Sentences with phrase «what specific companies»

Going to a job fair is a good way to meet people who are currently hiring, submit your resume, and also learn about what specific companies are looking for in an employee.
You can even find out what specific companies ask in their interviews.

Not exact matches

Mohu's Crabill wouldn't provide specific unit sales or revenues since the company is private, so we can't prove what he's saying about antennas is true.
Companies can now drive loyalty, and therefore higher lifetime retention and value, by leveraging convenience with even further granularity of access to products or information or both, giving specific customers specifically what they want every time, in a way that caters to their product preferences (and possibly their belief system).
The company doesn't hire for specific projects or roles — employees can pick what they want to work on, and they tend to jump between teams and projects.
If you are a young company pitching a larger brand then you have to center your pitch around proving what your value add is to that specific brand.
While the newer version is very specific about what the company does, it certainly fails to meet the criteria I suggested earlier: it's not inspiring and it's certainly not brief and to the point.
«If you do a little research ahead of time on what companies are going to be there and then you go in with specific questions, it shows them that you're not just the average conference attendee.
What makes the company unique is its ability to structure and deliver products to match the specific needs and interests of customers who come through both channels.
A code of business ethics usually doesn't stand alone, it works in conjunction with a company's mission statement and more specific policies about conduct to give employees, partners, vendors, and outsiders an idea of what the company stands for and how it's members should conduct themselves.
What's even more interesting is that companies that mastered three specific pipeline management practices experienced 28 percent higher revenue growth.
If a particular candidate doesn't really know what your company does, that means he or she is looking for a job, maybe any job... not a specific job at your company.
Search Your Competitors This skill is certainly not specific to LinkedIn, as you should constantly be monitoring what your competitors are doing (not just companies, but individuals).
«What is created by this process,» Naumov said, «is an AI model that is trained on a company's specific customer - service data - set.
When the broader market is strong, sometimes Cramer likes to zoom in on specific companies to review what they're doing right.
Until you know what's most important to your culture — say, a sense of open dialogue or supreme creativity — it's hard to ask specific questions around it, to see if the company is measuring up to that goal and how it can be stronger.»
And saying you want to change the world is a great thing, but being more specific about what you care about and what impact you want to have is better — even if you don't know exactly what company you might start one day.
Public market investors generally want to understand your company as a whole — what your main businesses are, what your prospects for growth are — while strategic buyers may be more interested in specific parts of your company that are complementary.
If you know that leads are doing business with a competitor (either by being noted during a sales call or shared during a questionnaire on your site, etc.) you can send specific emails to these educating them about what differentiates your company from the competition.
Instead of buying a specific asset class like a company's stock or a currency, futures and options contracts allow traders to profit from their bets on future prices and to hedge losses on what they already own.
Rather than dwell on company - specific performance, we wanted to see what they were saying about the global economy.
The China - specific tariffs are a response to what the Trump administration calls intellectual property theft, via technology transfer policies that require companies to share technology with Chinese firms in order to do business in China.
This means that, whether it's positive or constructive, women are less likely to be told what specific actions contributed to the team / company objectives or how they can improve.
Few other companies would be willing to try make such a specific joke on Twitter that would go over most people's heads — and that's what makes Denny's social media presence so great.
What are some of the specific challenges you've faced as the company has grown and how have you addressed them?
What are some of the specific challenges you've faced as the company has grown and how have you successfully addressed them?
Enabling users to control what information about them that a company collects and retains would mean giving users the ability to delete specific types of user information without requiring them to delete their entire account.
While in some jurisdictions they are legally required to retain user information for specific periods, companies should disclose what that time frame is and whether they retain user information for longer than is legally required.
By monitoring which firms are investing in what types of companies, you might be able to target investors that would be interested in your specific opportunity.
When you have a successful executive like Ray Zinn, who's done things in his specific way, people will be interested in learning what was it that he did that made him successful and enabled him to create this successful company.
The author suggests an approach that borrows from tech's own playbook on experimentation: Collect detailed data on bias in your organization, identify company - specific ways to measure its effect, create hypotheses about how to move those metrics, and then throw some spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks.
They have no specific expertise in the matter, and being a provider of these services puts the company in the awkward position of having a point of view on private personal matters as well as what defines basic well being.
«I'm basically doing time arbitrage - finding companies where economic, industry or company - specific disappointments prompt short - term investors to sell me their shares at compelling absolute valuations based on what I consider normal longer - term earnings power» Whitney George
In the end, I think the key to success will be determining what specific sectors and companies may be able to deliver better results.
It should be noted that there are a couple of other companies which are presently developing Ethash ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) miners so there's a possibility of seeing more announcements with various second - generation miners with similar features and a recap of what happened with recent Cryptonight ASICs.
The result was term sheets that were so complex even good lawyers couldn't fully understand what they really meant unless they had been practicing in the specific area, and sitting on venture backed company boards, for many years.
What's clear is that even though several big companies have made waves with pronouncements about limiting work - from - home options, many of those same companies — even Yahoo — continue to offer flexible work arrangements — for some people, in specific jobs, and under specific circumstances.
What many readers don't know is that real SaaS companies set up analytics to track specific marketing campaigns, step - by - step.
You'll need to determine what your company's competition will be in those markets, what specific challenges each market might provide, and how you might need to alter your products or business model to be successful in each potential market.
Enhancing not only technology enabled engagements that can be found through such platforms as Twitter and Linked - In as well as company or industry specific platforms, but radically changing the notion of what personal engagements actually means.
You need to be very specific about what you expect to achieve in the short - term and long - term, and create a company structure that fits your business.
This is the PE ratio that drives what a company should be trading at on the basis of its firm - specific fundamentals.
They do not collapse because the buildings that happen to surround them are churches.There are no specific explanations given to what actually caused the «malfunction» but it reeks of negligence either on the construction site or to the company that engineered it.
Off - line production allows Deb El to create specific feed formulation and gives the company more flexibility in what it can offer customers, founder Elliot Gibber says.
Not only can the company see how many people have reservations at a specific restaurant, it also indicates if they are regular customers and what their preferences are.
Nevertheless, Huss said that the company would not be prescriptive as to a specific use occasion for the new juices, rather she said more choice on the shelf would encourage consumers to «make a decision for what their needs are.»
While the Calcium program is already underway, Arla Foods says it's too early to disclose publicly what the specific consequences will be within specific areas of the company, including what number of jobs that will be affected by the ongoing work.
Barton also conceded that Triton was «not supposed to publish specific numbers about past performance «without significant disclaimers, including a disclosure of what the company had invested in.)
In 2002, frustrated with his chief sponsor, Rossignol, and what he felt was the company's overemphasis on traditional, racing - specific products, Hall joined with five fellow pros and all dropped their ski endorsement deals, partnered with a British venture capital firm and formed Armada Skis, a freeride - only manufacturer.
You should contact your health insurance company to find out what type of pump you can get, if there's a specific brand they cover, and if you were could you get a reimbursement for a pump you received as a gift.
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