Sentences with phrase «what sounded like»

So you can imagine my thrill when, in the early gray of this morning's commute through central Maryland, I heard what sounded like the honking of Canada geese.
As he pondered the problem, he learned that his friend, forensic pathologist Jakob Kolletschka, had died from what sounded like the same illness.
Two years ago he and other entomologists went to work on what sounded like the scenario for rip - roaring fiction: widespread, unexplained disappearances of honey bee workers that left the youngsters and queen behind for no obvious reason.
«What he really said, in what sounded like a presidential speech,» he said, «was to give more to everyone in the state without saying how it was going to be paid for or how to close a $ 4 billion to $ 8 billion budget gap.»
Sounding jubilant, Ms. Teachout gave what sounded like a victory speech.
The prime minister was seen being ushered into a silver Jaguar car as what sounded like gunfire rang out at Parliament during the incident.
Neither of them mentioned Trump by name but two of his predecessors — George W. Bush and Barack Obama — emerged from political seclusion yesterday to deliver what sounded like pointed rebukes of the current occupant of the Oval Office and the forces of division that propelled him to power.
«I heard what sounded like shots — I think about three of them — and then the next thing I knew there were two people lying on the ground and others running to help them.
One of those possible presidential contenders, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, said it was «time for a little rebellion on the battlefield of ideas,» while another potential White House candidate, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, gave what sounded like a presidential campaign stump speech.
At the MetLife Stadium in New Jersey, Super Bowl officials rolled out their snow - removal game plan — a multi-weapon strategy anchored by large trucks, scores of human shovelers and what sounded like an oceanful of road salt.
«When the subway stopped at Fort Hamilton, we heard what sounded like gunfire but we were unsure until people came running for their lives into our car,» Scandalios wrote.
He also explained the meaning behind two phrases found throughout the station: «Excelsior» (the motto of New York State) and «E Plurbis Unum,» threw some shade at the incoming Presidential administration, and gave what sounded like a stump speech, which you can watch below.
She banged the gavel, and began what sounded like an ordinary day in the state Legislature.
At a Progressive Communicators of DC lunch today, Mike McCurry made a lot of good points about modern political communications — between the Monica Lewinsky jokes clearly intended to ease what sounded like residual pain from his years as Bill Clinton's press secretary.
I read a description of what sounded like safe bedsharing but it sure didn't sound comfortable: on a thin futon on the floor, no blankets or pillows, mom wearing a sweater, thick socks and sweatpants (in layers if needed) and baby in a sleep sack.
I know what I sounded like on that video, I know what they saw.
After what sounded like some initial quality control problems, things have settled down in LAUSD but students are apparently still resisting the healthier menu.
I am certainly sorry if that is what it sounded like.
On receiving his trophy, Rivaldo used the spotlight to issue what sounded like an ultimatum to his boss.
Then, surprisingly, he delivered what sounded like a valedictory for one of the most unexpected seasons in golf history.
If you were a stickler for the truth and didn't care what it sounded like, you might say that the national water polo championships in Chicago last week were rigged from the start.
Also, if you knew who he was, where he was going, what he sounded like, and what he did, why not track him down and arrest him if you clearly saw him assault 3 people?
This is what it sounded like after the Predators went up 2 - 1 on the Penguins in the second period of Game 3.
Now I know he didn't mean we don't normally have good stuff, but at that moment that is what it sounded like to me and I wanted to punch him in the face.
At intervals the eight men in the chancel choir, or sometimes Dwyer alone, would utter what sounded like speech of a special eloquence, every word clearly to be heard, but observing a discipline that was musical, in that there was no hint of anything that was colloquial, but not like any music I had met with in my, by this time, fairly good acquaintance with music.
Damond, a 40 - year - old American citizen from Australia, called 911 around 11:30 p.m. on Saturday, reporting that she heard what sounded like a woman being assaulted in the alley behind her Minneapolis home.
I once bought a version of «God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen» performed on bagpipes, just to hear what it sounded like.
I wonder what it sounded like to the people in the Bible who were told by the same god to kill children as well.
Lenn, your comments against God, here's what it sounded like to me: I saw a Lamborghini drive up, and the first thing I wanted to do was throw up in it, take out a hammer and smash it's windows in, and then set it on fire, because it's too perfect and fast for my tastes... roughly and crudely translated.
Finally, word sweeping the Times newsroom is that another of the new management hires has been spied, «in our cafeteria, talking on the phone, in what sounded like a job interview, saying that he had been authorized «to hire five people» and that «a non-union national newsroom» was being created «to service all Tronc papers.»
Sitting with a group of Democrats and Republicans, including some who are backed by the NRA, Trump made what sounded like an extraordinary break with the powerful gun - rights organization.
«I then heard 4 - 5 very loud gunshots coming from what sounded like it was outside in the general area of the football field (east end) between me and where the other units were located to the east of me,» wrote Deputy Michael Kratz.
He'd heard what sounded like wood beams snapping in the basement, so he went downstairs and crept into the crawl space to investigate.
In March 2016, an entrepreneur, a product designer, and a marketer based in Sweden launched an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to raise money for what sounded like a futuristic device: Artificial gills that would help a person breathe underwater.
The Email Game does exactly what it sounds like — it gamifies email management, encouraging you to organize your inbox.
Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are, well, just what they sound like: groups of employees that function as (you guessed it) a resource, for members of such groups but also for companies as a whole.
Funeral potatoes are what they sound like — the dish originally comes from the Mormon tradition of bringing the well - liked comfort food to people at gatherings after a funeral.
«We may be moving more to a more balanced policy with what sounds like more business - friendly regulation and possibly more fiscal support,» Powell told an economics conference in Chicago.
A primary characteristic of introverts is self - awareness - not self - consciousness, shyness, or embarrassment - but constant awareness of how they're coming off, what they sound like, how people perceive them.
The «short suit» is exactly what it sounds like: everything above the belt is business as usual — sport coat over a button - down shirt and sometimes a tie or bowtie — but below the belt, the trousers are chopped off just above the knees leaving one's legs exposed and more emphasis put on the shoes.
Pay With A Tweet is exactly what it sounds like.
Another oft - recommended title, The Richest Man in Babylon is, surprisingly, just what it sounds like — a compilation of parables about wealth set in ancient Babylon.
Robo - advisors are what they sound like: robots — or specifically, computer algorithms — that manage your money.
What sounds like a simple solution for transporting the delicate cakes was made unpredictable thanks to Transportation Security Administration officials.
For the uninitiated, «no - action» letters are basically what they sound like: that while the SEC doesn't specifically endorse the activity, it's not planning on pursuing legal action, either.
«It's still one of these things that people in our society find incredibly important and interesting about other people,» he says, with what sounds like annoyance.
It's exactly what it sounds like: Retain your customers past the first sale, thereby improving on your initial investment.
(Green has also acknowledged, in what sounds like a nod to the workplace obstacles she faced,» «We Try Harder» is somewhat the story of my life.»)
What about all those companies dangling tempting offers to list your site with 400 — or even 4,000 — search engines in exchange for what sounds like a reasonable fee?
Rapid Growth is exactly what it sounds like.
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