Sentences with phrase «what social science»

What social science technique do you believe Schneider bungled, by the way?
This week, we dive into what social science research says about how to have a better getaway.
«I was trained to write extensive literature reviews because this is what our social science scholars are used to doing.»
This chapter will consider what the social sciences, including linguistics, anthropology, sociology, economics, political science, and interpersonal psychology, may contribute to a comprehensive philosophy of man and his becoming.
You are culturally rooted in the hard sciences of biology, toxicology, etc., so you may not be aware of what the social sciences reveal about the way people perceive risk.
Aren't new - fangled scientific practices like consensuses and peudo - scientific creations like «sustainability» precisely what the social sciences should be scrutinising?
A therapist certified in the clinical training of John and Julie Gottman, Lusignan was asked about what the social sciences tell us about relationships, and some key aspects of succeeding in them.

Not exact matches

Wrote the books The Science of Marketing: When to Tweet, What to Post, How to Blog, and Other Proven Strategies,» «The Social Media Marketing Book» and «The Facebook Marketing Book.»
This assumes that markets are not efficient i.e. based purely on fundamental data and as such psychology and social sciences are better served at explaining what is going on.
It is not easily testable by the criteria of what is called social science.
It draws from social science studies and a raft of interviews to confirm what we already knew through experience.
What are needed are Christian reconstructions of the various social sciences, remade to be in the true image of man.
I think it's important to know as part of our understanding of social science and of what governments can do when given the power.
The bill, and especially the sentence about forgoing dollar valuation, closely mirror a major issue in the social sciences about how people exchange different forms of goods and services and to what extent one form is commensurable with another.
The second and third chapters will deal with what is known of man from the social sciences and the humanities, respectively.
Furthermore, what they put forward as information, especially in the social sciences and humanities, is not as objective as they claim.
But he never asks what social, economic, political and ideological forces were at work in the creation of the modern scientific world view, any more than he looks at the role of those forces in the eighteenth century celebration of it, the romantic reaction against it, or the nineteenth and twentieth century codification of positive science.
What actually happens with Gutiérez and others close to him is something like this: they turn to the social sciences for help in understanding the dynamics of the world in which they live; among those they read is Marx, who describes a world in which a «class struggle» is going on.
But what about within the social sciences, where questions of what is good and just intersect with the moral standards that the LDS Church proclaims to be true?
What makes them wary, however, is the even more illiberal desire to inject the views and interests of progressive social causes into the methodology of science itself (hypothesis formation, experiment, analysis) and perhaps even into its conclusions.
Several years ago, David Landry learned what a friend he has in the social sciences which help him mind the store at Faith Church.
Regarding some «basics», if education (and science / s), and also entertainment (/ arts)(that is especially provisions thereof) are not considered work whatsoever, and if so - called» (social) darwinism» is considered as what determines judgement / s and agreement / s, perhaps it should be clear which group / s think / s so?
Q. 5 What is it that most differentiates social science and all other intellectual disciplines from Christianity:
Regarding «basics», if education (and science / s), and also entertainment (/ arts)(that is especially provisions thereof) are not considered work whatsoever, and if so - called» (social) darwinism» is considered as what determines judgement / s and agreement / s, perhaps it should be clear which group / s think / s so?
What this means for the study of religion is that we can no longer legitimately isolate it as a peculiar expression of the human mind or focus on it as though psychology and the social sciences, or even theology, were the privileged roads to a contemporary understanding of it.
Regnerus offered the first example of sound social science questioning what the elite in the academy and media desperately want to believe — that same - sex marriage will have absolutely no negative fallout for the young and vulnerable.
What should be the role of science among the goals of the social order?
They are seeking what has been called post-modern paradigms for «an open secular democratic culture» within the framework of a public philosophy (Walter Lippman) or Civil Religion (Robert Bellah) or a new genuine realistic humanism or at least a body of insights about the nature of being and becoming human, evolved through dialogue among renascent religions, secularist ideologies including the philosophies of the tragic dimension of existence and disciplines of social and human sciences which have opened themselves to each other in the context of their common sense of historical responsibility and common human destiny.
In the social sciences, we are too often apt to extrapolate from what has gone before, and most of my colleagues shared a static and fatalistic view of the future.
Even if what you say is true, and the jury is still out on all the science part (I have yet to see a real study) Should the gay lifestyle be promoted and publicly endorsed is equivalent in social good?
One wonders whether, in the future, when we shall know so much more about what literature says and how it hangs together than we now do, we shall come to see literary myth as a similarly constructive principle in the social or qualitative sciences, giving shape and coherence to psychology, anthropology, theology, history and political theory without losing in any one of them its own autonomy of hypothesis.»
