Sentences with phrase «what type of church»

Learn the biblical definition of the church and discover how you can live in unity and love other Christians no matter what type of church they practice.
And what type of church institution seems to work the best for you, and why (small group; lecture series; visiting the sick; etc.)?

Not exact matches

Lauren, if this is what you meant by needing to provide answers, well churches are really good at providing these types of answers.
It is this type of judgmental, blind naiivety to what the world is really like that drives my generation out of the church.
What you have during the age of the church is not direct revelation, but a fallible type of spiritual gift that at times requires an interpreter.
Their story reminds us of what we often forget — that «church,» «sect,» «priestly» and «prophetic» are not descriptive terms but ideal types, heuristic devices that can help us better understand the empirical reality.
But Abraham speaks over the head of the rich man, over the heads of the Pharisees, in what sounds like a direct address to us church types who claim faith in a certain Galilean raised from the dead, «If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.»
(that was just in case there are any utopian types lurking here who have a twisted notion of what church ought be)
The catholic church has no business teling people what to do with their reproductive health or what type of insurance they want.
Makes you wonder what type of person they are in their church or community, that is..
To them, church leaders and ministers rank at about the same low level of esteem as the «suits» where they work, the management types who are clueless about what actually goes on in the lab.
What is chosen therefore is one of those types of act which «in the Church's moral tradition have been termed «intrinsically evil» (intrinsice malum): they are such always and per se, in other words on account of their very object, and quite apart from the ulterior intentions of the one acting and the circumstances.»
I am 60 years old, grew up in a very legalistic cultic church, been part of several church leaderships, served as pastor of a start up church, read and went to many, many, many church growth conferences, wanted to reach the lost, always trying to find the best structures, the best form of church, and what type of bells and whistles will attract people to church.
Model different types of prayer in what they see you do — on your own or in church — not just in what you put on especially for the kids.
Much as the theme is overlooked or unwelcome, I can not help noticing that the old Federal Council of Churchestype moderate - to - liberal Protestant unity was easier, and thus what we call «mainline» church life was stronger, because cooperating Protestants used Catholicism as a foil.
Note, then, that what makes theological education of this type theological is that it is ordered, not theocentrically, but ecclesiocentrically — to understanding church, or more exactly, to understanding church leadership, not to understanding God.
Note secondly a deep irony in the «Berlin» type of excellence in theological education: Although what makes it properly «theological» is its goal (as «professional» education) of nurturing the health of the church by preparing for it excellent leadership, what entitles it to a home in the wissenschaftlich education it needs is the rather different goal of nurturing the health of society as a whole (for which professional church leadership is a «necessary practice»).
He was tireless in the pursuit of what he considered a «positive, enthusiastic approach [that] was the type of ministry this church wanted.»
not sure i said this before or not, i have been on for over a year — anyway — i have been going to random churches, temples, really place that worships any form of the of abraham and others — i have yet to get anywhere but where i started from — which is what i am, what i am meant to be, and what i was... only this has been gained — gained is a gift of a word for i knew all of this before i started and so i view my time as wasted only for this the reason of getting somewhere — i did meet many great people with great views but all required the very real existence of god which was something lacking and why they had a constant failure yet what they called «keeping the faith» att itude type results... something was missing or missunderstood — your take?
Here the document is alluding to some idea of a future reality: Mary, as virgin and mother, is the perfect type of what the Church is called to be.
I am with an anglican church and they do allow women ministers and they preach.So if you are a women and God has put a calling on your life to preach then join a church that allows you to use that gift from what i understand exhortation prophesy and evangelism are topics that can be preached in any church by women and there no restrictions outside of church as in home group type situations.This is one of those situations that we may not agree on scripture but we still are one in Christ and to God be all the glory.brentnz
Christians of all types are encouraged to «give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's,» to be like the widow, who gave her last two pennies and so received the praise of Jesus, and to follow the instructions of Paul to give generously and joyfully for the ministry of the church.
Niebuhr himself recognized the additional type in which culture controls the church, but used it only to state the problem of defining what the Christian alternatives ought to he.
An identity transformation of this type occurred among many Roman Catholics in the U.S. following Vatican II, and it may happen to the next generation of Protestants if lower levels of childhood involvement in the church result in a different interpretation of what it means to be a Christian and an «active church member.»
It may not be out of order here to make some comparisons as to the effectiveness in this field of three dominant types of American church life the Roman Catholic, the fundamentalist Protestant, and the liberal — mainly with a view to seeing what can be learned from types other than our own.
For what it's worth, Us broken types, some of us beaten down from years of church abuse, need you!
What I am seeking is a Christian man who can connect with all types of levels such as church,...
Great conversation ideas include common likes and dislikes, current events and what type of singles activities are available at your church.
«Church», I use that word with a measure of pause every time I type it as their religious standing in America is also questioned and for, what seems, very good reason.
Church treasurer seeks credit card for purchases — Nonprofits can benefit from well - managed credit cards, but what type of plastic would serve those type of organizations best?
Prior to the selection of Pope Francis, there was a great deal of discussion about what type of pope would the best choice as the church is running through some fairly turbulent times.
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