Sentences with phrase «what skilled»

In a think aloud, we take away the guesswork behind what skilled readers do to understand what they are reading.
Having specified what skilled readers know and do, we can ask how they got there.»
You'll achieve this mostly by doing what a skilled assassin does best — Sticking to the shadows and silently dispatching your enemies, either lethally or merely by rendering them unconscious.
investigate the Coverwall Gregorian calendar month 7 parliamentarian Pattinson, but what skilled workman did it double.
«The data rate is not much different from what a skilled 19th - century telegrapher could do,» says Morrison.
Could someone explain to me what a skilled midwife does other than spot the point where her skills are inadequate and an OB is required?
It all depends on what your personal interest is and what skills you want to employ in your business.
Instead you could look at what skills the problems you face need to solve and acquire them like you would any other, or hire people with them if you don't want to learn them, but not to consider yourself incapable of learning them.
It takes humility to really examine yourself this way, but it will pay great dividends when you know exactly who to hire, who to partner with and what skills you can offer.
If you feel like nothing can be delegated, try breaking down your tasks into what skills they require — take a look at the tasks that require the fewest skills, and consider training someone else to handle them.
Regardless of the category you fall into above, I hope this provided some guidance as to what skills are relevant for your marketing resume and LinkedIn.
«The key is having an interview with prospective interns to find out what their skills are and what they want to get out of the internship,» said Laing, «It also doesn't hurt to offer a small stipend.»
When you introduce each person you might include a few words about what skills, talents, and qualities you feel he or she brings to the table.
«No matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life,» promises the course description.
We've found the best time to find a consensus on a role and what skills it might require is before we hire, not while we're reviewing candidates.
You probably won't be able to do the job perfectly, which means you will quickly learn what skills you are seeking to fill your knowledge gaps.
As employers are forced to confront what really makes employees successful today, what skills and traits are they seeking in candidates?
It then identifies what skills or tasks employees have a greater aptitude for so their position can be aligned with these strengths.
It's crucial to understand exactly what skills each member of your team will bring to the business.»
What skill development does each individual need to thrive?
By analyzing what skills users are having the most trouble with, for example, the company's education team can refine certain parts of the games to help students succeed.
Set up a drinks date to talk about what they do now, what projects they're working on, and what skills are needed to do their job.
What skills have helped you find strength while others around you were burning out?
When shopping around in a saturated market it helps to have a clear idea of what skills and experiences will benefit you most.
No one knows better than front - line workers what skills and knowledge they need to bone up on, and learning is most effective when it can be applied right at the moment of need — something L&D can't keep a pulse on from their corner of the organization.
In other words, they look at what skills a person has — like their experience, areas of expertise, and other things they list on their resume — as well as whether that person is willing and interested in working for the company.
About a third of employers say they are getting the workers they need, in part because they are engaged in the training process, communicating directly with schools and students to develop course work or to the let institutions know what skills new hires need.
What skills can I bring to my job?
For its current fleet of education products, Renaissance has effectively sequenced every skill a student should learn between kindergarten and 12th grade, and has developed tools that help teachers figure out what skills students have mastered and are now ready to learn.
Compensation is based on what skills and talent you bring to the table.»
Quite often, managers don't have the time to discover what skills their employees possess.
If risk - taking isn't the key, what skills are important to entrepreneurs?
Decide what skills of yours could be best utilized for a business of your own.
Precisely what skill do YOU believe would magically convey value ``... to potential employers...», oh wise one?
What skills and attributes B2B marketers need to deliver and drive innovation.
As chat bots, robo advisers, and robotic surgeons spill onto the scene, what skills will future bankers or doctors need to stay relevant?
«Aside from a salary and benefits, what skills will they gain, what professional connections are they going to make, what opportunities exist for growth within the company, and why would this position make them more desirable candidates when they start looking for their next jobs?»
What skills and resources do you have at your disposal?
What skills matter most?
What with the Advisory Council on Growth's paper on skills, and the Expert Panel on Youth Employment wrapping up, public policy is suddenly back to a focus on skills — and in particular what skills youth should have.
In the classic book, «The Attacker's Advantage,» by world - renowned business advisor Ram Charan, I found some real guidance on what skills are required, what to look for, and how to react in time.
A report for the Rio +20 climate change conference last year, «Leadership in a Rapidly Changing World,» interviewed top CEOs from multinational firms to determine what skills they are looking for when hiring.
Instead, you need to plan ahead and think about all of the potential obstacles you may encounter and what skills you already have to take on those challenges.»
This guide is aimed at the business owner to ask what skills do they expect to see before deciding to working with one of the many marketing companies in Dublin or anywhere.
What skills and experience should you look for when interviewing potential brokers to sell your company?
Those leaves They gathered, broad as Amazonian targe, And with what skill they had together sewed, To gird their waist — vain covering if to hide Their guilt and dreadful shame; O how unlike To that first naked glory.
WOW, what a skill set he brings to the non religious part of the Universe.
What skills do we want her to acquire?
We can tend to the roots as best we can, and learn what skills we can from the old - time experts still with us, classical and American.
Some of them should leave to reduce our wages, but podolski for instance earns what his skills deserves, looking at average salaries throughout the league / europe.
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