Sentences with phrase «what society you live»

It doesn't matter what society you live in because there is no overall moral code for all of humanity to live by.
We occupy the second most important professional position in society after the medical profession (I would rather have access to doctors than lawyers no matter what society I lived in).

Not exact matches

We are ordinary people, living our lives, and trying as civil - rights activist Dorothy Cotton said, to «fix what ain't right» in our society
«It's quite normal for Americans and Western people to behave like this — they live in free sex societies where nobody cares about this sort of thing, so what do you expect?»
After successfully silencing the tug boats whose tooting tormented her on the porch of her Riverside Avenue mansion, Mrs. Julia Barnett Rice, the wife of venture capitalist Isaac Rice, founded the Society for the Suppression of Unnecessary Noise in New York in order to combat what she called «one of the greatest banes of city life
«I really like to understand the society that I'm living in and how it works and functions and what people are thinking, you know.
«As technology jumps forward and people are changing preferences we have to think long and hard about what the public sector offers to people when it comes to money and how do we facilitate people living in society getting access to money in the forms and shapes they prefer them to be,» Skingsley said.
Or as Paul Shapiro, vice president of policy at the Humane Society of the United States and author of the forthcoming book Clean Meat, sums up: «It's possible that folks in this field might end up doing more good for animals than what I've done with my life
«He's an egomaniac devoid of all moral sense» ---- said the society woman dressing for a charity bazaar, who dared not contemplate what means of self - expression would be left to her and how she would impose her ostentation on her friends, if charity were not the all - excusing virtue ---- said the social worker who had found no aim in life and could generate no aim from within the sterility of his soul, but basked in virtue and held an unearned respect from all, by grace of his fingers on the wounds of others ---- said the novelist who had nothing to say if the subject of service and sacrifice were to be taken away from him, who sobbed in the hearing of attentive thousands that he loved them and loved them and would they please love him a little in return ---- said the lady columnist who had just bought a country mansion because she wrote so tenderly about the little people ---- said all the little people who wanted to hear of love, the great love, the unfastidious love, the love that embraced everything, forgave everything, and permitted everything ---- said every second - hander who could not exist except as a leech on the souls of others.»
Capitalism requires failure since that is what drives a better life for society as a whole.
Or perhaps you can pause for a moment and think about all the paranormal activity that goes on from UFO's to ghosts and spirits and you will realize that science does not have all the answers and there is little more to life than what society will have you believe.
«When we speak of the «environment,»» Francis explains, «what we really mean is a relationship existing between nature and the society which lives in it» (139).
The fact is that the issues you speak of are not because the people are members of the LDS church but in fact this is what happens in any society of humans living as close together as we do in large cities.
Mary Ann Glendon asks us to consider «what a set of legal arrangements that places individual liberty or mere lifestyle over innocent life says about, and may do to, the people and the society that produces them.»
The Church's theology of suffering makes little sense to a society increasingly characterized by the drive to achieve what Russians call a «European» standard of living.
Individual persons and whole societies are viewed through the theory and what gets destroyed on paper (so to speak) often is destroyed in real life» like kulaks in the Soviet Union.
What a depraved society we live in.
... Only until what we are told and instructed on how to live by others - parents - society... As if none of us have a consciousness thought on our own conclusion of life... Something to think about...
The principle of the basic reality of living in our society is what a student should learn — to succeed in life is the fundamental issue.
What an accurate reflection of the self - centered society we live in, everyone believing their main goal in life is their own personal happiness.
And to live in society and even just have friends one must prove he or she is a «moral» person, this morality is just a morality that lacks gods, such as a belief that what is good is what brings about the most happiness or freedom or whatever your ethical system supports.
Our society fails to present a coherent sense of what a good life should look like or how one arrives at a good life; and without a sense of purpose, the demands that fall on teens to «get into a good college» seem arbitrary and dehumanizing.
One might counterargue, to be sure, that the unity of the cell is manifestly more than what a nonsocial nexus of living occasions can provide; only a personally ordered society of dominant occasions can «do the job.»
( If it ever comes to fruition, real life being what it is, I'd like to try and show that people with no faith can still have a normal positive impact on local society.
What we meant to model was the sending of one of our number to be a foreign missionary — to learn a new language, to understand a local culture, to sacrifice the amenities of affluence and to live knowing that he or she is always being watched by seekers — while the rest of us stay here as lifetime local missionaries, learning to speak the language of the unchurched, understanding secular culture, sacrificing the amenities of affluence and living as a «watched» person in a society that is skeptical of Christian spirituality until it sees the real thing on display.