What we have written about the social dimensions of preaching arises from our experience, our reflection on society, and some familiarity with selected social science literature.
Find out what your kindergartner will learn this year, including math, science, language, and social skills.
Find out what your first grader will learn this year, including math, science, language, and social skills.
In my opinion what has happened in this area is that a kind of social ideology is now embedded within the medical paradigm, to the extent that that social judgments are masquerading as scientific judgments making the science a pseudo science, as a relatively small number of people have been placed in a position wherein they can choose what relevant lines of evidence (and what counter arguments) are acceptable and which are not, as deemed by themselves.
We're going to work with the month of observances and give the kids some history and social science, as well as holiday observances and what they mean.
Although social support doesn't act alone as being a risk factor for postpartum depression, the frequency with which it is cited in the scientific literature as a risk factor merits a review of what the science says about it.
LM: Of course you're right, elements of the social sciences are arguably in the grip of what Sheldon Wolin in the late 1960s identified as a limiting «methodism».
But what are we to make of the fact that contemporary social science is often no less in thrall to abstract modelling?
Warren Pearce's new «Making Climate Social» project seeks to investigate the «contributors, content, connections and contexts of social media climate change communications» in order to determine «what the social media revolution might mean for the tricky relationship between science, politics, and publics.&Social» project seeks to investigate the «contributors, content, connections and contexts of social media climate change communications» in order to determine «what the social media revolution might mean for the tricky relationship between science, politics, and publics.&social media climate change communications» in order to determine «what the social media revolution might mean for the tricky relationship between science, politics, and publics.&social media revolution might mean for the tricky relationship between science, politics, and publics.»
The journalist and social commentator Paul Valery said that history is the science of what never happens twice.
As part of the event at the House of Commons Terrace Pavilion, Minister for Universities, Science and Cities The Rt Hon Greg Clark MP will reflect on how the social sciences have developed since the council was granted its Royal Charter in 1965, when it was known as the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), and what a difference the research has made to sosocial sciences have developed since the council was granted its Royal Charter in 1965, when it was known as the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), and what a difference the research has made to soSocial Science Research Council (SSRC), and what a difference the research has made to society.
This event is intended to work toward the development of a social science of what has come to be known as Web 2.0 - a much heralded transition in Web media characterised by social practices of «generating» and «browsing», «tagging» and «feeds», «commenting» and «noting», «reviewing» and «rating», «blogging», «mashing - up» and making «friends».
I'm mostly curious as to what the differences are between STEM majors, social sciences, or law degrees and medical degrees.
Mr Dumelo over the weekend, sent social media buzzing after he posted a photograph of Mr Boateng selling bread on the street with the caption: «Just saw a Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) grad hawking in traffic... What went wrong?»
Guests will be welcomed by Kelvin Hopkins MP - chair of the All Party Group for Social Science and Policy - with other panel members including Paul Johnson - Director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies - and Professor Gloria Laycock from the What Works Centre for Crime Reduction.
AAAS developed the questionnaire because serving society is part of the mandate for many professional societies and funding programs, and its importance is often cited in public statements and international conventions — but few agree on what those social responsibilities are or ought to be, said Mark Frankel, director of the AAAS Scientific Responsibility, Human Rights and Law program, which conducted the study along with the AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition.
Meanwhile, a future $ 5.7 million increase for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, which now receives $ 537 million, is strictly for collaborations between academic researchers, businesses, and other partners toward what the budget calls «research and knowledge mobilization in the social sciences and humanities.&Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, which now receives $ 537 million, is strictly for collaborations between academic researchers, businesses, and other partners toward what the budget calls «research and knowledge mobilization in the social sciences and humanities.&social sciences and humanities.»
The most rigorous piece of social science research on what happens to such veterans when they return looked at people from conflicts in Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya and other jihadist battlefronts (American Political Science Review, vol 107science research on what happens to such veterans when they return looked at people from conflicts in Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya and other jihadist battlefronts (American Political Science Review, vol 107Science Review, vol 107, p 1).
The most rigorous piece of social science research on what happens to such veterans when they return looked at people from conflicts in Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya and other jihadist battlefronts.
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