custody you want to pursue.
When sharing physical custody of children, the question that must be constantly being answered is not who is best for the child, but what is needed by this child at this particular time.
; when should the court employ shared custody child support guidelines) our appellate courts have merely vested our family courts with discretion without providing any guidance on what factors should shape that discretion.
The potential impacts of social media activity on many aspects of a divorce case, from spousal support, to determination of income for child support, to determination of custody and visitation for minor children, are too numerous to discuss here or for an attorney to address in advising their client on what they can and can not share on social media.
The courts have generally ruled that, where the Federal Child Support Guidelines for shared custody result in support amounts that consider what each parent would pay if the other had sole custody, only the parent required to make a payment is «required to pay support».
Depending on the age and maturity of the child, the court may allow the child to testify with regard to time - sharing and other pertinent issues in a custody case, however the court must still make a custody decision based on the best interest of the child, which may or may not be what the child wants.
But what they all share in common is a knowledge of and profound interest in the same legal subject area — pharmaceutical class actions, say, or business process patents, or asset securitization, or child custody proceedings in Oregon, or small - claims court cases in Nova Scotia, or wealth management in New South Wales, or any of the law's thousands upon thousands of sub-specialties.
Joint custody means that parents share custody and the child's time is split between each parent, though what that time is will be determined in each individual case.
Particularly in a joint custody or shared residency arrangement that has been found to be in the child's best interests, the reasons for one parent to want to move, effectively ending what has already been found to be in the child's best interests, would be very relevant to determining whether the child's needs can be met in this proposed new arrangement.
However, where the parents have a shared custodial arrangement, the trial court was required to make a full redetermination of what custody order was in the best interests of the children.
If you and your ex-husband share custody, the amount of time that each of you spend with the children, plus what you spend on the children's behalf while they live with you, may influence a child support award.
In what the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) defines as a «shared custody» situation, the government typically pays each parent 50 per cent of the child - related tax benefits to which they would normally be entitled based on their own household income, Silbert says.
A «good» parenting agreement spells out the terms and conditions of custody; but what no prewritten plan can do, however, is spontaneously come to life in those moments when parents and children find meaning and beauty in the love they share for each other.
Joint legal custody refers to the shared responsibility, regardless of where the children are living, for making such major decisions as where they will go to school and what their religious upbringing will be.
Legal custody refers to a parent's right to make important decisions for a child; courts commonly award joint legal custody, meaning the parents share the right to make important decisions, such as what medical care the child receives.
Less commonly, in what we will refer to as a shared custody order, the parents share primary physical custody, and the children spend nearly equal time with each parent.
Because Susan can no longer control 100 % of what her daughter eats and her homework habits now that Steve shares custody, she vents her considerable anger by telling her children that their father is «bad» because he doesn't share her parenting strategies.
In what must have been a difficult decision, the Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba held that it would be in the best interests of the children to give the mother and father joint custody, and for them to share physical custody of the children on a 2 -2-3 schedule.
One great way to get the conversation going is to share a few children's books about divorce, visitation, and custody — books that are written by professionals and books that explain what is happening in a way that your child can better understand.
What is more, under the existing legislation, there is already the option of shared custody, if that is in the best interests of the child.
Instead, both parents equally share the burden of proving what parenting time plan and child custody arrangements will serve the best interests of the child following a parent's relocation.
Consider all of the child custody options available to you, including shared parenting and bird's nest custody, before making a decision about what type of custody you want to pursue.
It is also about what is best for your children, since over 50 research studies from numerous countries show that children with shared parenting on average have much better lives than the millions of children in the sole custody of one parent.
Nowadays, parents are more and more likely to share custody and appreciate what each parent contributes to the upbringing of children.
This decision contains sage words of wisdom with respect to how to assess credibility of witnesses, how we should approach the «best interests of the child» test, what is the real significance of «primary care parent», what sort of evidence one should present to the court re «best interests», the effect of domestic violence allegations, abuse allegations, what does «shared parenting» mean, what does «joint custody» mean and when should it be ordered, and the importance of past conflict.
The fate of Ray Buckley foreshadowed what was going to happen to many fathers fighting for shared custody of their children.
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