Because in the end that is what helps our society... a society where my friends, my family, my children live.
What is possible for those who survive is to live locally and in community with others who have the same values rather than those of the self - destroying society around us.
It is unliveable at the level of society: hence, in Britain we have a government that lauds the freedom of the individual (and it should be noted in passing, but noted very well, that our present generation of politicians rarely talk of the «human person» or just of the «person», but usually of the «individual») but which has brought in some of the most draconian legislation in Europe designed to control what people say and do on certain issues so that society can proceed in its life as a unity and not just as a mere collection of individuals.
What drove the prophets to pit their lives against their society and culture?
Today the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life released what it claims to be the first quantitative worldwide study on how governments and societies infringe on the religious beliefs and practices of individuals.
What is now possible and will remain possible for those who survive is to live locally and in community with others from the values of God's Commonwealth rather than of the self - destroying society around us.
What has been interesting is that our political classes are, by and large, indifferent to the importance of family life for the well - being of society.
The Christian life is not about tolerance... but truth... The Bible is quite specific about what sin is... we must love the sinner but not tolerate the sin... being a Christian requires us to know and speak the truth in love... tolerance means accepting everything without judgment... we can not do that in this society in the midst of moral decay.
Somehow as a society we've not thought collectively about where all this waste is going or what the consequences are, though paper bags and glass milk bottles being collected and re-used are still within living memory.
But it's incredibly selfish to create problems for other people and other generations just to make our life easier in the present, and that's what our throwaway society is doing.
Aristotle envisions a common commitment to the virtuous life — or in any case a common conception of what the virtuous life is — as at the heart of political society.
If you are not experiencing opposition in this life as a Christian than you need to take another look at the truth that the Bible and Christ taught... Jesus was a revolutionary figure who opposed the society and people that he lived with... He was not a person who was sugary sweet... and He didn't tell people what they wanted to hear... as Scripture says, the path to heaven is narrow and Few choose it... the road to hell is wide and most are following that path.
It is in this context that academic freedom finds meaning — it supports a plurality of voices and traditions (past and present) when debating what vision of human life maximizes flourishing, which is the ongoing project of any society that seeks to perpetuate itself.
christ was beaten and cruxified on a cross bc he preached of being the SON OF MAN, the only what to get to heaven but gays who are living in sin and refuse to repent are accepted at work and everywhere they go and society cheers them on when they get married or when a state recongizes them, and anytime they are killed society comes to their defense, but i say to you, is will not be man that will judge them iw till
Often what churches need is not a better understanding of the faith, but a more adequate knowledge of the society in which they are trying to live it out.
We also don't have the right, as a civilized society, to pick and chose what lives or dies.
This happens because delusional beliefs are tied to a person's culture and what they know, and we live in a religious society, he explained.
society, where sin is viewed as little more than psychological maladjustment, or behavior arising out of corrupt economic structures, or as a failure of the educational system, baptism reminds us that, in spite of Gestalt and I'm OK, You're OK, what we do naturally is not the best we could do, that our inborn selfishness and pride are life - and - death matters, that Christians are made, not born.
I think true devotion is when you live in the sinful society and preach and tell people who is God what does he wants from us.
What I mean is the religiously atomized pluralistic society of our time of which all forms of Christianity are only a part and in which we live together with post-Christian neo-pagans, if I may be allowed to use this expression.
But this same society will have to answer an essential question: What is the authentic human life?
If we are to live faithfully and in right relationship, what does this mean for our participation in the middle class of a capitalist society?
Bultmann incorporated what he regarded as the results of these previous inquiries, but his own scholarly interests took him in other directions, for he was not moved by the old fascination with historical research, the life of the church in society, or the life of Jesus.
Austin, what you have is a book, written and edited by men who lived in a relatively primitive society with the agenda to promote the institution that gave them power.
If we can murder an unborn infant who unwittingly threatens a woman's life, what prevents us from terminating other individuals or groups that cause us or our society undue suffering?
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